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ForumsGamesXbox 360 vs. Wii U vs. Playstation 3

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This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!

No flaming please.
Avoid the 1-5 word answers.

  • 5,032 Replies
5 posts

ps3 just the best console allways been just a great quality

2 posts

No console can be considered "the best" in my opinion. Each console is made for a target audience.

The Wii targets casual gamers with easy pick up and play games and lack of any "hardcore" shooters.

The Xbox 360 targets teenagers with a ream of "hardcore", fast paced, and action packed game titles.

The PS3 seems to like experimental games that don't fit into any specific genre. Games like Metal Gear Solid series, Heavy Rain, and the Little Big Planet series.

The PS3 and Xbox 360 both share the vast majority of games. There are only a few exclusives on each console which, I think, are aimed at the consoles target audience.

There's no console "better" than another console. The console which you prefer is the console for you, not for everyone.

76 posts

PS3 is my favorite. Why? Because it has the blu-ray player, and I love watching movies! Oh, and also, I really enjoy car games, and those will always be best on the PS - anyway, that's of course just my opinion.

1 posts

I like the xbox 360 myself but i think the PS3 is great too but the wii just doesnt have the hardware to play stuff halo 3. but im not calling the wii bad its just that each have its own great games.

1 posts

I personally vote PS3, well just because I have one. But that's not my full reason.

But the controversy does go back and forth. The only reason that everyone would vote for 360 is because it came out in 2005, compared to the PS3, 2006. Therefore more people have a 360 tempting more and more people to join their friends on Live. Honestly that sickens me. I say that out of all the three PS3 has the best online digital service media. Playstation Network is FREE (360...), and you do not have to have several IP addresses (Wii...) just to play online. My PS3 though stinks. I originally got the 80GB 4USB for the backwards compatibility, but I am seeing endless trends of it breaking. At least I have a warranty. The newer PS3 does not break as much and it works fine.

My neighbor has an Xbox 360 and I say I can't find much to complain with. Well, first, there is that stupid battery pack (his dies constantly). The system does overheat often and wow, Microsoft will even tell you if your 360 is broken (rings of death), as if they are expecting it to happen. Well, you could argue that PS3 has the Yellow Light of Death. Regardless, only people that have previously purchased the xbox should get the 360. Playing online is also torture, if you want to go there. All Live is is just greed, greed, and more greed for Microsoft. There are some upsides to 360 though, too. First, Xbox has some games that PS3 doesn't have (and vice versa). And yes, I am speaking of Left for Dead 2. But I will not get too deep into that because many people will argue InFamous and Killzone 2. But the gameplay is pretty good for 360, but if you have already played on PS3, it's very confusing.

Lastly, Wii. Oh geeze, where did Nintendo go wrong? No seriously the Wii is pretty good if you take a deeper look into it. I like the fact that this is probably the only system that your mom and sister would like to play. I like Wii Sports, well, because I can bowl a 257 in Wii Bowling and maybe a 108 in real life. Plus it doesn't get too far into the game (take baseball for example). But for those giving a bad review for Wii, when was the last time that you guys played it? When my PS3 broke down, I resorted to Wii, and I didn't think it was bad at all. SSBB, Super Mario Galaxy, Boom Blox, and etc. Yeah so what, everyone who got Wii at first put it back in the box a week later. My suggestion is, take it out and dust it off.

4 posts

In my opinion each of the three systems has its own pros and cons.


Wii: Motion controllers, small durable system, cheapest of all systems, and a lot of family friendly games.
PS3: Built in controller batteries, large selection of games, free online play, and a simple to use online system.
360: Extensive online system, largest amount of exclusive games, and the most durable of the three.


Wii: Battery powered controllers, low selection of games, and very few majorly huge games.
PS3: Most likely to break, most can't use PS2 equipment, most expensive of two, and a limited online system.
360: Controllers eat batteries, over heats easier than other systems, and has a disk tray that easily breaks is system is knocked over while open.

Winner.............. *drum roll* ....... XBox 360!!!

1 posts

PS3 Ftw!....If Wii and Xbox was never created, then I'd be happy!

1 posts

I choose the WII because of the very different system
the PS3 and also the xbox are just PC´s

95 posts

I think the xbox 360 would win i have an xbox 360 gamertag:K1LL3R C00KI3 But the xbox is coming out with kinnect if that how you spell it so it will kinda be like the wii because you will have like a mii thing like the wii. The ps3 is an ok game system but i personally like the xbox 360 but the xbox 360 you have to pay 4 the xbox live but the ps3 and wii give you free internet. Xbox 360 and ps3 you can earn achievements

1 posts

I pick the ps3.. mostly because it has better games, better graphics, more and better exclusive games, built in wifi, blue ray player, its actually fun, and it has free online. ps3 = superior system by far

185 posts

Ps3 is best because it does not have red ring. Recently the ps3 got ps2 campatibility

7 posts

I can't find a single game forum without this debate >.<...

I have the Wii and the PS3 although I've played the 360 for the longest amount of time at friend's houses... The Wii, although it's more active, is kind of redudant aside from Mario Kart and Brawl...More over, it's Graphics are mediocre at best.

Secondly, the PS3, I find to be with the highest quality of graphics, and ALMOST every single game in 360 is in PS3 archives as well (or superbly imitated by a very similar game). The sound systems for all three of these systems would be the same (Duh!). I personally love their games such as FFXII and Ninja Storm 2 should be coming out soon. The PS3 WILL (although in my opinion it already has) overshadow the 360 in everything after it's important updates and additions are made.

Finally last but not least, the 360 . I've thoroughly compared the two systems (360 & PS3) already but a point I'd like to add onto is that all 360 users tend to brag about their online *paid* community. If any of you tried any PS3 online games you'd realize there was no more hacking snipers in Halo3 , or glitch users in CoD : MW2... I find this another point easy to pound in. For those of you saying it's cheaper than the PS3, compare the difference after a few years of the online membership (which is practically required to even compare to the PS3's performance) and you're almost dead-even. I understand there's a lot of pride in systems and perks to each one, otherwise there wouldn't be these debates. But I'd like to see a factual representation that contradicts a few of my points (and proves me blatantly wrong and you clearly right ) and I will gladly change my vote from PS3 to whatever system you can argue me into submission with .

1 posts

ps3 no questions it is more durable then 360 and has better games then the wii. The ps3 also has all good gamesxbox has (besides halo).

15 posts

xbox 360 because the controller is better, the online is better and most of my friends have a 360

1 posts

xbox 360 is full of win. I own all three gaming consoles and my xbox is what i always play the most. i barely ever touch the ps3. i mean its made by sony for christs sake and they suck so that should sum it up. wii is okay. its like the middle man. for when your bored of the 360 but not willing to degrade yourself to ps3

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