Strop made a thread about this a long time ago, but I couldn't find it. Even if I did, I would get yelled at for raising the dead, so lets just continue conversation here.
You guys may not understand what I'm trying to ask, but it's okay. I'll try to explain.
Do you think God, If there is one, would allow a person to go back in time and change history?
This thread is mostly for Christians, but you atheist may join in too. Since I'm an atheist I think this will be interesting.
I agree with Shyla. If there is a God and if the God is the God that many believe him to be then yes he probably would intervene because he is a very contradicting God.
God: You have free will! Human: Sooooo I can come in this garden and eat this fruit to give me your knowledge? God:, I don't want you to gain knowledge, I want to repress science so that man never finds out that I don't exis..... I mean.... no you can't. You just can't. Human: But that's contradicting! God: UH OH! YOU QUESTIONED ME! Guess your going to hell mother fcker! muahahahhahaha
i'm with Lt. God isn't the cause for everything. all history is caused by the decisions of humans. God didn't intervene in WWII or any horrible event to man.
I think that a God who watches over with all power and knowledge, who created everything isin't as stupid, silly, or impossibly as everything coming out of nothing and forming what we have today.
*blows of the dust from brain* *turns the on the "On" switch on his brain*
I think the word/s you're looking for Napolian654321 are...
contradicting stupid nonsense silly impossible
Please LT... just because your an atheist does not mean that you can flame Christians.
Finally, I good debate. It is a very interesting question. Darn this thread... because I will be staying up all night pondering this question! I this is a hard question. But my opinion is no. I'm with Flippin'. God would not allow Time Travel, because the one who traveled could dramatically change history. Such as nuking The Ark and so on. But then again, God has a plan for everyone. So that means... *cranks the gears on brain harder* that if Time Travel is in his plan... then he would allow it. Hmmm, certainly something to ponder.
did I flame Christians? He said "yes it is confusing" and then I said he should have replaced that word with those words. What's wrong with that?
I have my beliefs and you have yours. And go ahead and try to argue that those words don't describe what it is for God to give us free will and yet know what will happen to everything/everyone.
...I ask again... how did I flame?
Maybe if I didn't say napolian's name specifically you wouldn't have said that?
I think that a God who watches over with all power and knowledge, who created everything isin't as stupid, silly, or impossibly as everything coming out of nothing and forming what we have today.
Ah yes, creating a woman out of a man's rib and some dirt is much more logical. So is a talking snake, a man living in a giant fish aka whale for 3 days, people being risen from the dead, and a virgin having a baby.
Do I think everything came from nothing? No, I think it makes more sense though. However I DON'T KNOW. What I believe though is that God is something created by man to fill in the void and fear everyone has of death and the unknown.
People, just embrace that fear. What's wrong with "I don't know"? It's the truth isn't it?
I think that a God who watches over with all power and knowledge, who created everything isin't as stupid, silly, or impossibly as everything coming out of nothing and forming what we have today.
They were the time keepers, the ultimate calculators. They had some 17 different calendars that all coincided with each other, all coming down to one master calendar, the tzolkin. Google it.
Anyone with knowledge of the mayans also knows that their entire civilization just...disappeared off the face of the planet.
One theory is that they unlocked the secret to time travel.
They also went off a different timing ratio than us, modern humans do. We base our society off of a 12:60 ratio, theirs was 13:20.
Do some research and you'll see how totally off we are. Maybe it starts with keeping the actual time? Can't really travel through time without knowing the actual timing frequency...
Okay, so I haven't looked at anyone else's posts because I'm simply too lazy to and I'm just going to answer solely based on the OP, so don't go yelling at me for saying something thats already been said.
Okay, any Catholic or Christian who's studied up on their theology would know that God does not interfere with our abilities to research and find new discoveries and make new inventions. God does not allow or deny anything that we do mainly because He gave a us a free will. This free will means that we can make our own decisions and God does not dictate anything that we do. The only way that God ever is involved physically are miracles.
Lets take abortion for example. Abortion is so morally against Christian/Catholic doctrine that its not even considered an option. If God were allowed to interfere with the things that we do, don't you think he would have not let Rowe vs. Wade happen?