These are basically all the things i know about colony
Why should my advice be trusted? ive played 134 games and am rank 5, so give them some thought and improve them if possible.
-Cheating in earthquake and dogfight: since u cant make air units in earthquake or ground in dogfight, heres how you get around that(if u use this i consider u a cheater unless someone did it before u making u resort too it). What you need too do is memorys the hotkeys for every single unit, in a dogfight if u know the hotkey for a marine u can make one if you press it, its that simple.How too counter this glitch? there is no way.
-Exploding units: my most hated and the most anoying glitch ever, when u have a massive3 army(about 20 units) and u attack an enemy who has alot less, instead of a fight his units will just explode. Two armys of same size will instead self distruct 1 unit from each side.How too counter this glitch? always attack with a small army before it becomes too massive on both ends and the glitch occurs.
-Units randomly exploding: if ur units are in the middle of the field blockading the enemy(see blockade under strategy section) And they randomly start too explode, what happens is a video glitch, on ur screen ur units are no where neer the base but on everyone elses they are being fired at by the base. how too counter? move ur units all the way back and try it again usually helps.
-Blockade: Note, i coined this strategy. The blockade is as simple as this, make an army and place them at the center of the field, close enough too where the enemys troops spawn. What this does is kill any troops they try too make and prevents them from making a large army. if u do this right its an auto win.
- at this moment heres things you shouldnt do, dont make a blockade unless u have medics(this is not a contradiction of what i said about the bug, if ur tanks r close enough too the enemy they wont explode, only take dmg so medics will heal any dmg from a blockade)dont make a bank(hover tanks dont cost money) and dont make gladiators(why? hover tanks massacre them).What i do? 3 armory's making manpower and sometimes energy with an armory making hover tanks.
Blockade works nicely here, its gutsy but heres how u can make a blockade, make a forge(first thing u do) then instantly make a small army?(people make banks first usually so u have time too attack) and if done right they will not be able too make troops while ur partner gets his economic buildings up.
- heres what i do if i have time, Get an armory a generator(tier 2) Then build two forges, when needed auto build two scouts at a time.
-Lastly DO NOT EVER EVER EVER EVER build a black queen, they are the most useless thing u can have in dogfight and u will definatly loose if u do this, why? because black queens dont destroy groups of air units all at once like they do with ground units. and they will be pawned by scouts.
If you have knowledge about other tactics and stuff about colony please post it.
Hint: rank 1 is not the highest rank, its the lowest, i dont know if rank 5 is highes but i know u get it at a 77% win, i only have 82% so i cant say if theres a rank 6
No, need to marine spam in the begining, only time you do that is when scouts are coming,and it is just a waste of mp. Why do you need so many outpost? If you need mp get a hospital or an armory. Also, I don't see how you could have enough resources to run so many outposts (asuming you are dishing out tanks with everyone).
When I do replace an outpost with a hospital or armory, it slows down the production speed, just a little bit, Its enought to consistantly belt out tanks with no delay, but not to creat support units, 2.5 outposts pretty much are needed to make the speed given. If 2 outposts are consitantly giving mp, the other is giving mp and support. I get the resources needed to create the outposts with the bank, when I first started doing this I built the bank first, thinking alon the same lines as you. But, with the outpost I get m. Until I have 2 outposts and am building the next. I don't spam tanks.
Personally I think outpost is sort of weak without forge support... If there's a huge group of phantoms blockading marines won't get in rocket range...
I agree, forge is definitely the more versatile of the two buildings. Outpost has no effective counter to phantoms, so they are only really good at anti-ground and soaking up damage. Forge on the other hand, has the best anti-air in the game with sakatas, and Phantoms great anti-ground.
Basically, in a one on one, I'd choose forge every time.
Yeah, you pretty much have to do forge/outpost to prevent ties, forge vs forge means both sides just mass phantoms/sakatas and you end up with nobody attacking as then their force will be destroyed, and eventually glads/spiders will be produced and annhilated by enemy phantoms, while outpost vs outpost means massing units and then more stalemate as normally they'd all blow up, but less so than forge vs forge...
Massing hovers with medics is unbeatable due to the fact the hovers have high "HP". However the down side is management. Medics run faster a lot faster than hovers How to overcome: Retreat all your units so they stand in a line. Advance them so that the meds are just a little bit ahead. Highlight your hovers advance them once half wa advance your medics then HOLD otherwise once they have healed evryone they will march on until within range of the bases' "owerful defense weapons"
I've always had medics and hovers run at the exact same speed, only thing is if you fall back to base and then advance...your medics will be slaughtered by splash damage, basically to avoid this you use a very thin line to select your hovers (they're really big) and then wall and advance them, then take the medics and fallback and advance them, and leave the medics like...really far back from the hovers, the range they can actually heal from is surprising.
If you take phantoms though and charge them through the hovers and then kill the medics, there's a problem, also having massed snipers/chronites/hovers will just kill the hovers outright, especially if they're fired in a volley, as the medics won't have enough time to heal the hovers being destroyed in like, a millisecond.
Or attacking. The autoromans soak up the (relatively, compared to a glad's) hovers' slowish fire rate, and once the chronites get in range (or then some), once they're held...everything dies from the splash.
The best thing is that if there's a major fight on the map, you can just turn rally point off and send out infinite chronites to totally destroy any sort of ground.
The chronites need some sort of meat wall so they can get in range, and concentrated romans are pretty much unbeatable as damage-soaker-uppers.
The only problem is that the number of romans may need to be mitigated to allow for anti-air if they have phantoms.
But if you have aa and romans, then you can't lose