This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
The guy's statement may have been vague and terribly phrased, but he never said anything about graphics.
I know, I was just throwing that out there in case he was going to say something about graphics, and that was generally for everyone since most people who post here about the Wii say it's bad because of the graphics.
XBOX 360 will always be better than ps3 because it has good games on it and has NEVER EVER BEEN HACKED.
It gets hacked daily, but it never affects the community as a whole, just parts of them, and the PS3 has good games as well.
Pros: Cheap, good for younger ages, interactive, can play gamecube games.
Cons: Small community, ok graphics, most games are only made for younger ages. ____________________________________________________________
Pros: Large community, good graphics, Halo/Gears of War 2 & 3, base price is cheaper than ps3.
Cons: Pay for online, pay for community items, costs more than ps3 overtime, older than ps3. ____________________________________________________________
Pros: Killzone/Infamous/Uncharted/LittleBigPlanet, good graphics, medium community.
Cons: Can easily be hacked, not a lot of community support, costs less than Xbox over time. ____________________________________________________________
All the stuff off the top of my head.
you got a point right there aye...but still i like the play much more than the other two
A point I forgot to make, is that the Xbox is also hacked a lot, but it as a more secure system. Unlike the PS3, which had all the user info in the same place, Xbox's user info is stored seperatly so if it was hacked, the hackers could only get ONE user at a time.
Ps3 all the way, i mean everything "New" that the xbox slim has now, was already on the Release PS3! Also up until a month ago when my Playstation YLOD'd i had no problems, but i can't complain, i had it a week after the bad boy came out (and yes it was the fat version)
The Wii is my system. It's great for having get-togethers with all of the multiplayer games. The only downside is that the internet can be a little unreliable, but that's alright with me. It more than makes up for it with the fact that you can buy all sorts of older Nintendo games to play on the Virtual Console. Awesome.
Bem, o "Ps 3 e xbox 360, sao otimos consoles, porem, ambos continuam com alguns, erros, xbox: precisa assinar a xbox live, mas o Ps3 nao precisa pagar, porem, tem mais chance de ser hackiado, com tudo os dois sao bons, mas eu ainda continuo achando o Ps3 melhor que xbox. Mas essa e minha opniao, todos nos temos o direito de escolher oque quisermos para nossa vida. Bom Jogo!!!
I own an Xbox on which I play video games on and a Playstation for watching movies. I play games on the Xbox so I can play with my friends. My dad bought a PS3 and we have a lot of movies downloaded, so I just watch them on the Playstation since it has amazing quality.
I'm going to have to with Xbox now. I do not own one yet, but I am getting one for Chirstmas. Wii is still fun, but all of the games get old, and no good games have come out for a while.
xbox 360 is a beast console cause it has a million good games like halo 3 and also call of duty black ops and you can also get kinnect and that is awesome with the sports game especially javellin throwing
your rite xbox360 is sooooooo better that ps3 or wii (even though they have SOME good games like ratchet and clank a crack in time: ps3, or super paper mario: wii)