Since I have joined Armorgams . . .I see a lot of Atheists and their threads about why people believe in God etc . . . I wanted to start a thread about the bible and christianity.
The purpose of this thread is to debate a different book of the bible each week. We will discuss lessons, morals, and different stories.
We will have friendly debates. Please . . . if you are atheist or of other beliefs . . . you may discuss in this thread, just PLEASE no fighting, flaming, spamming, trolling . . . etc
This week we will begin from the beginning . . . .Genesis
So in other words: God forced people to go through living hells and then preach about how much God is loving and caring? And if you didn't you died and went to hell. That's really fair.
God forced people to go through living hells and then preach about how much God is loving and caring? And if you didn't you died and went to hell. That's really fair.
God doesn't force anyone to go to hell. In fact, if he allowed evil people to go to heaven it would contradict his nature of being all-good. The primary punishment of hell is physical separation of God, the manifestation of good.
Dude deserteagle God likes to play by the rules, he put them down, he can't even break them, its the word of God. Jonah pledged himself to God, to do what God desired, he disobeyed, God made a whale swallow him to say him from drowning so he can preach back at the town.
End of story.
K' so didn't God just let Jonah die? He broke the rules. If you break the law of God you get stoned to death/die/ go to hell.
I hate to even say this, because I know somebody's just going to try to put words in my mouth, but I'll say it anyway. This is just a comparison, and God is not playing a game with humanity (if he exists, that is). Now, if any of you remember the "Animorphs" books, the Ellimist was able to interfere and help; as he appeared, he was able to solve everyone's problems and fo whatever he pleased, but in reality, he couldn't just win the war for them. Much the same (but not EXACTLY the same), God has to go by the rules, as Kirby said. He can't violate free will and probably he shouldn't break through the reality we've created around ourselves either. Who knows? Maybe God has millions of things he can't do; to an ant, I would be able to feed them, give them water, kill them, organize them, seperate them, and control them, but I still cannot fly in my own reality.
I know this doesn't seem to apply to the situation, but possibly God's restrictions aren't physical, but moral. He has to follow a code of justice and mercy. Mercy eventually, but justice is just as (he-he, sounds like justice ) important. /Rant.
This is just a comparison, and God is not playing a game with humanity (if he exists, that is).
(sigh) Your right. The biblical stories are metaphors to describe God correct? Then the message of this story is that God will give you a second chance cause he's nice?
God has to go by the rules, as Kirby said.
So as a deity of unlimited power; a power that created the universe and life; God can not change/alter his own rules? Why put rules on yourself? What would happen if God broke these rules?
He has to follow a code of justice and mercy. Mercy eventually, but justice is just as (he-he, sounds like justice ) important.
So he's kind and compassionate, but wants us to do things for ourselves correct? But where's the reasoning for this when people declared war on each other in the name of God? Why would God want to use his people to hurt others?
Hye deserteagle God gave man something that he yearned for. Ever heard of freedom??? God watches over us, he doesn't just go around doing whatever the fuck he wants u prick