I live in Ireland and my school day lasts until 3 30 pm. I don't want it to be any longer because I have to drive 30 mins on the bus to get back into town then walk for an hour to get to my house.
If I left school when my parents did I would be home at 7 or so. Which would be awful.
However, my summer break is 3 months long. Which is far far too long. I really would prefer if it was just one month long.
As long as this isn't implemented while I am in school. Honestly longer school days would not be beneficial since we only have so much energy and would not pay attention later on in the day. I prefer the system where we get a 2 hour break instead thats implemented in other countries. I don't think this idea will make it through Congress though.
I don't think he would do that; if he does, I will be so f***ing pissed off. I will seriously stop trying to get my grades up and I'll be on AG all the time just because of it. Increasing school time will not affect knowledge at all; it will only increase the amount of homework and studying that needs to be done, decrease our personal time, thus increasing the speed and decreasing the value of the work we turn in to school. This decreases our grades on the whole, sets the bar lower, and before long, school will be teaching us even less than they are now. These are self-destructive principles that we should not be applying to our lives. Also it would make me sad.
The government can set the school day times through funding, either the schools have the time they want or no federal money, and no school wants to loose that (why do you think they care so much about attendence, they get paid for your being there). Wouldn't affect me anymore, but, I know as well as everyone else this wouldn't help at all and would just make everything worse, students would care less and we'd have to pay teachers more, so more taxes, leave the schools alone in this respect.
Honestly, I wish my school day was from 9-5PM, instead of 7-3. That way, I get more sleep in my system, so I can focus more, and I would actually have time to sit down with a bowl of oatmeal and get a good breakfast in too.
However, the Executive Branch has no authority over this, it is local governmental legislation that does. A little advice here; I wouldn't take internet news seriously, especially one from a major website. C-Span is a good source, though. It's objective in every way possible.