ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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1,051 posts

I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
3,826 posts

But what happens when the marijuana doesn't fulfill the need to reach the perfect high? If its legal, people will still use it for that purpose. And once they do, when their judgment is impaired by the lust for that unjust high, they will do things they would have before. They will go farther into the drug line.

The point I'm making here is that if you buy marijuana legally, then you still don't know any drug dealers. People will have to actively seek out illegal drug dealers if they want to try more hardcore drugs. If you smoke weed illegally now, then it's easier for you to make a jump to more dangerous drugs because you already have connections. But if you're just buying your pot over the counter, you have no more access to these hardcore drugs than anyone else.
Now maybe the point you're arguing is that smoking weed makes you want to try new drugs, but this is not the case. There is no evidence to support a claim such as this, and government funded studies indicate it is not the case at all.
1,523 posts

Now maybe the point you're arguing is that smoking weed makes you want to try new drugs, but this is not the case. There is no evidence to support a claim such as this, and government funded studies indicate it is not the case at all.

Agreed. The idea is that in it's current illegal status, marijuana is merely a gateway drug because it is probably used in a similar atmosphere and situations that other illicit drugs are generally used. Meaning that if someone is trying one thing illegal, they'll be exposed to something else illegal.

I find Moe's idea to be very valid. However, the United States is a long, long ways from legalization of marijuana, and President Obama has made it quite clear that he has no intention of legalizing the drug. At the same time, however, he will not impede on a state's right to decide.

Within the last month or so I had heard of a piece of legislation that concerns decriminalization of marijuana, meaning that it will no longer be illegal, but at the same time it is not government sanctioned. Passing this legislation would help cops and other law enforcement officials focus more of their time on other things, as well as save billions of dollars which go into finding, tracking, and processing offenders.
617 posts

On the subject of drugs(medicinal ones), would you rather... Live in a world with no Anesthesia...or...a world with no antiseptic?

9 posts

Dont Do it man Do not Legalize marijuana it makes people lose their mind.... NO NO NO NO NO!!!!

5,043 posts

Do you know why people are killed because they are involved with smuggling and dealing marijuana? A lot of people tend to believe that people are killed over marijuana because it is that addicting. I strongly dissagree. My theory is that people are killed over marijuana not because marijuana is addicting but because marijuana is big business and hard to get! If weed was legalized, not only would prices for marijuana decrease, dealers would be forced to decrease their prices deasticly or to stop selling weed all together. Because most people would rather buy drugs at a higher price legally than illegally, legalizing weed would fix this issue.

Click Here for more detailed reasons why prohibiting drugs is only causing more problems.

Prohibiting alcohol did not work, and alcohol is more dangerous than weed! Prohibiting weed is not working, why not legalize it? We are failing to learn from history, and we are repeating it.

How many people a year die from being involved in selling or smuggling weed? I have no idea because I can not find the answer but I know that there are at least a few thousands.

How many deaths a year are cause by smoking weed? So far, I heard a friend talk about how they got a friend's pet snake high and it died, and I heard about a bunch of lab monkeys who died when they smoked weed. One sidenote about the monkey deaths though, they died because they were suffocated by the smoke that were being forced into them by large amounts at a time. But back to the original question...

How many humans have been recorded to have died from using marijuana? So far, there are 0 deaths directly related to using marijuana.

Click Here for death numbers.

I have been searching on google "how many people die from marijuana" and other variations of the same question. Though many things on the internet are not necisarily true, I still find it fasinating how most of the sites I keep finding talk about marijuana and how safe it really is! One example of such a site is here.

You don't have to be a weed smoker to support the legalization of marijuana. It's sad to say, but most people want the laws to be based off of their own morals and most people don't smoke marijuana. Thus they believe (jsut because they themselves don't do it) that weed should remain illegal. It's this kind of thinking that is driving America into deeper debts.

9,821 posts

Drugs are bad. Period. End of story. Now then, who wants some ice cream? It's "Express". JK

You don't know a single thing about cannabis. Marijuana has significant medical value; it has been proven by (European) scientists that it is the most effective type of NSAID, which is great. Steroidal antinflammatories cause weight gain, and make it difficult to lose weight. Marijuana doesn't.
I agree mostly with NoName. My dad went to college in a place where pot was decriminalized (you could be arested and jailed if you were walking down the street, drinking a beer, but the max fine for public pot-smoking was 5 dollars.) and he thinks it should be legalized because it doesn't pose any real threat to a person, and the government will get loads of tax money without increasing anyone's taxes. Marijuana is many times safer than alcohol. It is just because of the short-sighted, legalitarian taboo around it that it hasn't been legalized already.
Also, the gateway drug thing is stupid. Pot works so differently than most drugs, because it doesn't mimic vital brain chemicals like nicotine and cocaine do. Any addiction to pot is mental and stopping will not cause withdrawal. Addiction to nicotine is physical, and because it mimics a hormone that controls pain, stopping will leave you with none of that chemical. The brain would think that it d0oesn't need to produce that chemical anymore, so if you stop, then the brain won't start. This causes extreme pain at the smallest bump, whereas no such thing happens with marijuana. So really, all of the legalized drugs are much more dangerous than marijuana. That causes another FDA prolonged *phail.*
4,682 posts

ok my dad told me pot doesnt kill u overtime, is that true?

9,821 posts

No, pot won't kill you over time. If you smoke it too often, then you might get lung cancer, but the risk is even less than nicotine because there aren't big pot companies putting thousands of harmful chemicals into the pot.

1,051 posts

Tax is the last thing we need to be increased. With our struggling economy the average American man giving even more money to the government so they can give it to those who don't even bother to work? Yeah, that's called socialism, look it up.

If you don't smoke marijuana it shouldn't be a problem. Secondly, it would still be cheaper than illegal marijuana even after the tax, since people who sell marijuana bump up the price since it is hard to obtain.
9,821 posts

that's called socialism

Phail. Socialism is just a government ruled by the proletariat, and doesn't even necessarily include spreading the wealth. In fact, a good deal of those people don't work because they can't get a job. You can't just decide to work, you have to apply for something. And there is a chance that your application will be rejected.
786 posts

Wow... thats what we need America some more lazy people that drop out of college...

912 posts

no no no not a good idea it should stay illegal and if it raises tax money thats not good for us and there is already problems of drugs at my school if it becomes legal everyone will be addicted and we will be the weakest country ever.

9,821 posts

no no no not a good idea it should stay illegal and if it raises tax money thats not good for us and there is already problems of drugs at my school if it becomes legal everyone will be addicted and we will be the weakest country ever.

Where should I start. . .hmmmmmmmmm. . .oh yeah. First, it won't increase our taxes, the government will just get more tax money from the people who would buy the pot. Second, there would be an age cap like there is on alcohol and tobacco, and third, marijuana isn't addictive.
57 posts

sure there are some + and - for legalization of weed........
+ a little money to the government
+ People can anything freely not being afraid of cops or something...
+ Fun to watch people blazin

- Intelectual level decreasing
- more addicts
- chaos in the society

Maybe weed shouldnt be legalized, but not rejected completely...
There should be some cafes just like in Amsterdam where you can smoke weed legally...

But anyways underground dealers are not so bad also

9,821 posts

chaos in the society

a little money to the government

Billions of dollars.
more addicts

in medical terms, marijuana is not addicting.
Showing 16-30 of 794