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ForumsGamesXbox 360 vs. Wii U vs. Playstation 3

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5,043 posts

This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!

No flaming please.
Avoid the 1-5 word answers.

  • 5,032 Replies
1 posts

any1 seen that new xbox 360 its looks so cool the old xbox360 wasnt better then ps3 got to admit but the new one blows ps3 in last year im not gonna get it because i think the 720 might come out in abit

296 posts

The Wii killed gaming now Microsoft is coming out with all that "Kinnect" crap.

409 posts

The wii killed gaming? My god that is so untrue! I own a Wii and I love it! The realgames are amazing, the only bad thing is that there is a whole load of games that are just casual junk. However, games like smash bros, Metroid Prime, Conduit, Red Steel etc. are simply great. And everyone else is now copying Nintendo just like they always have. You noticed that anytime Nintendo creates something new, Microsoft and Sony follow suit? Nintendo is the true trendsetter and the mother/father of consoles.

21 posts

I think the Wii is better only in some ways. For example, there is no system like it (until the PlayStation Move), it's cheap, and because it's you know, more fun.
Although, the PS3 and the Xbox 360 have WAY more games, WAY better graphics, but they don't have any joyful, cartoony games like the Wii. Pretty much all of the games on those 2 systems are war games, etc. Not saying that those games are bad, but some people wouldn't really like them.
If I had to pick 1 system to buy, I'd get the PS3, because it has amazing wifi, and has BluRay.

296 posts

At least with a Xbox360 I don't move around looking like an Idiot. Seriously a "WiiFit" think about people. Why spend 30$-50$ bucks on that crap, when you can go outside and run your ass off FOR FREE!!!

I can understand some 5 year old kid playing it but a 40 year old person... there's something not right about that

296 posts

The only reason I would get a PS3 is it play God Of War 3 and watch Blue-Rays

Nuff' said

703 posts

xbox the wii is no fun but i have never played a ps3

49 posts

Wii should have never been made the wii sucks balls. PS3 is quite a good game system and i don't know about the Xbox 360, although the new one coming out looks awesome

1 posts

It really all goes back to the type of games you enjoy playing. The Wii is new and unique system unlike any other, and it is this that makes up for the shiny graphics of the PS3 and the Xbox 360.
The Wii is more focused on cartoon-y games for all you nintendo-freaks and has much less variety when it comes to cames when compared to the Wii and the Xbox360.
When you put the Xbox 360 and the PS3 side-by-side(which I believe should be regarded in a seperate categroy from the Wii), the PS3 would most likely come out as the victor due to superior WiFi, and it's awesome blu-ray functionality. (Although the Xbox 360 seems to have a larger player base from what I've seen, ... correct me if I'm wrong..., and many of the same games that are available to the PS3)

26 posts

well, I like the PS3 better because it can play blue-ray, i think it has better graphics, there is a lower malfunction rate (the 360 has a high ring-of-death rate and poorly fixes it. instead of finishing off the problem they just clean it up and send it back) and the PS3 is slimmer. but my favorite is the wii, wii FTW

1 posts

Wii is best for gaming with younger children or siblings.
xBox is best for zombie games.
I've never played Playstation, but it seems like it'd be easy to get all the buttons confused.

4,689 posts

wii is fun if you get alot of people in the game
ps3 can play movies and xbox has basically alot of good games

1,051 posts

PS3 has the best graphics, blu-ray, it's the most expensive one, free online gaming. I think PS3 is the best one, the only downside for me is the control.
Xbox 360 is really good, but has some downsides. Live costs money, the graphics aren't that good as PS3. The upsides of Xbox is the main one for me, the control! And there are some big game titels that are only for Xbox 360, like HALO 3.
And then there is Wii, sure it's a plenty of fun, and all those Nitendo classics. But there is nothing here for hardcore gamers.

1,101 posts

lol they were testing the new xbox (black and smaller... looks like a mini ps3 haha) and there newer 120g xbox 360s to see the difference. The white one got a RROD during the start of the test and i couldnt help but laugh at this fail. Anyways it really does look like they finally made a great system... And coming from me it means alot. I always hated the white ones, basically because they arent a very great buy. There cheaping, but your also going to have to send that system in during one point or another, no matter what you think now. All my friends have had to send theres in, every single one who had an xbox. Most of them turned to the ps3 because so many of them were tired of it, and i guess seeing how great the ps3 is... But the new xbox is pretty dece. Its black, its sleek.. Looks less like a kids toy, and finally looks like a more mature gaming unit. It finally has wi-fi connection (hopefully it loses those big bulky cables), 250g hard drive, and finally it has the konnect ability built in... just gotta wait for the release. So in reality, if konnect is actually decent, and not a fail like most of there products they've made, then i might buy it....

But until then, the online is basically the same... yes i know OMG how can that be... Well i've played online on both systems, and me and my buds had a test from the same internet connection on both systems. Side by side mw2. During the ps3 one it was a little laggy throughout, and switched host once... Then had a great connection. Then on the xbox it was completely laggy and got dropped. then we joined another and it was a great connection.... So i mean really theres basically no difference. Both had full matches almost instantly. Ps3 had better graphics, but that coulda been the tvs. Either way online is basically the same. I just wanted to see for myself if anyone was better... Guess not. So no more retarded online arguements, theres no difference..

2 posts

Wii: Relatively poor graphics, weird but intuitive controls, great misc. games, good everything else. Lots of exclusive games.
X-box 360: Outstanding graphics, traditional controller, great shooter games, great misc. games, poor everything else. Good amount of exclusive games.
PS3: Great graphics, traditional controller, good for Final Fantasy and racing games, poor everything else.* Not that many exclusive games.

*note: pretty much every game available for PS3 is available for X-Box 360.

Conclusion: The Wii and X-Box 360 are the only console games worth having as of 2010.

Showing 1141-1155 of 5032