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ForumsGamesXbox 360 vs. Wii U vs. Playstation 3

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5,043 posts

This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!

No flaming please.
Avoid the 1-5 word answers.

  • 5,032 Replies
53 posts

xbox360 graphics aren't even as good as ps3s so the graphics thing is out of the window already. As for it's exclusive games, it has plently. Wii are always coming out with new stuff, it's just that nobody could actually be bothered with the Wii as it requires physical movement, and most gamers like to sit and chill out when they're on a game. Xbox has got best internet connection, but you have to pay for it. People also say ps3 is much more expensive, that is true as of now, but when Xbox 360 came out a few years before Ps3, it was just as expensive as what ps3 was when that was released.

3,035 posts

So you're saying people don't play the Wii as much because it requires actual physical movement? It's sad that that's true...

53 posts

Your right, it is, I have a Wii, but theres only one reason I don't play it as much as my ps3, because the internet connection on the Wii is lousy. I love to play on the Wii when theres lots of people, and we can add Miis on to other peoples Wii systems, and hammer them at tennis. But people just see the Wii as a moving about game, and just can't be bothered to do it. Lazy if you ask me, but that's one of the reasons. Although I say that, but the Wii sells more than xbox and ps3, so some people are playing it, but usually people who have Wiis have an xbox or ps3 as well as a Wii.

3,035 posts

I play my Wii all the time and I go online, especially on SSBB.

53 posts

When I first got the Wii, I loved it, I was on it all the time, and loved trying to beat my family on games, which I did, lol. But I like to play on games with my friends too, and non of them would get a Wii, it was all about the xbox 360, then the ps3 came out, and I got one, and now there's always a friend online, but I do return to Wii now and then. The ps3 seem to be copying Wii a little now though, as they've brought the motion controller out, which looks alot like a Wii remote, so there will probably be some Wii-type games out on ps3 soon. Hopefully anyway, I'd love to play Wii-type games with friends.

13 posts

PS3 without any question - simply because the online features are indescribably better. Communities, updates, games and loads of other stuff for free. Gaming is relatively similar. But advancement of the PS3 seems to be outstripping the eggbox for the time being

53 posts

Well if it is better now, then it will be much better in months to come. Microsoft will be onto something new though, they always are.

257 posts

Not sure why you say the ps3 has better online features. I'm guessing you havnt played a 360 before. AS new stuff comes out every single day. There are a buynch of games that become available for download every single week, with regular updates and 1,000's of free stuff to get.I have played both, and i find that the 360's online experience is far superior to the ps3's.Although I do enjoy the ps3,it seems like its just a step behind the 360 in every catagory.And for that reason, I dont mind payin 4 bucks a month for online.
and a wii is lame unless your under the age of 10.As if i want to go get up and be active, I go outside, not stay inside and swing my arms around.And it only sells becuase every kid under the age of 10 asks their parents for 1 and the parents get it for them.As the 360 and ps3 is suited for older gamers,and they have to buy it themselves.

451 posts

I have to say even for the ps3 and the 360 because i think the 360 has a better mutiplayer but the ps3 has better graphics and they both have good games and the wii well the wii is just stupied its graphics sucks and half the time the remote controll dosnt even work

129 posts

the wii is a sad excuse to get people to exercise.
the playstation doesnt have any multiplayer games that are good.
and the xbox360 has good multiplayer but not free live.
So, my choice is xbox360 because it is probly the best of the 3 and i bet many people agree with me

358 posts

I say PS3, considering I have been a playstation fan for a long time. I find the PS3 is better for Offline play, and also has far better graphics, and has some of the best games, that is exclusive to the PS3.

The Xbox, has the largest online communuity, and probably the widest amount of selections of games, and one of the msot fun online experiences. But it lacks the graphics the PS3 has.

Wii, like some people said before, is a poor excuse of exercise. Sure it is fun, but it gets boring quick unless you get new games. The technology isn't a new thing eithier. Older game systems have implented the same system. However, there is some notable games on the Wii, which bring it to life. The online community is pretty small, but it is well regulated and monitored, so the Wii is better for a less mature group.

So in final, my choice is PS3. For Wii, I just go outside, I work almost a 24/7 period on the fishing trawler for 3 months of the year, and help the farmers often when im not fishing.

So I dont need the Wii, I get enough exercise as it is.

For Xbox, Im a cheap greedy person, and I don't want to pay for online. Plus, im not much of a online player to begin with anyways, considering I like RTS/ Empirebuilding/ RPG sort of games.

And as for the PS3, alot of my favorite game saga's, Metal Gear Solid, is exclusive to the PS3, unless pirated.
So, all in all, I say the PS3.

5 posts

Xbox all the way, with the PS3 and Wii at tie just because I have the same love for both company's.....

1 posts

Well i love the wii and the 360. i have never tried ps3 but i LOVE wii

6 posts

Not an easy one to answer. It kind of depends on what you want. Wii is great for fun little games with friends, especially if you want arcade games. But for most gamers that's not enough.
PS3 has great quality, but that comes with a price: the price and the limited amount of games compared with the Xbox.
Xbox is for me the winner because of it's price, huge amount of games and community and the fact that the quality is almost as good as the PS3

2 posts

I think PS3 wipes out all of them because it has better exclusive games like Uncharted 1 and 2, MLB 10 The Show, Motor Storm and Motor Storm Pacific Rift, InFamous, MAG, God of War 3 and a ton more. Plus the graphics for exclusive PS3 games is INCREDIBLE. But I do have t give xbox 360 Halo and Wii Super Smash Bros Brawl.

Showing 991-1005 of 5032