ForumsGamesXbox 360 vs. Wii U vs. Playstation 3

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This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!

No flaming please.
Avoid the 1-5 word answers.

  • 5,032 Replies
5,875 posts

with the ps3 exclusives dont forget my favorite Resistance

And don't forget LittleBigPlanet. Probably one of the best exclusives out there.
5 posts

I have had all 3 systems.

Out of all three I love the ps3.

The wii is an amazing system, but adding friends, and no updates make it almost useless.

The xbox is great.
Updates constantly, great games, but no blu-ray and internet is costly.

Ps3 for me, is perfect. Great games, blu-ray and free internet.

5 posts

so xbox 360 has, Halo and the G.O.W. series as exclusives. what others does it have? because those two series almost instantly come to mind, but then i got nothing.

478 posts

I shall make cases for both the Xbox 360 And the PS3.

As far as the Wii.. Why is it even in the discussion?

Xbox 360's exclusive games: The Halo series, Gears of War, among others that are not so popular.

PS3's exclusive games: The God of War series, Infamous, Resistance, Metal Gear Solid, the Uncharted series, among others that are not so popular.

It all depends on your taste in games, although most would take the Xbox in this category for the worldwide popular Halo series.

Kinect vs. Playstation Move

One had twice as much marketing as the other but twice as less praise and acclaim. Needless to say, Kinect easily wins.

Red ring of death vs. Yellow light of death

The RROD plagued new Xbox 360 users worldwide right after the console had came out, including myself. I've gone through I believe three of them. All the same outcome. Although, Microsoft has since then worked hard to make new and better consoles by including a reduction in the number, size, and placement of components.

The YROD hasn't happened for many people, including myself. A 2009 study by SquareTrade, a warranty provider, found a two-year failure rate of 10% for PlayStation 3s. According to Ars Technica, the number of PlayStation 3 consoles that have experienced failure is well within the normal failure rates in the consumer electronics industry.

More reliable software? Ps3.

Entertainment, Multimedia, etc.

I'm going to keep this one simple and sweet. They both have basically the same features as far as being an overall entertainment system (movies, store, music download, Netflix, internet browser, etc.), with the exception that the PS3 can play blu-ray movies. Take that how you will. But I'm taking the PS3.

Online Play

The Xbox seems to be overwhelmingly more popular in terms of online play. I've heard several people say "all the good players are on Xbox" although I believe that's biased Xbox fanboy talk. But as we all know.. Who provides the free online play and who requires over $50 dollars a year? Yeah yeah, it's not a lot. But it adds up. Unless of course, you get money from mom and dad. But not all of us are so fortunate.

The Conclusion

No matter how you may look at it, the PS3 seems to be the superior system. Take it from a guy who has had both. If you can survive without your Halo and Gears of War, the PS3 is much, much better.

People also tell me that the ps3 controllers are too small for their hands or that it's uncomfortable. Well here's a simple solution: They sell Xbox 360 shaped PS3 controllers in stores. Buy one.

I know I didn't touch on a few things, but I didn't want to go over EVERYTHING.

1 posts

I never played on any of the consoles, but I'll choose PS3.
It has more games I want to play than XBox, and I see the controller more comfortable.

2 posts


3 posts

after playing both (primarily 360) I have determined that 360 is indeed better, the reasons being that a. it appeals to more of the adult/mature audience in its games (god of war is just a hack and slash kill everything in sight so it is adult in nature but not mature) and also the playstation may include blu-ray but the overall graphical power of either has not been fully used and atm they are both essentially at the same level graphically for multi-plats.

1 posts

xbox 360 iz better play station 3 sucks and so does wii
[/quote] no game system iz bettery[

708 posts

I notice more people likes the Ps3 over the Xbox. That could mean Ps3 is the best console to use.

I also like the Ps3 myself. It's a really good console (like what ryan7g said) with the most benefits out of all the systems.

5 posts

Xbox 360 has the best graphics, better games that only come out on one console, e.g The forza series. The one game consoles xbox 360 have, is alot better than the ones playstation 3 has. Plus xbox is owned my Microsoft, which is owned my Bill Gates, who is the richest man in the world

12 posts

(if you dont want to read all my commentary, skip to the end and look in the peranthasis)
Personaly, i am a PC gamer, but i have a 2 PS3's, a wii, and my 3 friends combined have 2 ps3's and 2 xbox's. Overall i think the Ps3 has to be superior. I like all of it's exclusive games more than Xbox or Wii, it's move is better than the wii or the kinect, in my opion, because i like the controller, but the mvoe is much smoother than the wii. Little big Planet, Overlord, God of War, all of these are some of the games that are my favorite that are for the ps3. I tried Halo, and it was just not as smooth nor fun as games that i have played on the ps3. I think the layout for the Xbox Controller is just too odd, the PS3 controller just fits my hands better, but if you have a bigger hand the Xbox will be more for you. Overall if i had to rate them on a scale of 1 to 10. I would give PS3 and 8 ddue to free internet, good graphics and awesome games, but like all things, it has it's problems like loading occasionally, and the controllers get eaten by my dogs to easy . Xbox i would give a 6 it is pretty much the same as Ps3, exept no free internet and the hand structure doesn't fit my hand as much. Wii i would give a 3, because it's too **** jerky, you dotn have an option to have a normal controller, but the nintendo games are quite interseting. ( OVERALL: XBOX-6 PS3-8 Wii-3)

708 posts

"Additionally, if one looks at the total amount of sales through the first 6 months of 2011, the PlayStation 3 has sold about 10% more than the Xbox 360, worldwide, so the PlayStation 3 is definitely gaining ground." -IndustryGamers

This shows from last years sales and Ps3 clearly won.

