ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
5,043 posts

I am dissapointed that hardly anybody saying that weed should be illegal posted any arguements against my statement.

sure there are some + and - for legalization of weed........
+ a little money to the government
+ People can anything freely not being afraid of cops or something...
+ Fun to watch people blazin
- Intelectual level decreasing
- more addicts
- chaos in the society

You could not be any more wrong!

*Legalizing weed would save the government billions of dollars
*Almost all crimes involving weed involves the drug dealers so they can sell or smuggle the weed. I have NEVER heard of anybody commiting a crime, let alone get in major trouble with the cops by challenging them, while they were high
*Fun to watch people blazing? No Comment.

^Weed does not decrease your intellect! There is no proof what so ever and whoever told you that did not gain that information from a legit source. Even though it has been proven that weed is safer than cigarettes in every way possible, many people still accept cigarettes over weed! These are the types of people who say weed makes you dumb because it doesn't.

There is however short term memory loss, but that only acures while a person is high. Drinking is acceptable and drunk people suffer more memory loss and other negative effects than people high on weed.

^Cafiene is more addictive than weed! It is a proven fact! Though it is addicting to some degree, remember that cigs are more addicting than weed and more harmfull yet they are legal! So even if weed was more addicting than cigs, I would much rather have someone addicted to the not-so-bad for your health weed than them cigarettes.
-Chaos? The country would not fall to chaos. You are so horribly wrong about the country falling to chaos that its almost funny. It would not be quite as wrong if you were specific about what kinds of chaos would arive if weed was legalized. Of course, everything you said so far was wrong, or to be more precise, lacked any evidence what so ever.
5,043 posts

Also, we would not have to pay more taxes. We would have to pay less taxes! Yes, weed would be taxed. That does not mean we will be taxed more! I mean, for Christ sakes, I can start selling paper or pencles or boxes of a new brand and they would be taxed. Every single product sold is taxed. So obviously weed would have a tax, just like anything else that would be/is sold.

If weed was legalized, people who don't smoke weed would be taxed less money.

FYI, higher taxes can also increase the economy. Taxes are not always a bad thing and a country can have a terrible economy with low/no taxes as well.

9,821 posts

*applauds NoName*
He's exactly right. There is no reason to keep pot illegal except for a bunch of 75-year-old, old-way politicians who still believe in all of that racist taboo that got pot criminalized in the first place.
Also, NoName, it isn't an argument, it's just a gross denial of fact by the uninformed. . . .

338 posts

I think its funny how the people of say legalization of cannabis is a bad thing have NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. On the other hand people who say legalization of cannabis isnât a bad thing or thats it is a good thing have paragraphs and paragraphs of information.

5,579 posts

Steroidal antinflammatories cause weight gain, and make it difficult to lose weight. Marijuana doesn't.

Actually, due to the fact it makes you very hungry and makes you eat more, weed inderectly makes you gain weight.
5,043 posts

If people smoke one joint a day for one week and weeks later they smoke three because of a tollerance they built up, then what would be the harm? They built the tollerance, therefor it would not be wrong for them to smoke more as long as they can handle it.

If the government started selling weed, the money spent on weed would go to farmers instead of drug dealers and the government instead of drug dealers. Though weed would be taxed, all the money is going to the government. I dont know why everyone is acting like that is a bad thing, but money to the government is a good thing because it decreases taxes.

I don't know how many more or less car accidents will happen, but it is true that we will possibly have more people driving high. If someone is driving high though, then a cop can pull them over and give them a DUI. In all reality though, there would not be as many accidents as what people think.

Weed is also a gateway drug only because they buy their weed from drug dealers who talk them into buying stronger stuff. The sollution? We either ask the drug dealers to stop selling weed and high risk drugs (Which I doubt would work, but you can always try) or you can make weed legal and sell it over the counter were there are no high risk drugs other than pills and even then we have the person behind the counter who would NOT talk the buyer into buying high risk drugs.

Please remember that cafeine is ranked higher than cannabis when it comes to addiction. So are cigs. Cigs are worse than weed which means that if weed is legalized, it can't get any worse than however many smokers we have. In fact, many smokers would stop smoking cigs and start smoking weed which is healthier and less addictive.

You act like people will grow addicted to weed and cause riots or become bumbs. This is not true. Though you may see a few bumb weed smokers, you see just as many, if not more, bumbs who are alcoholics and people who spend their last penny on cigs.

9,821 posts

Making Mary Jane legal is like not setting an alcohol limit at the super bowl. There would be more car crashes, more injuries, more deaths. Then the US will be hooked just like we are with gas. There is a tolerance you have with drugs, just like cigarettes. When you smoke one joint a day, two weeks later you'll be smoking three. Other countries that look up on us (THERE ARE SOME) will look down on us in regret. We don't wanna lose our reputation. I bet some countries would stop trading with us for fear of us damaging their goods or basically selling it more to people in there country. Of course most of that was a rhetorical theory but it is very likely. It is a gateway drug and by the time a kid is 16, whether there is an age limit or not, they will mostly likely be hooked and looking for a bigger and better drug. There probably be more stealing too. If legalizing it is just to pay off our debts it will hurt us in the long run.

You do realize that actually, a good deal of the people who smoke pot don't want to go to anything less? Some even consider it an insult. Why don't you do some actual research next time, instead of just vomiting out the crap that's been forced into you by Fox News.
9,821 posts

Recently, scientists in Italy have discovered more about the mechanisms that make marijuana users hungry, as well as what makes humans hungry in general.

