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131 posts

Today in my church we learned about sins that is around sex. what do you think about it

  • 118 Replies
565 posts

In God's eyes I meant as in what God sees not people. True it might hurt others more to lie about them than thinking lustfully or something it's still a sin and the same to God they both hurt him.

1,532 posts

Hmm this is in the 6th commandment...and thats kind of a big one so...

1,455 posts

In God's eyes I meant as in what God sees not people. True it might hurt others more to lie about them than thinking lustfully or something it's still a sin and the same to God they both hurt him.

Yeah, I understand. I just mean maybe one who kills someone is looked at differently than one who missed mass, because he also sinned in hurting someone else and his own soul. But yeah, all sins hurt God.
Hmm this is in the 6th commandment...and thats kind of a big one so...

That's amazing, most people seem to forget that.
1,532 posts

Certainly they most people not fear god? The commandments were set for a reason, not to be toyed with and spat on

Matthew 24:44(NASB)

44 "For this reason you be ready too; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will."

Matthew 25:13(NASB)

32 "And all the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats;

Matthew 25:32

Quotes about judgement day. I truly feel remorse for people who dont believe =(

3,826 posts

Aw, sad. This turned into a religious thing...
I'd like to redirect the discussion, though. There are 2 main reasons to abstain from sex until marriage: religious reasons, and avoiding STDs/pregnancy.
The religious argument only works for those who are religious - and then only a few of those! We should focus more on social and health issues surrounding sex and if abstinence can solve these problems.
One of the arguments I would like to present is that sex in an incredibly important part of any relationship. That being said, bad sex can make for a bad relationship. And what could be worse than two virgins trying to figure out on their wedding night what goes where?!
Now, I realize the scenario is really that bad, but at the end of the day you'd like to know if you're sexually compatible with someone just as much as you'd like to know your emotional compatibility. Perhaps abstinence might contribute to a higher divorce rate?

1,455 posts

Me too, Somers.

1,455 posts

Now, I realize the scenario is really that bad, but at the end of the day you'd like to know if you're sexually compatible with someone just as much as you'd like to know your emotional compatibility. Perhaps abstinence might contribute to a higher divorce rate?

I'd like to say that perhaps fornication might contribute to a higher divorce rate. Some women who want to get married early may purposely get pregnant to trap their boyfriends. Also, being sexually compatible is FAR less important than being emotionally compatible. Basic animalistic instinct is to get laid first and ask questions never. Aren't we above animals?
I'm not saying you were ignoring emotional compatibility (I know you weren't), but a lot of people would seek to ignore this with the more sex they have. If the sex is good, it may prevent them from seeing each other for who they really are.
And what could be worse than two virgins trying to figure out on their wedding night what goes where?!

Two non-virgins trying to figure out on their wedding night why they got married for sex. Not all relationships are like that, but just saying...
I think sex is far less important in a healthy relationship, and waiting, even if not till the very end, but at least waiting until you are committed to that person, can make it that much better.
1,455 posts

And what could be worse than two virgins trying to figure out on their wedding night what goes where?!

If someone really doesn't know what goes where... I don't know... that person needs to have a little talk with their parents...
3,826 posts

You have a good point. I guess it's really what's important to the person, and I never really considered that sex wouldn't be an integral part of a relationship. It is for me, but certainly doesn't have to be for anyone. So I guess my argument doesn't work for the same reason as the religious one - it only applies to people who already agree with me!
I could probably give an argument for the desire-driven mechanisms of our brain, but you're right, we have certain faculties that allow us to control these desires if we wish.
My argument's been shot down! And I didn't think to bring my 'chute...

1,455 posts

Oh, sorry if I was rude too. This is a friendly discussion, but sometimes I get heated in the moment and stuff.

1,532 posts

Huh looks like its reached the dead end of this conversation

3,722 posts

I am going to say something that will probably piss people off just for the sake of getting this thread going again:

I think child prostitution is ok.

10,816 posts

a) Ricador, the obvious next step would be to ask you to justify your position :P Go on, then!

b) I do not understand what relevance the Bible verses quoted have to do with the topic. Perhaps you wish to quote Paul? Can't remember which book it was, Romans or maybe Corinthians, in which he writes the passage that warns against "wicked indulgences of the flesh", or something to that effect?

If someone really doesn't know what goes where... I don't know... that person needs to have a little talk with their parents...

This happens more frequently than you think. Even doctors, especially male interns, seem to forget their anatomy lessons when catheterising female patients. Usually placing a urethral catheter in the vagina :\\ Completely wrong.

Now, I realize the scenario is really that bad, but at the end of the day you'd like to know if you're sexually compatible with someone just as much as you'd like to know your emotional compatibility.

Oh boy, do I know this ever :/

Awkward moments aside, my take home message is: Palin's daughter.

Okay, that's probably unfair. In more detail, then, my recommendation is that preaching abstinence is relevant to some cases but as a social movement is doomed to being a cranky, ineffectual voice in a wilderness of hormones and ignorance. We'll just have to live with the acquired incompatibility between social and physiological pressures somehow else.
131 posts

So were done with this thread i guess. well i won, With along side other people of course.
Remember my words Sex can wait Masturbait!
Did i spell that right.
We did not make pre-marital Sex a sin. God created it for us. We did not decided to run naked and say,"hey what happens if we do this." It was from nature created by god. you may continue this thread.

3,826 posts

So were done with this thread i guess. well i won, With along side other people of course.
Remember my words Sex can wait Masturbait!
Did i spell that right.
We did not make pre-marital Sex a sin. God created it for us. We did not decided to run naked and say,"hey what happens if we do this." It was from nature created by god. you may continue this thread.

Well, I was done, but then you had to go and say something like that. I will even grant you that god created sex (if god created people, then this is a clear consequence). But the institution and function of marriage has nothing to do with god in the civil sphere. If fact, I can go and get married right now (in the Bible Belt of all places) without even a whispered mention of god.
But to be perfectly blunt, I admitted the failings my argument, and yours has the exact same. You could admit we've reached an impasse, but claiming victory on a failed argument... boo!
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