"1. The PlayStation Network is free. Sure, sometimes the PSN goes down or is taken down by hackers, a problem Microsoft has done a better job avoiding, but Xbox Live Gold will cost you $50 a year. Thatâs $50 more than youâll pay to play online games on the PSN.

As Paul Tassi notes, if youâre paying for Xbox Live itâs not like you get a discount on Netflix or Hulu or any other app. Youâre just paying twice. Fifty bucks a year isnât a make-or-break deal, but itâs enough to buy an extra game per year ad infinitum.

If the Xbox 720 costs the same per year as the 360 does, and the PS4 maintains its free PSN access, then the next-gen decision will be just as easy to make.

2. The PS3 has a Blu-ray drive. If youâre like me and my family, most of your media these days is streaming. Still, especially for animated movies like How to Train Your Dragon and anything from Pixar, as well as other big-screen flicks like The Avengers or The Dark Knight series, the Blu-ray can make a big difference, both in terms of visuals and sound.

It also means thereâs more room per disc for PS3 titles over Xbox 360 titles, allowing for somewhat noticeable improvements in graphics on PS3 versions of many games, and â" perhaps even more importantly â" allowing each title to fit on one disc. There are few things more annoying than having to stand up and switch out an Xb0x 360 disc in the middle of a game.

3. The PS3 has better exclusive titles. Unless youâre a big fan of Halo or Gears of War, PlayStation 3 simply has better Sony exclusives than the Xbox 360.

Iâm not a big Uncharted fan, but if you like Indiana Jones-style cinematic games, you canât do much better than the Naughty Dogâs adventure franchise. God of War may be stretching itself a bit thin at this point, but the action-Greek-myth hack-and-slash title is still a big draw.

From Softwareâs Demonâs Souls is, quite frankly, reason enough all by its lonesome to choose the PlayStation 3 over the competition.

Other exclusives include the LittleBigPlanet franchise, including the upcoming Karting installment, as well as PSN games like The Unfinished Swan, which is one of the most intriguing looking titles Iâve seen in a while.

Meanwhile, many popular titles like Call of Duty are cross-platform, and many Xbox exclusives are also available on PC (though not nearly enough â" seriously, why isnât every Halo game a PC title as well?)

4. The PlayStation 3 controller is rechargeable. Never underestimate how truly irritating batteries can be. I own Dark Souls on Xbox 360, and in the middle of a serious boss fight (Smough and Ornstein) my controller died.

This was my first attempt at the boss, and Iâd summoned an NPC and another player to help me in the battle. Just as we entered and began doing battle my character froze up. I clicked madly at the buttons, watching my life drain before my eyes, unable to block, roll, run or fight. Then the message box appeared, saying that my controller was no longer connected.

Had this been a PS3 game I could have, theoretically, leaped from the couch, bounded across the living room, plugged the controller into the console and saved my life. Since it was Xbox 360 I didnât even try. I would have had to find the batteries, first of all, if we even had any. Sure, it was my fault for letting the controller die, but thereâs something to be said for a rechargeable controller in terms of convenience, especially for lazy oblivious people like myself.

5. The Kinect isnât ready for the big leagues. Naturally, you donât need to buy a Kinect or any other motion-gimmick-hardware, but the Kinect does seem to occupy an overly-large parcel of psychological real estate at Microsoft. Thereâs a plethora of new Kinect titles, and very few top-notch new Xbox 360 exclusives hitting the market these days. Is Microsoft placing too many eggs in its Kinect basket? If so, itâs worrisome.

For one thing, the Kinect is not nearly what itâs cracked out to be. Weâve played mostly demos for the Kinect, but itâs been a really frustrating experience for both us and our five-year-old. It constantly drops players and is about as far from precise as you can get.

Donât get me wrong â" the concept is fantastic, and some of the games are fun, especially for kids. I imagine a future generation of Kinect may be a good selling point for the Xbox 360/720/etc. but this time around, Iâd worry more about Microsoft and Xbox 360 developers paying too much attention to a device thatâs only half-ready, neglecting non-motion-controller games in the process.

6. Last, but not least, is the PS Vita, Sonyâs latest and greatest hand-held gaming device. The world may be moving toward mobile, but the PS Vita is a really impressive gaming machine that can connect directly to your PS3. If you want hand-held games, Microsoft still has some serious catching up to do. If you go with a Vita, youâll be better off pairing it with a PS3 than an Xbox 360."- in it's reseach on Ps3 and Xbox360

This further proves that Ps3 is better than Xbox.

708 posts

The site is shown after the quotes from the actual website.

69 posts

Xbox better because,
You dont need to pay,you can play free.
you only pay for the chat/voice.
there are x2 games for Xbox 360 than Ps3.
the controller is good.
The Kinect is BETTER than the ps move because you dont need a controller in you hand.

22 posts

x-box 660

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