I hope he doesnt but he shouldn't be worrying about what every person is doing he should worry about everything else like Irag ( just and Example ) that accutally is important.
I agree, and same goes for teachers. They are ment to expand your views of the world. Not drone some stuff off a peice of paper. Too many teachers just shouldnt teach. I think LESS hours in school would benifit. Theres a saying, idk who coined the phrase but its an irvine welsh book.
"if you liked school, youll love work"
Take a real good look and the similarities are astounding. School is a work training ground. Anyway, now im getting past the point. Less is more an aw that jazz.
Why do they think throwing money at schools raises education?
Well it helps. For one the amount of teachers they can hire can be raised, to allow possibly smaller class sizes, and hire better teachers. In case you didn't know(at least where I live) the schools are required to pay more to teachers with higher degrees so they typically take people with bachelors right out of college, over someone who has a doctorate if they can help it when first hiring them. From what I can tell they need to put more money into education, just not try to make the school year longer. I wouldn't mind a break from school half-way through the day to go home though.
I'm going 7:25 - 2:30 right now in the USA, Houston, TX, and there's no way in _*_*L that I'm spending more time in there. To be honest, In the USA there's just so much opportunity that lots of kids themselves undervalue education to begin with - And I mean it, I would know, I go to school, and have in four different states its not much different.
To be honest, I'm actually one of the kids that work in School, I'm sitting at Straight A's in College level classes and its a workload. I already have to deal strongly with keeping my grades up and managing my time so I can get some time out nearly as long as others.
But adding more days to school is just a negative. Not only will people that don't care just not care longer, but people that do might have a little more time to learn but a lot less time to finish up homework -- Time management sucks if you actually try to get somewhere in School and I don't like skipping out on sleep. (And I really won't like skipping out on sleep just to fit Obama's needs)
I wouldn't mind if we had more time in class to understand the concepts, it would help me personally quite a bit. Plus idrc if summer vacation is a little shortened, I usually don't do anything special that I don't already do on weekends which is hang out with friends, play video games and go on the computer >.>
So I may sound like a nerd, but I sorta hope that school years at least become a bit longer and if school days became longer I wouldn't mind that either.
I wouldn't mind more school time . . . it would be fun.
teachers would care less.
however, i can't have a summer that's not free. i wouldn't be able to work all summer and blow it all in a select few days nearing the end of that summer.
i doubt it'll even get passed by congress. and if it doesn't get passed by congress, Obama won't be able to pass/veto it. Republicans are all partisanly dead against it, and i know there's enough Democrats that will look at things and know enough to vote against it.
charter schools (all year round schools) vote lower than public schools with summer vacations.
also, having 8 periods each 46 minutes in length, it would hard and i would learn MUCH less in school, because i'd be tired as fuck and wouldn't be able to give fifty fucks whether or not i'm supposed to be paying attention.
Obama needs to remember that a lot of students today, will be voting in the next election. If he signs a law increasing the minimum time students must be in class, he'll lose a ton of votes.
I don't think that would influence the votes of one of the most charismatic people to enter politics in our day and age, especially for the youth.
A safe place for us on the weekends? Something about that makes me feel like I'm in Kindergarten.
yeah that's true, but at least he isn't lying to us. takes one hell of a politician not to lie about things they really want passed, because if they say it later rather than sooner, it has less of a wake.
I already go from 7:35 to 3:40...
However, I can't see the bill being passed, since it's NOT IN HIS POWER.
actually, according to the elastic clause it is. congress can pass any law that is required at future times, even if it's not mentioned in the Constitution.
I don't think that would influence the votes of one of the most charismatic people to enter politics in our day and age, especially for the youth
Yeah! He called Kanye West a Jack***
Back on topic...
School days should definitely possibly be longer, to those who NEED it. After school school would greatly help increase the average of mentally challenge people.