ForumsThe TavernEver died in a dream?

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Last night I had a few interesting dreams. The first I don't remember. The second I was staying at a hotel, and then I went to some place where you would leave your body temporarily and go into a movie of some sort.

The third was interesting though. I was standing underneath something in the city watching a plane fly in circles above me. It was white, and resembled a Boeing 747. It looked a bit different than the current model, so I'm guessing the dream was set in the future a bit. Anyway, while it was circling I had a feeling that it would crash , but kept hoping it would just fly away. After a bit of circle the plane then started to land about approximately 350 yards away. It wasn't landing a normal way however, but vertically. Resembling a space shuttle attacked to the rockets before take off. Of course a 747 isn't meant to do that, so it blew up.

Now, this is the interesting part. I've been near explosions before in dreams (had one with a city being nuked, another where a plane blew up about 100 feet away) and never died. This time though, I experienced a second or so of pain (only in the dream) as the explosion hit, and the dream changed scenes.

Alright, so now I'll get to what I want to discuss. Have you ever died in a dream? And if so, how'd it happen? Did you have a second or so of pain (accompanied with random colors) or what happened? I'm just curious.

  • 348 Replies
370 posts

You know, another funny fact with dreams is that when you are running away from something (in my case it was a giant turtle monster) you run at like 0.3x speed.

You know, I've never actually ran like that in a dream. I always run just normal but trip far more often.
1,930 posts

A man by the name of SeaNanners came into my house and me and my dad were suspossed to fight him off but when SeaNanners came into the room my dad hid in the box and SeaNanners came and stabbed me and I died.

1,810 posts

If I am ever in a dream where I have a chance of dying I tend to wake myself up by focusing all my willpower on opening my eyes which usually wakes me up. I do this now with every dream/nightmare I don't like. It works about 80% of the time now. But yes I have died in dreams before.

111 posts

Evil Vegtables Threw Me In A Fire

Lol Otherwise No And That Was Wen I Was Little And Ate Too Many Carrots... Blaaah

364 posts

Personally, I have never had a dream where I died. The only occasion this has happened was one of my friends once told me that I was killed by a bomb in one of her dreams.

However, I have had PLENTY of dreams where I have killed someone. It started when I was in 4th Grade. It was a really strange dream, because I was a soldier in some sort of army, and there were pirates trying to rush the coast of wherever I was. And I don't mean Somalian pirates, I mean Jack Sparrow and Barbarossa. Anyway, I had a .357 Magnum and I was capping these pirates one after another. I must have killed about 6-10 pirates before they finally retreated. I must say that I was quite the ****** in that dream.

My best friend once had a dream where me and him were mercenaries, and we were hired to take out this guy, I can't recall what for. Anyway, he was fishing on a boat, a rowing boat to be exact, kind of like that boat that Fredo gets killed on in Godfather Part II. We wanted to make sure that we would not be seen, so we were hiding behind rocks. We knew that his boat was just beyond these rocks. He told me that I made a bet with him that I could kill our target without looking. We made the deal, I took out my pistol, shot the gun off, the bullet bounced off the water like a skipping stone, hopped around the rocks and killed the target. Sounds like something from a movie.

Finally, my friend Elizabeth said in one of her dreams I killed her by pushing her in a tub of acid.

130 posts

ya ive had some weird dreams before: i was chased by a hobo who wanted to eat me. . My brother also had a dream where the Spanish teacher at my school killed everyone in the class. (Including him and me.)

1,502 posts

Once. I was burnt alive in my chem classroom after trying to get everyone else out. A lot of desks were tipped over from people freaking out and when I got my best friend out the roof collapsed on me and I was crispy crittered.

378 posts

Yes, I had this very strange dream of where I was Watching a play and I was in a very high booth for what ever reason, and I went to go look over the side and I tripped and fell over the railing. I fell and hit the ground, it was strange because right when I hit the ground, my vision went black and some black swirlies started entering my head.

819 posts

No I have never died in a dream. I actually don't have to if I don't want to because I Lucid Dream every night. It's amazingly boring after awhile basically playing god all the time. I guess it wouldn't be if you never have before but that's not me.
Anyway tonight I shall die in an odd way I guess. If I can really come up with anything at the time.

2,515 posts

never dis in a dream... its like iminvincabale or how ever you spell it. bit fallen of lage building , been eaten by sharks, wolves, dolphins, and Baby doles but didnt die. ive been stabbed , shot , cut, gassed, sniped, decapataded, mauled, and shreeed but never onced dies

232 posts

Lol. I was sitting on a chair, on the roof of a large building. I was wearing sunglasses etc., I was like one of these guys out of Matrix. So I was sitting on a chair. And it felt like the chair was aproaching the edge of this large building. Then I fell. Felt a huge pain. Why? I fell down from my bed. And I'll tell you what; the distance between my bed and the floor was like 1,5 meters(I've a bunk bed).

948 posts

I've died plently of times in dreams. And I always remember my dreams in the morning. Two nights ago I dreamt I was in heaven, It was actually the best feeling I've ever had in my life ( as sad as that may sound since it's only a dream ), everything felt so... right.

1,826 posts

Once in a dream I flew my plane into enemy battleship.

2,155 posts
Grand Duchess

I've never died in a dream, though I was close. I remember falling from a high building, but I woke up before reaching the ground. One night I found myself in the water, I think I was in the middle of the sea. When I was about to drown, I found out I could breathe through my nose.

39 posts

Only once, I was like looking for like dog or something and these rednecks shot me.

Showing 211-225 of 348