Can I see a link providing the data on this? I'm not saying I don't believe you just want to see for myself is all.
Okay hold on. This may take me a while.
In case you're wondering, I just remembered that. I rarely spend more than 2 minutes looking for something. I have no need too. Photographic memory FTW!
The average drinking age around the world is 18. In many places, it is acceptable for kids 16 years to drink if they are with a parrent. Drinking age isn't high because of brain issues. It is high because it's supposed to reduce the amount of people who are alcoholics and drive drunk.
In many parts of the world, drinking before the age of 21 and 18 is acceptable because drinking is not seen as something to do to let loose and party, but to relax with friends and family. They don't care to sneak around drinking and driving home drunk, getting wasted to escape family life, or trying to get over a breakup. I talked to some chick from... I wish I could remember... wow... anywho, the drinking age was 18 and driving age was 21.
Wrong. Normal people wait 'til the legal age or go somewhere to where it's legal to drink younger. Because the night in jail is no fun.
you are wrong period exclamation point, Are you in middle school??? quit assuming
Although, I do think the drinking age at 21 is a bit absurd. You can drive, die for your country, fill your lungs full of carcinogens, vote, and film yourself doing the nasty, but you can't have a beer. :P Not that you would want to have a piss-lookalike (and taste-alike) beverage, but it's pretty weird. The temperance movement still leaves its mark.
I don't get alcohol. We use this stuff to disinfect countertops because it works by tearing apart cell membranes in half, and yet we have industries packing it with sugar and other crap giving it to us to drink.
I have tried alcohol on several occasions, and I hate it. Beer tastes like urine, wine never tastes like how the wine tasters say it tastes, and never try Chinese 70% alcohol, because you could use that stuff to disinfect yourself. Champagne tastes like fermented 7-Up. So yes, I have consumed alcohol on numerous occasions, and curiosity kills the taste buds every time.
I have tried alcohol on several occasions, and I hate it. Beer tastes like urine, wine never tastes like how the wine tasters say it tastes, and never try Chinese 70% alcohol, because you could use that stuff to disinfect yourself. Champagne tastes like fermented 7-Up. So yes, I have consumed alcohol on numerous occasions, and curiosity kills the taste buds every time.
beer does taste like piss, but thats not why you drink
I remember having a conversation about this with Pixie... anywho, the gist of his answer when I asked him why the English have a smaller problem with alcoholics is that if you are allowed access to something like alcohol sooner, you won't feel the need to sneak around and drink compulsively because you know what it's like.
beer does taste like piss, but thats not why you drink
Good beer doesn't taste like piss, and yes, that is actually why I drank. Because there was nothing of decent substance in my recent vicinity, and because it tastes decent. Like cocacola, except there was no coke :P