ForumsGame Walkthroughscolony, guide too success..maybe

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These are basically all the things i know about colony

Why should my advice be trusted? ive played 134 games and am rank 5, so give them some thought and improve them if possible.


-Cheating in earthquake and dogfight: since u cant make air units in earthquake or ground in dogfight, heres how you get around that(if u use this i consider u a cheater unless someone did it before u making u resort too it). What you need too do is memorys the hotkeys for every single unit, in a dogfight if u know the hotkey for a marine u can make one if you press it, its that simple.How too counter this glitch? there is no way.

-Exploding units: my most hated and the most anoying glitch ever, when u have a massive3 army(about 20 units) and u attack an enemy who has alot less, instead of a fight his units will just explode. Two armys of same size will instead self distruct 1 unit from each side.How too counter this glitch? always attack with a small army before it becomes too massive on both ends and the glitch occurs.

-Units randomly exploding: if ur units are in the middle of the field blockading the enemy(see blockade under strategy section) And they randomly start too explode, what happens is a video glitch, on ur screen ur units are no where neer the base but on everyone elses they are being fired at by the base. how too counter? move ur units all the way back and try it again usually helps.


-Blockade: Note, i coined this strategy. The blockade is as simple as this, make an army and place them at the center of the field, close enough too where the enemys troops spawn. What this does is kill any troops they try too make and prevents them from making a large army. if u do this right its an auto win.


- at this moment heres things you shouldnt do, dont make a blockade unless u have medics(this is not a contradiction of what i said about the bug, if ur tanks r close enough too the enemy they wont explode, only take dmg so medics will heal any dmg from a blockade)dont make a bank(hover tanks dont cost money) and dont make gladiators(why? hover tanks massacre them).What i do? 3 armory's making manpower and sometimes energy with an armory making hover tanks.


Blockade works nicely here, its gutsy but heres how u can make a blockade, make a forge(first thing u do) then instantly make a small army?(people make banks first usually so u have time too attack) and if done right they will not be able too make troops while ur partner gets his economic buildings up.

- heres what i do if i have time, Get an armory a generator(tier 2) Then build two forges, when needed auto build two scouts at a time.

-Lastly DO NOT EVER EVER EVER EVER build a black queen, they are the most useless thing u can have in dogfight and u will definatly loose if u do this, why? because black queens dont destroy groups of air units all at once like they do with ground units. and they will be pawned by scouts.

If you have knowledge about other tactics and stuff about colony please post it.

Hint: rank 1 is not the highest rank, its the lowest, i dont know if rank 5 is highes but i know u get it at a 77% win, i only have 82% so i cant say if theres a rank 6

  • 119 Replies
88 posts

One of your opponents creates mass sakata's and spreads them out over a good distance so that missile splash damage is not very effective. Meanwhile, they build hovers, bq's, phantoms, glads, or other advanced units behind the wall of sakata's. Against this, you must use your units wisely. Perhaps use snipers or A25 Prides to take out sakata's

I lost all respect for you once you said what you did in bold. Sakata Mk2 > A25 Pride.

Ignoring the missile strat because I've beaten it countless times already with Romans + Hov micro, I'll move onto your forge strategy.

I congratulate you on your numbers, but treasury does not give $2 per second, it's $4/3s, or $1.33 (for capitalist, it's $4/2.4 sec, or $1.66/s). If you're gonna say you rounded, then why give Glads 2 decimal specifics? A minor error, so moving on: your strategy for forge apparently is build a ton of sakatas, then mass up glads, and finally move in for the kill.

Now, if I see an enemy massing up sakatas, what's my reaction? Send 2 hov tanks and mow down the sakatas and then laugh in his face at his time wasted. By the way, it's a Solar Grid not a Panel (not being mean, just saying, ya know?). If your partner pulls hovs (which I highly doubt because my build techs up faster than him and gets the 2 tanks while he's still at barracks/mid upgrade to Arsenal stage), I will have already been under the cover of a Roman wave from my forger (almost always my brother). Thus, if you react to my hovs with hovs of your own, I can always make more, or just sacrifice them to take out your sakatas.

Your post strategy seems really slow and inefficient, considering bank + arm + arm is faster than arm + arm. Thus, my tanks come out before yours; even if it's only 2 tanks, it's 2 more than what you would have.

This is, of course, all theory since we've never played each other. Maybe we can test this some day soon.
186 posts

Apologies, it's A27 Prides...was a mistake. A27 Prides are fantastic units, contrary to what you all seem to believe. They have the range of snipers, AoE dmg, Missile resistant armor, and are good both anti-ground and air.

20,591 posts

That's because they were buffed in version 2.1.

186 posts

Btw Ephemeral, my calculations are entirely based on pre v.2.0 So there's a good chance much of these things have changed.

186 posts

But yes, you are correct, I did the calculations wrong to begin with. A normal bank (non capitalist) gives .75 $/s. 20% added to this is .9$/s instead of 1$/s. The Treasury grants 1.596 or 1.6 $/s. After Nov. 1 I'm going to start playing with my bro again and I'll update the chart and whatnot. And yes, it would be a pleasure to vs. you Ephemeral!

P.S. I understand what you mean by Sakata MKII > A27 Prides, but this is not entirely so. You need to have 1 more A27 than there are sakatas. But certainly, it takes a little bit of time to kill them. That's what far snipers are for!

20,591 posts

Sakatas can own anything after the base is destroyed

186 posts

lmao...very true. I have to admit though, I don't like it when that happens. I've been in scenarios where my base got destroyed, and I would have come back and won had it not been for hover tanks shooting down my bq's

20,591 posts

It's been funny, because if the Sakatas happen to shoot at the hovers first, the splash would kill all of the hovers.

Works the same way for every other unit.

365 posts

How do Groditz' help strategies, I dont see how they are helpful.

186 posts

I've never used Groditz in any successful strategy. I suppose they're just a support unit. If they were given longer range (like sniper range) would make them a lot more useful.

20,591 posts

They can be OK in a low tech game backed with meds against someone who doesn't use snipers, but they suck the rest of the time.

365 posts

Yeah, they should probly give the Groditz' rockets to attack air, cause then they would be much better.

Dont you think?

20,591 posts

Groditz can hit air with machine guns.

365 posts

But if they gave them marine rockets, except they would fire four of them instead of one.

20,591 posts

That is a bit too cheap, isn't it?
I'd prefer Sakata MK-II.
That would serve the same purpose, still.

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