ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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1,051 posts

I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
1,226 posts

[quote]art of the reason they banned Marijuana was because people would commit serious crime will they were high, ****, murder, theft, attempted murder, etc. All under the influence.
if commiting crimes under the influence of substances is a criterium for banning them, start with alcohol. and i do not want to know how many crimes are commited by drunk dudes[/quote]

Exactly, how many people die because drunk drivers? I've read online about people who've missed their wedding day because their bachelors party had a keg of beer and they passed out. Now imagine Weed, Under the influence of it while driving, at a bachelors party, etc.

Ps I'm trying something new here with the quotes.
126 posts

They really thinking of doing that in the netherlands, but its really wierd in here now
You can buy it but its not totaly legal, the shops that sell hte marijuana always got it illegal cuz there is no way to get it legal
IF this happends there should be a limit you can buy per dag (like 5 gramms)
Ok im 14 and i once took one (not pure) just to try it and i must say its awesome

755 posts

You can buy it but its not totaly legal, the shops that sell hte marijuana always got it illegal cuz there is no way to get it legal

marihuana has been legalized in the netherlands a good couple of years ago.
887 posts

Weed didn't have any bad effects on me* I didn't smoke it I drank it with some spices and inside it and I was fine. Results vary between people by the way. I don't condone getting it Illegally by the way. Amsterdam is a good place.

*I did not break the law doing this as I was in india and taking it for religous reasons .

310 posts

Part of the reason they banned Marijuana was because people would commit serious crime will they were high, ****, murder, theft, attempted murder, etc. All under the influence. The other reason why it was banned, I don't know.

Wow did you take that straight out of Reefer Madness. The kind of people who would commit those types of crimes while high on marijuana would probably be just as likely to commit them when they aren't high. It doesn't totally change a persons personality. This link was posted by Zophia awhile ago but I'm going to put it up again because you really need to read it DivineDarkness.

Anyway, if it were legal again, they'd have to have like, Marijuana dens, where you have to stay until you are not high anymore. Or else crime would sky rocket.

Actually if marijuana was legalized the crime rate would probably drop. If people could no longer be charged with a crime for possessing marijuana, possessing marijuana paraphernalia (pipes, bongs, etc.), selling marijuana, and growing marijuana those things could no longer contribute to that crime rate. Making marijuana legal would make the percentage of the crime rate caused by it dissappear. In California the crime rate has actually gone down since the legalization of medical marijuana (here's one article on it). Personally I feel that it should be legalized as a recreational drug not just for medical purposes. I've seen more drunk people do stupid, dangerous, and illegal things than people who were high on pot. When they tried to make alcohol illegal it just created another outlet for organized crime and a lot more criminals, that's all pot being illegal really seems to do. If the government legalized marijuana they could tax it like they do alcohol, they could put restrictions on it like they do with alcohol. People say marijuana is a "gateway drug" but so is alcohol, and booze is legal. Lots of people only want to try pot because it is illegal, they want to do something "dangerous" or forbidden, or they want to know what all the fuss is about.
395 posts

I like how what I said at the bottom of page 12 was completely ignored...

950 posts

No drugs in the work place accept on break... and only if that worker has a clean record. Otherwise, legalize it!

1,101 posts

Anyway, if it were legal again, they'd have to have like, Marijuana dens, where you have to stay until you are not high anymore. Or else crime would sky rocket

and it still amazes me how ignorant people can be on these forums... First off if u haven't smoked it, don't generalize about it. Second off, when ur high you don't feel like doing anything. You want to eat, sleep, and laugh. You litterally feel like you just dont wanna do anything but chill out and talk with buddies. If you honestly think ppl are going to rob a house high, you must be smoking some serious crack there buddy. In the 60's-80's why do you think there were so many hippies? Hippies only wanted peace because they just wanted everyone to get along and stop fighting and just chill because they were baked all the time.

310 posts

They shouldn't make it legal not for reasons that it may harm people, but it shows that when under pressure the government will crumble. I don't know if it has been legalized yet, but they can't give in to it. Becuase how long will it be before they're still in debt and they legalize heroin so they can tax it? Now that actually kills people from overdose and causes strong addiction.