The operative molecules are called endocannabinoids, and they have receptors in the brain that, when activated, increase the appetite of the subject.

The researchers� results, published in last week�s scientific journal Nature, have potential uses for dieting programs and medications.

"There is tremendous interest in marijuana because of some of the unique physiological effects it has," UW biochemistry professor Dr. T.F. Martin said. "It has been useful in pain killing, glaucoma treatment, etc. and in all of this, it is possible that an appetite-suppressing drug may be found, which is a billion-dollar-a-year industry."

To decipher the effects of endocannabinoids, the researchers genetically altered mice, removing the endocannabinoid receptors in their brains.

Once they had created these "knockout mice" and monitored them, they found that the mice ate less than the control mice.

To further study the effects of endocannabinoids, the researchers also gave ordinary mice a drug that blocked endocannabinoids from acting on the receptors in the brain. These mice also ate less than the control group.

"Marijuana produces a multitude of effects � euphoria, analgesia, etc.," Martin said. "It is believed that the majority of these are produced because delta-nine-tetrahydrocannabino l in marijuana can bind to CB1 receptors in the nervous system and mimic endogenous cannabinoids."

The study also hypothesizes that endocannabinoids are part of the complex neural circuitry controlled by a hormone called leptin, which tells the brain when it is time to lose weight.

"These findings indicate that endocannabinoids in the hypothalamus may tonically activate CB1 receptors to maintain food intake and form part of the neural circuitry regulated by leptin," the study said.

Even though the researchers know what hormone to control to encourage weight loss, it would be difficult to develop a drug based on cannabinoids alone.

"The endocannabinoid receptors such as CB1 are very widespread in the central nervous system," Martin said. "Cannabinoids have effects on memory, cognition, coordination, mood, pain sensation, sleep and appetite.

Since these effects seem to be mediated largely by a common receptor, using a drug to block this receptor may have many consequences." Martin said.

hey TSL, why don't you look at actual studies instead of idiotic old wives' tales?
359 posts

Mmmhm thought i'd toss in my view..

Pros an Cons of making miss mary j legal.

- Multitudes of tax dollars given to help out the economy
- Get drug dealers off the streets
- Help our agriculture industry by allowing them to plant weed

- More dangerous drivers possibly
- Less job productivity an lower high school test scores (Why come to school..or study or get a job when you could smoke some hash?)
- If we do get the drug deals to stop dealing weed wont they just turn to a diffrent drug to make profit off of? Or just alltogether extremely lower the price of their weed then that of the stores?

Idk...think about it you want people serving your food at resterants..mechcanics an doctors/surgons smoking weed at their lunch break...what if our president smoked weed at the office?

Anyways all things considerd I hope they do legalise it.
- Higher chance of hardworking people(not people who blaze up all week long) getting accepted into a college or getting a sought after job postion.

AKA -> Me

588 posts

Well koolface, weed is said to cure many pains, in many cases it actually increases concentration

359 posts

Well koolface, weed is said to cure many pains, in many cases it actually increases concentration

Haha..I remember playing this game where you build an govern your own nation..Haha I legalised weed an Job productivity went down from like 90% of all people had a job to 40%

9,821 posts

(Why come to school..or study or get a job when you could smoke some hash?)

So you can get money to buy more.
If we do get the drug deals to stop dealing weed wont they just turn to a diffrent drug to make profit off of? Or just alltogether extremely lower the price of their weed then that of the stores?

No, because a good deal of cartels would lose all business and collapse.
Idk...think about it you want people serving your food at resterants..mechcanics an doctors/surgons smoking weed at their lunch break...what if our president smoked weed at the office?

Same concept as stepping out during your lunch break and having a cig.
Koolface, most of your arguments come down to arbitrary what-ifs that are unlikely anyway.
359 posts

(Why come to school..or study or get a job when you could smoke some hash?)
So you can get money to buy more.

Niiiice.. That should be a bumper sticker or like someones quote the post under their name every time lol

No, because a good deal of cartels would lose all business and collapse.

Wouldn't the cartels just take over the weed dealers territory or hire them to ship their drug? Its basic business??

Same concept as stepping out during your lunch break and having a cig.

Accept cigs down slowdown the mind as affect you actions as much..

Koolface, most of your arguments come down to arbitrary what-ifs that are unlikely anyway

Hahaha, what do you mean man?! lol sounds to me like your just tryin to spit out a few big words an scramble them together to make a point.

Also, my turn to ask you a question..

Sooo two part question. (Lets see if you'll accually answer these or jsut sidestep the question..)

1- Do you smoke weed? If so how old are you?
2- annnnd So your ok with having a doctor perform a heart surgry on you right after he lit up 2 joints on his lunch break?
9,821 posts

1. No, I'm twelve years old for God's sakes.
2. That would be a criminal offense. But so would drinking a few beers before surgery.

Hahaha, what do you mean man?! lol sounds to me like your just tryin to spit out a few big words an scramble them together to make a point.

Arbitrary is 5th grade vocab, dude. Anyway, business under the shadow of the law is different. It would probably take a while to switch gears to another drug. That and, they would lose their clientele.
152 posts

I say that smoking and Marijuana should be illegal. they both kill. Marijuana should only be used by patients at a hospital when it is nescessary. Unfortunately, people abuse this and end up smoking weed.

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