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ForumsGamesXbox 360 vs. Wii U vs. Playstation 3

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This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!

No flaming please.
Avoid the 1-5 word answers.

  • 5,032 Replies
13 posts

Um yea. Considering blu ray players are like 500 bucks, and a ps3 is 299 to 399 now... Um its kinda a bargain there bud.. And i have a monstrous 60 inch tv in my basement. The difference between in DVD and Blu Ray is crazy. I watched the james bond quantum solace one on both on that tv... I almsot shat myself cuz i literally felt like i was right in the movie. No more little fuzzy moving up the screen, no more blochy spots. Everythings crystal clear, you can actually see each rain drop, and the faces look like actual faces. Hi def baby, and DVD just doesn't stand up to it anymore =/. Saying blu ray sucks is another easy false scapecoat rumoured around by xbox fanboys

Oh... bluray does the ps3 best then? no other stuff? no problem if their online community sucks or something like that... no! cause they have bluray!

1,101 posts

no problem if their online community sucks

But thats the thing... It doesn't at all. I join more lag free games on my ps3, than on my friends xbox 360. Ive never been in a game yet, where my internet connection is less that light green (3 bars), yet it seems my friend can join games where everyones in the red... D=... The online is basically the same, but xbox has more dedicated servers... And because of the annual 50 bucks a month they can get downloads in there store quicker... Thats the only difference.

But were just hitting the online areas of each system. If you truely wanted to get into everything, we can start talking about graphics, design, bulkiness, cost efficiency, controllers, exclusive games, etc...

69 posts

Definitely 360. I dunno why i love that there's so many buttons...Plus.... Halo come on!!!!

13 posts

My vote goes to the 360. I hate Sony for being the corporate filth they are. Not that Microsoft isn't, but with Sony it's personal because they smacked down HD-DVD and in all honesty I believed HD-DVD had more possibilities for expansion than Blu-Ray (I gave in and bought a Blu-Ray just because I enjoy having good movies, but I still hate Sony, no questions asked).

The Wii I believe is a step in the right direction but I despise Nintendo for smacking down all their hardcore fans. Man, when I first heard of Nintendo's new console, I was like YEAHHHH! Now, I do like it. The games are innovative and it has cutting-edge technology for its motion sensors but... whatever happened to the hardcore gamers who supported Nintendo. I enjoy many of their classic games, but the Wii basically took the harcore Nintendo fans, threw them onto a busy highway, and ran them over with a truck.

Finally, the 360. Yes, the online is expensive. It's worth it, though. After being a PS2 user for many years and testing the waters with the PS3's Playstation Network, I have to say that I get dropped a whole lot more than with Xbox Live. The Xbox 360 also has many Valve exclusives (Left 4 Dead, anyone?) and I'm a sucker for Valve games (ever since Half Life sucked me in).

Now, final words, I also have a gaming laptop. One problem: it's powerful, but it overheats too much. Even with a fan I can barely keep it under control. So, the PC is good, but it's a little iffy for me.

Final List:

Xbox 360 (best, no denying it from me)

PC (good, but the overheating really kills me)

Wii (innovative, if a little boring; Nintendo really alienated hardcore gamers with this one)

PS3 (go die in an acid pit, Sony; greedy corporate CEOs ruined HD-DVD, and because of that I can't even stand to look at that piece of crap they call a console)

50 posts

I think Xbox360 because the playstation3 is just a rip off of xbox360 but the wii is still good but xbox360 is more user friendly and has more functions.

124 posts

LoL. Playstation 3 is much better than xbox 360 why? Maybe couse it have blue-ray?Or a better Game-engine? a better Store? well i dont now...
And Wii is still good or even better...

3 posts

I'm Gonna rule out the Wii straight away, one reason, the graphics, I mean the motion control is cool but project natal for the 360 is coming out soon and then the Wii will look even worse.

