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Since I have joined Armorgams . . .I see a lot of Atheists and their threads about why people believe in God etc . . . I wanted to start a thread about the bible and christianity.

The purpose of this thread is to debate a different book of the bible each week. We will discuss lessons, morals, and different stories.

We will have friendly debates. Please . . . if you are atheist or of other beliefs . . . you may discuss in this thread, just PLEASE no fighting, flaming, spamming, trolling . . . etc

This week we will begin from the beginning . . . .Genesis

  • 1,333 Replies
9,821 posts

I wasn't throwing a tantrum >.<

I'd say that Noah's ark is one of the more far-fetched Bible Stories.

First of all, they had set dimensions for the boat, and all the animals wouldn't have fit. Also, there are hundreds of species of wood-eating termites, and the ark was made of wood.

Also, the flood thing. . .it would be impossible for a flood to even cover most of the world. I could understand marshy/swampy areas and areas below sea level being at least dampened, but. . .most of the world? Nononononono. Not only is there not enough water, but there are lots of inhabited areas that are hundreds of feet above sea level, and a lot of far inland civilizations, that simply would not be flooded.

Personally, I think that it was a slight mistranslation of what could've been the story of a refugee from the formation of the Red Sea(or the Dead Sea - I can't remember which) - it used to be a valley which could've held a civilization, which was fenced in by mountains, but one day flooding apparently broke the natural dam and flooded the valley through. A story similar to Noah's Ark is in a lot of different religious texts, so it's quite possible that there was an original manuscript detailing actual happenings, which was just manipulated/mistranslated over the years to produce Noah's Ark.

And don't even mention the 'ark' on Mt. Ararat. It was fake.

Also, proving that the 'ark' on Mt. Ararat is bull, the Biblke says that the ark landed on the 'mountains of Ararat,' and Ararat used to be a country located in the Caucasus Mountains in modern-day Turkey and Armenia. Therefore, according to the Bible, the ark landed somewhere in the Caucasus Mountains, NOT on Mount Ararat.

739 posts

Again, It is all bout faith . . .

And since no one else is posting, then we will move into the book of Matthew and Jesus' teachings . . .

9,821 posts

Again, It is all bout faith . . .

Unceremonious debate killer is unceremonious.

Faith is not an argument. . . .

Also, just because no-one posted in about two hours doesn't mean that 'nobody is posting.' Give the topic a little more time than two hours. -.-

Also, contribute to the discussion if possible, instead of killing what could be an interesting debate.
739 posts

How big do you suppose the ark was alt?

1,251 posts

Again, It is all bout faith . . .

please elaborate on what you call faith.
9,821 posts

How big do you suppose the ark was alt?

I'm not sure how big a cubit is, but I guess the dimensions the Bible provided would be the ones to trust if the ark was real, considering the Bible is the only one chronicling the *exact* story of Noah's Ark.
1,251 posts

Wow, do you know what a dictionary is?

do you know what sarcasm is? Of course I know the dictionary meaning of faith I was asking, why would you blindly believe something without evidence and call it that.
1,251 posts

the bible? really?...

the bible was written by men and if you ask me is nothing but a fairy tale. it tells about a talking snake, a man who lived in a giant fish for 3 days, and the making of women by mixing a man's rib and some dirt, and for some reason people physically flying into the air ascending into heaven... not spirtually but actual bodies flying.

I wouldn't count the bible as a reliable source, I think a lot of it is most likely embellished.

1,455 posts

it tells about a talking snake

If it was indeed punished to walk on its belly, how do you know what it was like before?

Oh, Kirby, do you happen to have a link to where there's proof Jesus at least physically existed? It could be useful in some of these discussions.
1,251 posts

o, don't give me the bulls*it "Oh they were schizo oh they were high." Religion threads are supposed to be posted on with an open mind, even Alt said that.

did i say they were high? I'd be glad to hear an argument of which I havent heard before, but when you said "jesus was a real person" that didn't explain anything about the mythical stories i listed and that's not even all of the ones listed in the bible.

If it was indeed punished to walk on its belly, how do you know what it was like before?

i didnt understand what you meant, could you elaborate a bit more?
1,455 posts

i didnt understand what you meant, could you elaborate a bit more?

Sorry about that. I meant that before, you said the idea of a talking snake was ridiculous, but after the punishment it was given, its talking ability could've also been taken away. How could the description of the snake BEFORE the punishment be ridiculous if the only thing we can compare it to is a snake AFTER the punishment? That was basically my question.
24 posts

ok, if you look at the bible all the geograghical information is correct. this web site
, it is a reliable website that can show you alot and answer some questions. now when it comes down to it, It is all about faith. will we be about to prove 100% that we are right, probably not. but can you prove you are right?

1,251 posts

Sorry about that. I meant that before, you said the idea of a talking snake was ridiculous, but after the punishment it was given, its talking ability could've also been taken away. How could the description of the snake BEFORE the punishment be ridiculous if the only thing we can compare it to is a snake AFTER the punishment? That was basically my question.

Oh ok, well basically it's ridiculous because ITS A FREAKIN TALKING SNAKE. ahem... and there's more evidence as to the bible being a myth.... like evolution. there's other stuff in the bible itself however. the mythological hero hercules was half man half god. sorta like jesus right? well hercules had to be sacrificed to be able to sit at the right hand of his father at the end of his myth.... sorta like jesus again isn't it?...weird man.
1,455 posts

Oh ok, well basically it's ridiculous because ITS A FREAKIN TALKING SNAKE.

Of course a talking snake NOW is ridiculous, but since we were not there to see the change (if it occured) with the snake, we have nothing to compare it to. A talking snake THEN could've been a normal thing, until the change was made and it was no longer a talking snake.
and there's more evidence as to the bible being a myth.... like evolution.

Evolution doesn't really disprove the bible. God created humans AFTER all the animals, but maybe the CREATION of humans was the EVOLUTION into humans from another species. I know, seven days, but DAY could be taken to mean like era, like God's day.
the mythological hero hercules was half man half god. sorta like jesus right? well hercules had to be sacrificed to be able to sit at the right hand of his father at the end of his myth.... sorta like jesus again isn't it?...weird man.

Yes, there are a lot of similarities with religions, but that's bound to happen because, quite frankly, our depiction of God or gods is impossible to decribe. Greatness can only have so many meanings. Plus, it is possible that some religions were made based off of other religions. I'm not going to make any claims towards that, of course, but I'm just pointing out that it is possible.
1,251 posts

If any Christian can answer this truthfully I will love you know matter what your answer is lol:

If when you were a kid instead of your parents reading fairy tales to you if they read bible stories and told you they were fairy tales, and told you that jack and the beanstalk was in the bible... would you have been able to tell the difference?

Seriously the bible is almost like a big fairy tale book, I mean Jesus Christ is a great role-model and all but still, just answer that question for me.

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