ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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1,051 posts

I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
356 posts

I haven't gone through and read this whole thread but let me say a few things.

1. It could be a reasonable boon to local economies if marijuana was legalized.

2. The biggest black market in the world is comprised of networks of people dealing cigarettes. Cigarettes are obviously legal, it makes me wonder, if marijuana was legalized, would you have to have a license to sell it? If so, would this, in conjunction with taxes, increase the price to levels that would make the street market even more viable?

3. Marijuana was a gateway drug for me. I don't do drugs anymore, but, I know that smoking pot for the first time definitely changed my perspectives on drugs in general. I realize that not everyone would move on to harder drugs after smoking weed, but, I believe that it is possible that ones propensity to try other drugs may be increased by smoking weed.

4. There are a few countries in the world that have legalized all drugs and their addiction rates have decreased is confusing.

I can't say I'm for or against it. In many respects marijuana seems far more harmless than cigarettes or alcohol. In others it seems that legalizing it may be pointless as it would fuel the street market that already exists. It is complicated...*sigh*

332 posts

I'm completely for it. From what I've seen, all that seems to be standing in its way is a government smear campaign, yet much more harmful substances are legal are regularly used. Drace's post pretty much covered it, and I liked the part about Alcohol being so much more deadly. Its true, killing the people who drink it through liver disease, and killing people around those who drink it due to its effects. Its still legal because the Government doesn't know how to do anything about it. Marijuana is much, much less dangerous, and is proven to be beneficial for medical purposes. I know some people think of it as a gateway drug, but its much more of a gateway drug while its illegal. Legalizing it takes it out of the league of heavier drugs, which it pretty much is out of right now. Some restrictions may still need to be applied if it was legalized, but I can't see much use for them other than to reassure the public. I'm all for its legalization, and it would be a major boost to the economy, only thing is politicians are too afraid to do anything about it due to the anti-drug zealots, who really should be focusing their efforts on more harmful substances. Politicians are too afraid to do anything because they're always worried about the next re-election...if votes weren't made public, the government might actually be able to get something done now and then....

16 posts

Yes we should legalize it, probably we should also legalize even the 'bad' drugs, after all it will cut down on crime (Most gangs, etc. are run off of drug money).

Second of all, making them illegal doesn't stop people from getting them, but it does preventing them from getting help for their addiction.

1,287 posts

I'm completely for it. From what I've seen, all that seems to be standing in its way is a government smear campaign, yet much more harmful substances are legal are regularly used

IN conclusion the DEA=evil. I mean c'mon, an international drug enforcement agency? The issue is different in every nation. And The U.S is constantly putting barriers in the way of Canadian legalization because if we did it, hell, they wouldn't be able to protect themselves anymore. And they would ahve to get rid of the world's longest unprotected border, etc.

The DEA got Canadian RCMP to arrest Canadian politician, creator of PotTV, Cannabis Culture magazine editor, and....marijuana seed seller Marc Emery on their charges.

Well guess what? It's different up here, now he's likely to spend years in jail...
74 posts

Think about It: ALCHOL has already destroyed coutless lives (I dont have statistics and sources right now but maybe post new thread later) and most people do not realize that it is a DRUG. As a matter of fact, Billions of dollors have been wasted on it, accidents in the thousands every year, many other terrible things, what would happen to America if other drugs were also legalized?


1,287 posts

So if one legal drug is horrible, we shouldn't make anymore drugs legal?

Well there goes your pharmaceutical industry.

what would happen to America if other drugs were also legalized?

A LOT less than you think.
259 posts

Legals things like cigarettes can be more dangerous than drugs like weed. Even if drugs did really mess you up badly, why shouldn't I have the choice of what I put into my body? You see what weed does, is that it messes with your mind, so when the government says weed isn't allowed, the government is saying, 'We Control Your Mind'

66 posts

I have no problem with Marijuana being legalized. Marijuana is not bad for you, it by itself will not kill you. In the past year, there have been a grand total of zero deaths caused by Marijuana. There have been Marijuana related deaths, things like drug deals and such. Marijuana is actually better for you than a cigarette.

The average death rate of Americans caused by tobacco, is over four hundred forty-three thousand. In the entire world, over five million.

If Marijuana was legalized, there would be no drug deals and things like that, which equals no deaths. Some of you say tons of people would smoke, get addicted, etc. You're wrong. The numbers will increase, sure. Nothing to stop the ones to scared to break the law. However, there are still the ones that refuse to smoke at all. It would be just like cigarettes, except with less deaths.

8,051 posts

it by itself will notkill you. In the past year, there have been a grand total of zerodeaths caused by Marijuana. There have been Marijuana relateddeaths,

cars will not kill you. only car related deaths will.

The average death rate of Americans caused by tobacco, is over four hundred forty-three thousand. In the entire world, over five million

tabacco doesn't justify marijuana.

If Marijuana was legalized, there would be no drug deals and things like that, which equals no deaths.

there is more than 1 illegal drug

too many psychological impairments caused by marijuana
8,051 posts

-_- the lil things get to me

cars will not kill you. only car related deaths will.

a car will not kill you, only a car related death will.

still sounds wrong

1,287 posts



too many psychological impairments caused by marijuana

*sigh* There's no way to get around them, one of the few negatives that aren't lies. And a big barrier. But it can be overcome with apathy
1,287 posts

You people always use that argument. What ****ing psychological impairments? There are none. That whole theory came from a propaganda movie that said marijuana makes white woman want to have sex with blacks. Smoking pot doesn't make you crazy. If you knew ****, you would know that it actually helps people with bipolar disorder. It doesn't make you go bat**** insane and try to kill people with a bat.

Usually I agree with you but this time you're wrong.

What ****ing psychological impairments? There are none. That whole theory came from a propaganda movie that said marijuana makes white woman want to have sex with blacks.

Not what we're talking about, that isn't psycholgical impairment. I'm posting this quickly so no links but Graham is right on this one

If you knew ****, you would know that it actually helps people with bipolar disorder


It doesn't make you go bat**** insane and try to kill people with a bat.

Once again, not what we're talking about. That isn't psychological impairment.
70 posts

The government simply has no business telling you what you can or can't put into your body.

996 posts

the fact of the matter is, Marijuana has lots and lots of pluses, and very few minuses.

we can help billions of people with weed, and none of them will have deaths related to Marijuana.

I'd like to point out: in some European countries, even narcotics are legalized, such as meth, coke, etc. if someone is caught with it in, say, Portugal, they are not punished with a sentence or fee. they simply take a class on the good and bad sides of narcotics. in the countries which legalize narcotics with this system, narcotic use is actually lower than that of the countries who have not legalized narcotics.

interesting isn't it? i could probably find the NPR (radio station) thing on it if you need a source.

105 posts

Just because hippies liked it doesn't mean its good for you... causes everything smoking cigs does... just it makes you high... bad idea to legalize it... though on the other hand if you legalize it it creates a reverse psychologic entity, causing them to not want it because it isn't illegal or because they smoke too much and get sick and everything... their faults...

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