You pointed out the main reason heroin shouldn't and wouldn't be legalized for recreational use, it kills people. There are opioid drugs that are legal however (heroin is made from morphine and morphine is made from opium poppys). Morphine is highly addictive but it is still commonly used as a perscription pain killer. I was given morphine after my appendix was removed. Here's an interesting article I found when I looked up opium, read it it's very informative. I guess my point with all this is that just because heroine is and will remain illegal and it should because it's extremely dangerous but there are other drugs that come from the same source that are legal even though they are just as addictive. Marijuana is not even close to being as dangerous as heroine and other opioids. Marijuana isn't even as dangerous as alcohol when it comes to the affects on peoples behavior.

No drugs in the work place accept on break...

I partically agree with that though I would say not even on break. Drugs shouldn't be in work places or schools and that is that.
137 posts

The world would be a much happier place indeed.

950 posts

I partically agree with that though I would say not even on break. Drugs shouldn't be in work places or schools and that is that.

Even if that person has a clean record as I said? Surely not everyone who does weed is going to be a junkie some day because they went outside for break to have a quick joint.

Public schools should be a weed free zone!
1,287 posts


Well...let's get this started, I am hugely FOR the Legalization of Marijuana, and I'm just going to start throwing reasons why at you. And by the way, I realize there are many more people opposed to legalization in the United States and this community is predominately american, but in Canada it is much closer to happening and we have been on the verge of legalizing multiple times.

Wastes of resources to fight marijuana use. Ever 30 minutes there is an alcohol related death. Because of cigarettes, 35 million people are living with chronin lung disease and 342,000 people die from it each year. These numbers dont even include the number of people dying from cancer!

Most of the health problems from using marijuana can be eliminated using a vaporizer, which removes the method of usage (smoking) that causes most of the health problems related to the drug.

Legalization and taxing of marijuana could lead to $10-$14 billion dollars a year in revenue.

Now what about lowering crime rates? You know, becuase the police would be able to focus on something important. Oh yeah, that would be nice.

Well in 1999, 60,000 people were behind bars for marijuana use. Costing $1.2 billion in your taxes.

There are more arrests made for marijuana than for assault, rape, robbery,and murder combined.

A state-commisioned drug advisory group in New Mexico supported legalization of marijuana because it would save millions of dollars and free up exhausted resources.

What does that say? Well...only that marijuana has no association with Lung Cancer, and has shown signs of having a protective affect AGAINST it.

No one in the United Kingdom has ever had an overdose of Marijuana.

Marijuana use does NOT increase with the lifting of prohibiton, no matter what anyone says.

Escalating use of Marijuana over time is only shown by 6% of people in that study.

Oh and finally the Gateway Drug Theory. Idiocy! Alcohol is labeled as a gateway drug. Yet the number of people who drink is significantly higher than the number that use heroine.

Just because on event follows another doesn not mean they are linked by any causality. Otherwise my tripping on a crack would be a drirect cause of the breaking of my mother's back.

[/Rant] will anyone bother to read it?

Sorry if it seems a little haphazard...I sort of went off...

1,251 posts

I think it should be legalized.
Here are my reasons.

1.) People are going to smoke it anyway! Better off making it part of the economy. Plus if it's legal the government can make sure that it's sold in non lethal quantities and qualities.

2.) Marijuana is actually less harmful than alcohol. It's a proven study, look it up.

950 posts

Legalization and taxing of marijuana could lead to $10-$14 billion dollars a year in revenue.
Now what about lowering crime rates? You know, becuase the police would be able to focus on something important. Oh yeah, that would be nice.

The socialist agrees 100%!!!!!
755 posts

People are going to smoke it anyway! Better off making it part of the economy

so we should also legalize heroin and cocaine. it brings more money than weed. and while we are at legalizing things only because they will happen and bring money, how about car stealing or paid hitman. if these people could legally do their jobs it would help the economy
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