The PS3, what can I say, it's a great console, the price is way to much though.
Example: Today on the 9th of April 2010 the prices of the 3 consoles at ASDA (Wallmart) were:
Xbox 360 (Elite): £197.00 ($302.51)
Xbox 360 (Arcade): £159.00 ($244.16)
PS3 (Slim, 250GB): £282.00 ($433.04)
Wii (Standard, White): £140.00 ($214.98)
As You can see Ps3 is by far the most expensive, yet Xbox is £100 less for somthing that is basically the same thing.

1,101 posts

As You can see Ps3 is by far the most expensive, yet Xbox is ã100 less for somthing that is basically the same thing.

negatory not even close to the same thing =)

1,101 posts

My vote goes to the 360. I hate Sony for being the corporate filth they are. Not that Microsoft isn't, but with Sony it's personal because they smacked down HD-DVD and in all honesty I believed HD-DVD had more possibilities for expansion than Blu-Ray (I gave in and bought a Blu-Ray just because I enjoy having good movies, but I still hate Sony, no questions asked).

Well actually all of sony's ideas before hand had been taken out of the market. The blu-ray dvd player was the first to actually make it out there, and become popular. Second I also have a hi def dvd player (which are basically impossible to come by these days) and im sorry to say, but its a worthless peice of junk. It takes 10 minutes for it to load up open the disc tray, and then load the disc... Blu ray takes 1. Also just based on the looks, its barely any different than watching a regular dvd... This is why hd dvd failed.... And it wasn't sony's fault, it was the publics... Everyone just decided to choose Blu ray because it was better quality.

And if your actually complaining about a crappy HD DVD system, then really your not commenting on any of the gaming aspects of a machine. Just the video capabilities.

Sry for dbl post

2 posts

the best is x-box 360. Online is cool and not so bad than ps3!

44 posts

I like all of these systems. The PS3 has the best controls, and graphics, and does not brake as easily as other systems, the XBox360 has better games, downloads, and it is more organized with the Dashboard, friends, etc. I do not prefer the WII over both of the other systems, although the wii is pretty neat with the motion censers. The wii is more of a consol for a family.

>> Overall, my favorite system has to be the XBox360.

5 posts

wii would be the best if you could get ps3 and 360 games on it but because you can't I'm votin' ps3

3 posts

Xbox 360. It has the better controller, better online, better games, better non-gaming related activities (, netflix, face book, twitter[Really alot for only $50 a year])

The only thing that I want that the ps3 has is a web browser, but then again, that brings about a major security risk.

The Wii is fun, for the first week or so, then I loose interest, considering there are very few games I'd want to play.

16 posts

PS3 FTW!!! I'll tell you why.

Microsoft admitted to cutting corners on the Xbox 360 just so they could get it out before the PS3, thus people would want the newest console and would go out and buy it straight away. Sony cut no corners. For Xbox 360, you have to pay to play online. To play online on the PS3 it's free. Sure the PS3 costs more, but it's higher quality and free to play online. When you think about it, paying for Xbox Live will eventually make you pay more than you would have if you'd bought a PS3.

I rest my case. *Puts imaginary case down on desk*

9 posts

well I own a 360 and compared to the ps3 it sucks balls on quite a few levels. Firstly price, yeh you save up front with 360 but then you need xbow live subscription (for most games to be worth buying) which is b.s. playstation network is free plus you get a blu ray player included so the price is easily made up for with just that and ps3 comes with wi-fi to boot. Most importantly the ps3's hardware is better and the two following games are the perfect examples: Fina Fantasy 13; the graphics on ps3 are way better and metal gear solid 4 which couldn't even be made for 360 because it cant handle the game and hd dvd sucks. I will, however, say for fun with friends wii owns all. Mind you with ps3's new motion controllers set to launch pretty soon I think ps3 should have everything pretty well stitched up. Also as a 360 owner and lover of the Final Fantasy series I might just cry at the news that Final Fantasy VS 13 is ps3 exclusive.

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