ForumsThe TavernDo you belive in ghosts??

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81 posts

hi lol i just wondering if any 1 actually belives in ghosts here...even better have u ever actually seen one??

  • 193 Replies
1,148 posts

Can you guys just face the fact that there are NO ghosts...
There are spirits(they can be bad or good).
This thread is just gonna make people spam, can't you just face the fact! that (there can be ghosts, spirits, the dead)?

Holy! Can't you just see Discovery Channel, you'll know more...
I Think this thread should be locked.

890 posts

Let's see here...

Ghosts can be;

Our Imagination

An Illusion

A Real Human Soul

A Demon

A Completely Seperate Species

Well I don't know if it is any of these or a combination, but I believe in ghosts. Not strongly, but I believe.

2,053 posts

I do believe in ghosts, yes. Think i've had a few encounters in my home. Mostly sounds though. Crashing, slamming doors, window tapping(theres no trees near my window), are what I have heard.

1,044 posts

I think you should be locked. Users are very annoying with this "I think it should be locked" stuff. Just leave it to the moderators ok? Thanks. Anyway I've contacted a demon before, is that better then saying I met one? Good? Ok.
I have ghosts in my house. They are nice though, and they close my door for me sometimes because they know I don't like it open. And they also turn my ipod off for me and such. They are nice, I like them.

1,148 posts

So your saying you friends with your ghosts?

Why can't you show it to Discovery Channel TV then, you'd be famous.

Not really...

1,044 posts

Did I say I was friends with ghosts? No, I didn't. Was I saying I was friends with ghosts? No I wasn't. I simply was saying not all ghosts are bad, and I gave an example of it too. Sarcasm is a tool of the weak you know.

Discovery Channel shows only show the extreme activities of ghosts. Some are just simple occurrences that are usually overlooked. But I remember when I went to my friends house. We were all watching a scary movie when the power went out and all the blinds on the windows were going up and down. We were so scared we all closed our eyes. I opened mine a few seconds later and the lights were back on, blinds all closed like before the occurrence, and the movie played this one scene over and over again. . .

245 posts

I not believe it but at Malaysia the popular ghost is vampire that call in Malay is "Puntianak".

1,702 posts

Heh, cool you mentioned it.
Me and my two crazy friends went into the bathroom today and did bloody Mary. Pretty scary because almost at the third saying, some kid peeing started saying Booo. Pretty funny but scary, was weird with the lights on.

2,269 posts


Some kid in the stall started shouting 'boo'? Ahaha, oh wait he was taking a leak, still funny though!

I remember when half my school used to go to the washrooms to scream 'bloody Mary', oh man.

20 posts

i just think of mary poppins or something when i think of bloody mary because it freaks me out. lol.

i dont really believe in ghosts but i think i'v seen/heard some before.... (im also getting freaked out reading you guys' stuff about ghosts.)

1: when i was little it was night time and my friend was over, we were playing with toys and when i looked in the bathroom at the window i saw the sillouet/shadow of a persons head and neck/shoulder area. i was sorta scared so i just closed the door. lol.

2: it was maybe about 1-2 years ago. i was going to bed and my closet was open a bit. there was this clear plastic bag on the top shelf area. and the light from the moon was shining on the bag and made the bag look like a head with eyes and the bag just had to be above a dark jacket. so it looked like a creepy dude with a white head and dark jacket staring at me.... i also had no idea what it really was so i was really freaked out. i just stared at it till i couldent take it anymore and i turned the lights on, went over to see what it was, moved the bag and jacket, and closed the closet.... i dont know if you would call that a ghost but it might have been one that was just using stuff in my room to creep me out or something.....

3: my bedroom door usualy slams closed by itself when my window is open and the wind makes it close. once my window wasent open and the door just slammed by itself...

4: once i think i heard my dead cats annoying meow while i was walking down the hallway in the morning.

5: maybe a few months ago i was sitting by my sis' window while she was playing a game and her speakers were by the window. suddenly this wolf howls in her game and i thought it actualy came from outside so it freaks my half to death. lol. then after that i look at her other window and the reflection in the window of the plant that was on her window sill looked like a wolf no matter how i looked at it... and that was freaking me out so i just left her room. lol. i dont know if you would call that a ghost either but it was still really creepy.....

6: my friend says hes seen a dark shadow close his room door.

7: my friend was probably just messing around but while he was at my house once at night he said he saw a dark spirit/shadow on the rocking chair so he was hitting the chair with a pillow....

8: one time a long time ago i looked outside at night and saw a black ball or something flying down the street. and no it wasent a tumble weed. it looked like a ball of darkness or a shadow.

9: sounded freaky once when dogs were howling outside. they also dident sound that normal....

im like a scaredy cat so i get freaked out/scared from just thinking about this stuff. especialy at night. lol

i also believe in the loch ness monster and the lake champlain monster. lol.

1,310 posts


There is no proof for it. Those ghost hunter shows just embarass themselves by practicing pseudo-science and pretending as if they're experts at something.

Debunking this tripe is as easy as rolling over in bed.

3,660 posts

I used to be scared of ''Ghosts'' when i was little i couldn't stay anywhere by myself and such.

Now I just don't believe in them, I think it's ridiculously stupid how people are afraid of ghosts even though I used to be too. Too many movies.. Also, all those urban legends scaring people, and more enough people who say they talk to ghosts or whisper, that just makes me mad.

I have never heard or seen a ghost in my life, I doubt I'll ever see one.

And there is no proof? Ghost hunter shows.. Have you noticed those are actors? xD

Anyways, in my opinion I don't believe in ghosts, I think it's really stupid. :P

486 posts

I believe in ghosts, I used to live in a really old house and saw a pale woman with white hair and white dress pass by the window while I was playing just outside. I also saw a pure black figure walk in the dark several times and found that there was no one there.
Also I'm not a stupid person because I don't just believe everything that I'm told, I need evidence.
Those ghost hunter shows on TV are really bad, they're obviously fake lol, and those psychos that pretend to be psychic and that they can communicate with ghosts rofl!

3,562 posts

They are nice though, and they close my door for me sometimes because they know I don't like it open. And they also turn my ipod off for me and such. They are nice, I like them.

First off, could be the wind or the equalizing of air pressures in different rooms.

The iPod, I believe has a built in function that turns off itself after a certain period of time. Because I fall alseep listening to music sometimes, and it is off (volume is turned to lowest setting on my iDock).
2,269 posts


In most of you cases you mind was playing tricks on you. What I mean is, you thought you saw a ghost in your closet, and the more you thought of it, the more you got scared. So in the end, you brain continues to play out the sequence of your eye;s making out all these shapes and sizes.

On the other hand, there are some stories in your post that freak me out, like the dark figuer on the rocking chair. But your friend began to hit it with a pillow? Brave much?

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