These are basically all the things i know about colony
Why should my advice be trusted? ive played 134 games and am rank 5, so give them some thought and improve them if possible.
-Cheating in earthquake and dogfight: since u cant make air units in earthquake or ground in dogfight, heres how you get around that(if u use this i consider u a cheater unless someone did it before u making u resort too it). What you need too do is memorys the hotkeys for every single unit, in a dogfight if u know the hotkey for a marine u can make one if you press it, its that simple.How too counter this glitch? there is no way.
-Exploding units: my most hated and the most anoying glitch ever, when u have a massive3 army(about 20 units) and u attack an enemy who has alot less, instead of a fight his units will just explode. Two armys of same size will instead self distruct 1 unit from each side.How too counter this glitch? always attack with a small army before it becomes too massive on both ends and the glitch occurs.
-Units randomly exploding: if ur units are in the middle of the field blockading the enemy(see blockade under strategy section) And they randomly start too explode, what happens is a video glitch, on ur screen ur units are no where neer the base but on everyone elses they are being fired at by the base. how too counter? move ur units all the way back and try it again usually helps.
-Blockade: Note, i coined this strategy. The blockade is as simple as this, make an army and place them at the center of the field, close enough too where the enemys troops spawn. What this does is kill any troops they try too make and prevents them from making a large army. if u do this right its an auto win.
- at this moment heres things you shouldnt do, dont make a blockade unless u have medics(this is not a contradiction of what i said about the bug, if ur tanks r close enough too the enemy they wont explode, only take dmg so medics will heal any dmg from a blockade)dont make a bank(hover tanks dont cost money) and dont make gladiators(why? hover tanks massacre them).What i do? 3 armory's making manpower and sometimes energy with an armory making hover tanks.
Blockade works nicely here, its gutsy but heres how u can make a blockade, make a forge(first thing u do) then instantly make a small army?(people make banks first usually so u have time too attack) and if done right they will not be able too make troops while ur partner gets his economic buildings up.
- heres what i do if i have time, Get an armory a generator(tier 2) Then build two forges, when needed auto build two scouts at a time.
-Lastly DO NOT EVER EVER EVER EVER build a black queen, they are the most useless thing u can have in dogfight and u will definatly loose if u do this, why? because black queens dont destroy groups of air units all at once like they do with ground units. and they will be pawned by scouts.
If you have knowledge about other tactics and stuff about colony please post it.
Hint: rank 1 is not the highest rank, its the lowest, i dont know if rank 5 is highes but i know u get it at a 77% win, i only have 82% so i cant say if theres a rank 6
-Exploding units: my most hated and the most anoying glitch ever, when u have a massive3 army(about 20 units) and u attack an enemy who has alot less, instead of a fight his units will just explode. Two armys of same size will instead self distruct 1 unit from each side.How too counter this glitch? always attack with a small army before it becomes too massive on both ends and the glitch occurs.
I assumed that this was because there was a queen on the field that just annihilates all the enemies units.
No... Let's see... you start out with 50 energy, so by the time you get the forge up, you'd have maybe 55-60 energy
Actually, since the forge cost 30 energy as well you have less than what you said. And yes, 60 energy worth of Romans will kill a central base, but you hardly ever get a shot to do that because of chronite tanks.
Oh, my bad, your right. DIdn't know 12 romans could kill a base, but like you said, anybody who would let 12 romans come to the base without kiling them is stupid.
Tell your ally to defend you while you get missles.
-Build Bank -Build 2 Energy Generators -Build a Missle Base (Forgot the name) -Fire a couple of missles -Upgrade your Energy Generators -Just fire missles -U WIN!
This is a strategy that works for me, I don't know how it'll compare against your guys's.
Start off by building an outpost and spaming marines, but spreading them out along the battle field. Alone, or even in groups, chronite tanks will eat marines up, but by spreading them out, the emeny has to stop, shoot, stop, shoot, and so on. When you can no longer auto spawn marines, switch it to creating man power.
When yo get enough dough build a bank, And continue to build up man power, when enough resources build another 2 outposts, when the 1st of the 2 is done start spamming chronite. When both of them are done, or when you have enough money to build the remaining outposts and 30 extra bucks. Upgrade 1 outpost to a barracks, for faster unit creation. With 2 outposts, and 1 barracks, you should be able to spam chonite with no porblem. Especially with fascists, you should be whipping out chornites. If you get into any trouble in terms of air attacks, take an outpost and build some marines, becasue the air attcks will focus on tanks.
When you have about 45-48 energy, demolish your bank and create an armory. You should have 150+ money by now, especially if your capitalist. Upgrade your barrack to the nest stage (forget name), demolish armory, build an outpost, put that outpost on man power. And prepare to see a mass spamming of chronite tanks.
PS: If you know how to control units well in the field, you should be fasciast because they will be able to start up faster, and you shouldnt need more money because you should be able to wipe out enemy. Ig you'r not so great be fascist, the game may last longer.
PPS: You can take an outpost off manpower and creat other troops at any time, to back up your tanks, or maybe keep the bank and spam something else.