I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.
Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.
if weed was legalised millions of dollars would be taken out of drug cartels and other gangs, people would now know where they get there weed instead of it possibly being laced with addictive drugs. We could model our weed use like they have it in amsterdam you can only do it in cafe's or in permitted areas (you would have to get a licence to sell weed). Also the goverment could tax weed like they tax cigaretes so the goverment would get more money. and not everyone would be potheads that a ridicules assumption most people smoke because they see it as a sign of rebellion. I do not smoke nor do drugs but this would be a good idea.
Drinking Beer or any other type of alcohol is worse for you then smoking weed. Alcohol is also addictive and weed is non addictive. You probably think its bad from the american anti-smoking adds.
You don't have to smoke weed there are other ways e.g. vapourizer with stops you from taking in carcinogenic by products which are toxic which you would be taking in if smoking.
alcohol is addictive if you're an alcoholic. weed is addictive but not as much as other drugs
Weed is as addictive as chocolate milk, as long as you can control your self, then you won't become dependant on it, however this applys to alchohol with a lot of people have to drink due to addiction. I think it is down to education and how well the government can teach people about controlling there habbits if they make it illegal.
The reason a lot of people in their 40's still smoke is because they learned it from their parents who were unaware at the time that it was dangerous therefore the problem ended up being passed on until it was too late. This could happen with weed aswell.