ForumsGame Walkthroughscolony, guide too success..maybe

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230 posts

These are basically all the things i know about colony

Why should my advice be trusted? ive played 134 games and am rank 5, so give them some thought and improve them if possible.


-Cheating in earthquake and dogfight: since u cant make air units in earthquake or ground in dogfight, heres how you get around that(if u use this i consider u a cheater unless someone did it before u making u resort too it). What you need too do is memorys the hotkeys for every single unit, in a dogfight if u know the hotkey for a marine u can make one if you press it, its that simple.How too counter this glitch? there is no way.

-Exploding units: my most hated and the most anoying glitch ever, when u have a massive3 army(about 20 units) and u attack an enemy who has alot less, instead of a fight his units will just explode. Two armys of same size will instead self distruct 1 unit from each side.How too counter this glitch? always attack with a small army before it becomes too massive on both ends and the glitch occurs.

-Units randomly exploding: if ur units are in the middle of the field blockading the enemy(see blockade under strategy section) And they randomly start too explode, what happens is a video glitch, on ur screen ur units are no where neer the base but on everyone elses they are being fired at by the base. how too counter? move ur units all the way back and try it again usually helps.


-Blockade: Note, i coined this strategy. The blockade is as simple as this, make an army and place them at the center of the field, close enough too where the enemys troops spawn. What this does is kill any troops they try too make and prevents them from making a large army. if u do this right its an auto win.


- at this moment heres things you shouldnt do, dont make a blockade unless u have medics(this is not a contradiction of what i said about the bug, if ur tanks r close enough too the enemy they wont explode, only take dmg so medics will heal any dmg from a blockade)dont make a bank(hover tanks dont cost money) and dont make gladiators(why? hover tanks massacre them).What i do? 3 armory's making manpower and sometimes energy with an armory making hover tanks.


Blockade works nicely here, its gutsy but heres how u can make a blockade, make a forge(first thing u do) then instantly make a small army?(people make banks first usually so u have time too attack) and if done right they will not be able too make troops while ur partner gets his economic buildings up.

- heres what i do if i have time, Get an armory a generator(tier 2) Then build two forges, when needed auto build two scouts at a time.

-Lastly DO NOT EVER EVER EVER EVER build a black queen, they are the most useless thing u can have in dogfight and u will definatly loose if u do this, why? because black queens dont destroy groups of air units all at once like they do with ground units. and they will be pawned by scouts.

If you have knowledge about other tactics and stuff about colony please post it.

Hint: rank 1 is not the highest rank, its the lowest, i dont know if rank 5 is highes but i know u get it at a 77% win, i only have 82% so i cant say if theres a rank 6

  • 119 Replies
2,417 posts

The blockade is a very good thing to use, ecspecially massed snipers with medics. In a dogfight, I have to disagree about not having any black queens, if you already have massed scouts adding one doesn't hurt. If you are saying don't make a queen thinking it will own the enemies scout army your right, but having one doesn't hurt.

20,591 posts

About the shortcut bug, hopefully Krin will fix it in the next version.
It shouldn't be used in fair play, though.

Bronze, can we play again?

4,097 posts

Lastly DO NOT EVER EVER EVER EVER build a black queen,

Agreed, they're pretty useless in most cases. Get killed why waiting to shoot again.

Nice guide though. I'll have to try the blockade strategy.
230 posts

well honestly they do hit alot quickly with nice hp, but you gotta consider the cost of them(30 gold, 50 manpower and 25 energy) the time it takes too build them, in opposed too scouts where they cost 7 energy and 3 gold, take about 2 secs too build

2,417 posts

Well, me and firetail did a dogfight and I got them out comfortably late game; lol, I need something to use all that man power on. What you should of said was to never make phantoms.

230 posts


20,591 posts

dieath, that's your own opinion.
Phantoms rock.
Armed with Sakata M2...

98 posts

Cool strategys

230 posts


Random strategy's

-during an earthquake fight here is a strategy that is really neat
Make about 12 snipers then make them run too the other side of the field(where hover tanks r) and shoot them, snipers have more range then hover so they will shoot withought getting his, if the hover start advance too get into range of the snipers, run back and then shoot again(snipers run faster than hovers).

- how too counter this? very hard but u can abuse a glitch, or do the normal way,1- have a big army, the sni9pers will just evaporate when they get near,2-Dont use any hover tanks then when the snipers get close too ur base spam build a few(better if ur fascist) hovers do splash dmg on snipers btw. u can also make snipers urself but ull need too make an army the same size as theirs.

Grouping up

This is quite simple and quick too exlain when u have a large group of troops press the fall back button and when they r all grouped up press advance then hold, ur army will be more efficient this way.

Unbeatable blockade

This works anywhere if your lucky enough too do this right, make hover tanks, and get a teammate make anti air canno0ns and meditecs, then place your hovertanks just out of range of the enemys base so they kill any ground troops, place the medics a little behind the hovers(far enough so splash dmg wont affect them) and then place anti air cannons behind the hovers, at a place where they can shoot air units, why this is unbeatable? Because hover tanks are gonna be taking ALL the dmg, so if they spawn any air units and ground units theyll hit the tanks, and ull heal the tanks. also hover tanks r resistant too black queen misilles and reg missiles, so that wont kill them.
if you are ever able too do this try it, and while the blockade is up spawn some snipers, theylle shoot the base and stay behind the tanks

Bug exploitation

This is making the best out of a bad bug, the exploding one.
What you do? in an earthquake fight dont make hover tanks, even tho they are the stronguest, just make regular tanks, and spam them, what this does? whenever the enemy sends theyre ''superior'' army too attack you, the exploding bug will take effect, and 1 of ur troops and 1 of theyres will explode, the only thing is u have more than they do so u auto win, and u can make more quickly.

Firetail u dint get the context >.>, i meant for dogfights, sorry not for clearifying

20,591 posts

You can use phantoms in dogfights.
Scouts don't do as much damage to the base.

This is quite simple and quick too exlain when u have a large group of troops press the fall back button and when they r all grouped up press advance then hold, ur army will be more efficient this way.

But some units move faster than ours...
230 posts

wow i never even thought of that, sorry, u r right about phantoms lol

20,591 posts

Of course, you'll need lots of scout backup to take out enemy forces.

182 posts

Since everyone except a select few start out makin' resources, wouldn't make sense to immediately spam them with romans? (the romans do the most damage to the base)

182 posts

So sorry but I forgot the word "it".

Since everyone except a select few start out makin' resources, wouldn't make sense to immediately spam them with romans?

Right between wouldn't and make.
341 posts

No... Let's see... you start out with 50 energy, so by the time you get the forge up, you'd have maybe 55-60 energy, are you meaning to tell me that 11-12 romans could kill a central base without getting killed? Not to mention one chronite tank could own all of them. You can't possibly kill a base with that many romans. And much less to say, when you fail to kill the base with your romans, your left with less resources and almost no energy, so you are starting from behind, since you then have to build a bank and generator and all.

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