Since I have joined Armorgams . . .I see a lot of Atheists and their threads about why people believe in God etc . . . I wanted to start a thread about the bible and christianity.
The purpose of this thread is to debate a different book of the bible each week. We will discuss lessons, morals, and different stories.
We will have friendly debates. Please . . . if you are atheist or of other beliefs . . . you may discuss in this thread, just PLEASE no fighting, flaming, spamming, trolling . . . etc
This week we will begin from the beginning . . . .Genesis
EXACTLY! Back then the only way they could explain the mysteries in the world is by making these tremendous stories! Now we have modern science and logic to explain it!
If when you were a kid instead of your parents reading fairy tales to you if they read bible stories and told you they were fairy tales, and told you that jack and the beanstalk was in the bible... would you have been able to tell the difference?
It honestly depends on what story they're telling me. If it's a story where Jesus talks about eternal salvation, I could see the difference easily. If it was a miracle story or something, probably not. Anyway, I'm leaving, so if you respond to my post, don't expect me back for a while.
I meant with science. I didn't say the people didn't excist and now we have proven that they didn't. I mean with illnesses I mean even the christians blamed women that they were killing people.(Witches)
it was God's will to have it be like that so let it be
Really, you can't fall back on 'it's God's wiiiiiiillllllllllllll!!1' as a argument. Sure, it may be true, but it isn't a fact and can't be used as such.
Dude, not everyone back then was a dumb as* they had smart people back then, and even the smart people believed in God.
Religion and intellect are completely separate things. 'Teh smrt ppl beleevd in gawd tehn!!1' isn't an argument either - stuff was different back then, and people didn't understand the world like we do now. Even the smart people thought all diseases were demons and that you were close to death is you sneezed.
Truthfully, I dont believe in debates dealing with God and God's will. But like reality, it happens. I believe the moral of the story of Adam and Eve, is God knows best. If you think about it, in the end, Adam and Eve aren't happy. This is because they didnt follow God's will. If they had, our world would (I think) be sinless. Im not saying it's THEIR fault, humankind is just bound to sin, its in our nature. That's why we need God to rely on. And to trust. Which Adam and Eve didnt. This story pretty much tells us that we ARE sinners and we [b]NEED God in our life, to protect us from evil's (Devil/Satin/Snake in the tree) clutches. Thank you for listening.
I also don't believe it (bold part) it has to be God himself talking, if no, there is no such debate exists.
What I know about atheist is, God doesn't really care what you think He exist or not, what you say about God doesn't really matter, what God says about you is.
Real life example: I don't care if China exist or not (when I was in Indonesia, now I study in China and love this city, GuangXi) whatever I said about GuangXi didn't exist or not won't bother GuangXi existence, it just there, it exist! If you never 'experience' God, doesn't mean He didn't exists.
Genesis, I don't really understand, not fully understand Genesis, It's like in canonical study someone 'unplug' or 'incomplete or broken text' or 'some of the chapter are missing but we don't know - yet'.
I demand more information which is stupidly hard for any people on earth to know about the real Genesis book.
Perhaps God doesn't want us to know too much about it, perhaps it just not really important, perhaps.
Genesis, I don't really understand, not fully understand Genesis, It's like in canonical study someone 'unplug' or 'incomplete or broken text' or 'some of the chapter are missing but we don't know - yet'.
I demand more information which is stupidly hard for any people on earth to know about the real Genesis book.
I think you bring up a very good point in that the Bible we have is fairly intact, but can't be expected to be perfectly preserved. Inerrancy refers to the original scripture, not necessarily the one we have now.
You're in Guangxi? Very cool. I haven't been so far south, so you'll have to tell me more about it.
Because women were a minority back then and everything to the modern day Catholic was a sin : /
Women weren't a minority, they just didn't have rights. There was also a VERY high child mortality rate. And yes, quite a few things that are considered acceptable in our time, we're considered abominations and we're forbidden. Or, we're only practiced when necessary.