Alright y'all, I'm about to lay down the strategies. Don't like em? Too bad. Played more games than me? Don't care. Here goes:
#1: Which type to be (capitalist, fascist, communist). 99% of the time, the answer is capitalist. Here's why:
Beginning of most games you want to start with resources. I've found that anyone who makes a small army first does terribly...because I always destroy the pathetic army and they're left with nothing. So, starting with resources, you want to amass them as fast and much as possible, quickly upgrade your units and rape your opponents. Now here are the specific strategies.
Missiles-the easy to do, partner with anyone you want strategy.
I personally use $ missiles. My strat: Capitalist, create bank, get 50$, make 2nd bank, get 60$, make armory and start producing $, get 50$, make treasury, get 50$, make 2nd treasury, get 80$, make spec ops, get 300$, switch armory from $ to energy. This process takes me roughly 2 minutes, it can be done incredibly fast if you use hotkeys (1234,qwer). Your ally should be trying to keep them at bay, or just massing an army designed to destroy bases. Why? Because you'll demolish their army with missiles. IF THEY ARE GOOD, this may not work, and you will need to reconsider. Here is the best anti-missile strategy:
One of your opponents creates mass sakata's and spreads them out over a good distance so that missile splash damage is not very effective. Meanwhile, they build hovers, bq's, phantoms, glads, or other advanced units behind the wall of sakata's. Against this, you must use your units wisely. Perhaps use snipers or A25 Prides to take out sakata's, and then use missiles once their army is vulnerable (you shouldn't start firing missiles unless you have about 1000$ stored up for one of these fights.)
Ok, that's the somewhat nooby strategy. Now for the more fun and more challenging strategy. Myself and my brother decided to break it down to a science. He made a chart describing exactly how many resources are made per second for each building, for each (capitalist, fascist, communist) and found out how many resources each unit took to make per second. In each of these cases, the better units required far too many resources as fascist, because of the fast production rate. Capitalists were the only people who could sustain productions well. So, now we get to which units to make:
1st player Order of Operations:
Create Bank
Create Armory (produce $)
Make the bank a Treasury
Create Generator
Make Generator a Solar Panel
Create Forge
Upgrade Forge
Switch Armory to Energy Production
Create 6 or so Sakata's and have them hold ground in front of your ally's units. (this is to protect against missiles) And have a few sakata's behind the line, to replace it should they mass missiles anyway. After you have made enough sakata's to last you the rest of the game (as a wall and as anti-air) upgrade forge to final level.
Create Gladiators, keeping them behind your sakata line. Your troop flow should be continuous. As capitalists, you gain 1$ per second naturally, your treasury gives you 2$ per second. Gladiators require 2.67 $ per second to produce. Check. Capitalists produce .4 energy per second, Solar Panel generates 2 energy per second, armory produces 1.13 energy per second, but needs to be switched on and off with man power. Gladiator's require 2.67 energy per second. Check. Gladiator's require .67 man power per second. Capitalists create .6 manpower per second, and your occasional armory man powers will boost that above .67. Check. You should now have a continuous flow of gladiators behind your sakata's, and if you notice them building up air, send sakata's, once they attack, back em up. Once you have 10 gladiators, you and your ally should attack, and it's GG.
2nd Player Order of Operations:
Wait for 60$
Make Armory and produce $ (1.13 $/s)
Make Armory and produce $ (1.13 $/s)
Make Hospital and produce Manpower (1.33 mp/s)
Make Outpost
Upgrade Outpost to Barracks
Upgrade Barracks to Arsenal
Switch one Armory to produce energy
Begin making a Black Queen: They require 2 $/s 3.33 mp/s and 1.67 e/s
You should be producing 2.13 $/s 1.93 mp/s and 1.53 e/s. As you can see, this is not a sustainable unit, you have to switch your $ armory to manpower to nearly make enough manpower. However, Continuous flow is not required. Just make as many as you feel necessary (about 5 should be good) and if you notice your opponent making lots of ground units, send the bq's forward, fire missiles, and retreat. (your ally will also advance with sakata's and gladiators, just in case, and retreat with you as well.) After making as many black queens as you desire, switch focus to Hover Tanks. These are literally impossible to sustain. They require 10 mp/s and 3.33 e/s. Switch your $ armory to manpower, and you might destroy one armory and replace it with a solar panel. This should provide for 3.06 mp/s and 2.4 e/s. With this you should be producing one hover tank every 9 seconds. (takes 3 seconds to produce) so make one, wait 6 seconds, make one etc.
If you've read all that, and comprehend it, I recommend you find a reliable partner and try it out. It's incredibly fun and satisfying, and since I've started using the strategy, I've had a nearly perfect win record. (You might ask "what are those times you lost?" Myself and my brother were still getting used to it, and had not began to use hover tanks or gladiators. Opponent made Hovers and sakata's and we didn't have any anti-hover tanks.)
Hope this helps you guys. Please don't respond with garbage.
Lifemaster rank 5 (back when that was highest...just started to play again and am 8 for 8 games.)
My bro:
Larkster rank 5 (again, back when that was highest :-))
See you out there!