ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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1,051 posts

I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
1,044 posts

Even if pot was legalized, we wouldn't be able to tax it due to it's selling and stuff underground.

84 posts

The people who would be total pot heads if marijuana was legalized, already are. If you make something illegal, people get some type of thrill just by committing the act. I can think of many minors who smoke pot all the time, making it illegal has done nothing. Legalizing it would enable it to be used for medical purposes, and hopefully deter those who want to get a thrill from illegal doings. Those other people are already hooked, and always will be (only a minority have the will power to quit).

3,562 posts

Even if pot was legalized, we wouldn't be able to tax it due to it's selling and stuff underground.

no... by legalizing it, people will have no need to buy it underground, which is why many people don't sell cigarettes on the black market. The only reason why people go and buy them in the black market is because it is illegal and nobody would therefore carry them in stores.
1,101 posts

Those other people are already hooked, and always will be (only a minority have the will power to quit).

k first off, its impossible to get addicted lol... coming from someone who did it for a year straight, and just stopped... There is no addicting chemicals in pot ffs... Its not like cigarettes, doesn't contain nicotin.... It is a plant, which contains THC crystals, which when you burn makes you feel happy, makes u laugh, and makes you hungry/thirsty...

If governments made this legal, it would help for medicinal purposes, as well as allow good grow-op places... Instead of them all being around in houses... Governments won't have to put tax directly on the weed itself, but instead put tax on pipes, and bongs... That way they will be making tons of money, cuz good pipes and bongs can cost quite a bit

1,101 posts

And did you know that tobacco pretty much WILL kill you if you smoke often.
While now you know...

ffs sry for dbl post but pot can't kill you lol... It is impossible... In order for it to actually kill you, you have to smoke double your body weight within half an hour time... So for most of us thats 360 pounds. I'm not sure who has the money for that, and who has the lung power for that... It is impossible because you can't OD from it.. You can only get high to a certain point, then everything else doesn't affect you... I'm telling you this as someone who has smoked, not someone who hasn't and probably never will...
BTW if you think the person is dead (lol), he isn't. He is just probably sleeping and will wake up within half an hour and eat everything around him...

If you can personally, or link a site to someone dying from an OD of marijuana plz write it down... (and none of the bull that someone was shot for a drug deal or anything... im strictly talking about OD'ing on it)

1,720 posts

dude, are you a drug dealer or somethin?

4 posts

The legalization of Marijuana would help a lot of things. 1.) it would end the drug war. People wouldn't be killing to smuggle weed if you can just export it legally. 2.) it wouldn't make people look down on us. look at the European countries. Are they in turmoil? not so much. 3.) it would be regulated, making it more watched. sure it can addict kids and kill, but we have cigerettes and beer that do that already, now don't we? 4.) The laws are bogus. they were originally put in place to discriminate against afro-americans and mexicans, and we aren't like that anymore (i.e. Barack Obama)
If you have any counter-examples, pm me and I'll be happy to teach you about marijuana, gods miracle herb.

9,434 posts

and kill,
Not in itself. Maybe as a consequence of lack of attention to surroundings, but not just from consuming/smoking it.

Also, it is a lot better for the environment to produce paper from hemp than from trees. It grows much faster and is easier to refine.
890 posts

Also, it is a lot better for the environment to produce paper from hemp than from trees. It grows much faster and is easier to refine.

Maybe the paper industry is too lazy to switch to hemp or they think they will lose customers if their customers know that they made their paper from hemp(They probably will though).
7 posts

I think this is stupid.

I used to do weed and I know what it can do.

I don't want America to become a druggy nation!!

671 posts

I have never touched choof but I have lots of shady friends. To whoever thinks you can die from it in theory the nly realistic way for a person to die would be a room packed with people with all the doors and windows closed and everybody smokes and smokes and smokes until they all pass out (and by smokes and smokes and smokes I mean even beyond what somebody realistically can without falling asleep) and then they breathe it in all night long. But other than that nearly impossible event anyway, I can't see how it could happen.

The main issue for me is that in large enough quantities it's a halucinagen. And also it causes many mental issues for specific people.

566 posts

The main issue for me is that in large enough quantities it's a halucinagen. And also it causes many mental issues for specific people.

More-or-less agreed. However, this would actually make legalization something we should want - information could (and should) be given out, rather than buying something from someone shady.
874 posts

Everyone would be addicted in 20 years...

[sarcasm] Because weed is addictive. [/sarcasm]

Actually, it would help get many people out of the prison system.

Just gonna say: Drug dealers are people too. If pot was legal, they'd sell it in gas stations and whatnot, putting drug dealers out of work. People don't sell pot for fun, they do it because they're desperate.

Riiight. In my experience, pot dealers are extremely nice and laid back. Not desperate. Most do fine for themselves.

Also, I'd still buy from my dealer occasionally is pot was legal, just because he's a badass guy. Most are, because most sample the product.

And it would fix the economy. All you would have to do is put a 21+ rule on it, like alcohol.
6,800 posts

what most people mean by that pot can kill you, is not the actual pot, but the actions taken do to the pot/meth/etc.

ive seen a video of a guy high on crack almost killing hisself by driving 120 mph in a 25 mph zone.

pot cant kill you, but it can make you do some stupid, if not deadly, choices.

5,579 posts

what most people mean by that pot can kill you, is not the actual pot, but the actions taken do to the pot/meth/etc.

ive seen a video of a guy high on crack almost killing hisself by driving 120 mph in a 25 mph zone.

Comparing pot to meth or crack is like comparing a Model T to a Lambo. Point is pot is not the drug that kills people. Especially medicinal stuff. Pot, if used responsibly, can be good. Like everything, it's ok in moderation.
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