Think about it, what is religion? The belief in something that cannot be proven, that has many, many things that as of yet we have found impossible, and in many people, it is unshakeable. Now I am not saying that all religious people are going to go kill someone or end up in an assylum, but think, in every religion, the basis is something that cannot be know, but is only faith. Faith in something that could turn out to be wrong, faith in something that you have absolutely no way of knowing. Also, think how many of these religions started, some person got a message from a "god" that told them what to do. Don't go crazy on me, I just want people to think about it.
The astonishing fact is that scores of sincere devotees of snake handling have survived the bites of deadly snakes and the effects of drinking poisons at church ceremonies. Less than 75 deaths have been recorded as of the mid-1990s. The deaths that occurred were ascribed to lack of faith.
So if you swap the snake with some injection or whatever, then Christians will have a lack of faith cause it's not Biblical. You just have to use snakes that's all.
One, the snakes never bit, so there's no proof, once again, of anything happening, and two, those snakes were either very docile or not a type of snake that bites regularly
Religion: Not insanity Lack of religion: Not insanity (but I don't believe it's correct either) Proving/disproving God via snakes: That's another story...
Snake handling became clandestine after World War II, when Tennessee led other states in passing laws to forbid the practice, following the publicity given to the death of a member of the Dolly Pond church. Less known is the associated practice of drinking poison, usually a solution of strychnine, at church services, also forbidden by law.
This was in your link that you gave me.
Also I found this in your link.
The astonishing fact is that scores of sincere devotees of snake handling have survived the bites of deadly snakes and the effects of drinking poisons at church ceremonies. Less than 75 deaths have been recorded as of the mid-1990s. The deaths that occurred were ascribed to lack of faith. Interestingly enough, Hensley, after surviving numerous snake bites, died after being bitten during a church service in Florida in 1965. Snake handling adds a dramatic element to religious faith, and has much in common with the earlier practice of the fire ordeal in non-Christian religions.
Snake handling became clandestine after World War II, when Tennessee led other states in passing laws to forbid the practice, following the publicity given to the death of a member of the Dolly Pond church. Less known is the associated practice of drinking poison, usually a solution of strychnine, at church services, also forbidden by law.
This was in your link that you gave me.
Also I found this in your link.
The astonishing fact is that scores of sincere devotees of snake handling have survived the bites of deadly snakes and the effects of drinking poisons at church ceremonies. Less than 75 deaths have been recorded as of the mid-1990s. The deaths that occurred were ascribed to lack of faith. Interestingly enough, Hensley, after surviving numerous snake bites, died after being bitten during a church service in Florida in 1965. Snake handling adds a dramatic element to religious faith, and has much in common with the earlier practice of the fire ordeal in non-Christian religions.
^ I just proven that god doesn't intervene and "save" people from snake bites. You lost the debate. Simple as that. In a way, debating is like a game....
The deaths that occurred were ascribed to lack of faith.
Your really stupid if you think you won just cause I know the answer and you don't.
your stupidity makes me laugh! lol
So these prominent hard-core Jesus freaks decide to go " hey guys! I got a great idea! "
"Let's get snake venom into our blood stream because I <3 jesus!" *takes a swig of moon shine*
/southern joke.
So why did these people who had faith in God suddenly die from snake bites that God was supposed to protect them from? If they're from Tennessee, they don't easily convert to atheism in a day let me tell you.
Your really just playing games and I thought you wanted to learn something scientific.
For the first fail, this wasn't about proving God, but on talking about the power of faith, cause that's what you learn in religion, and that's what "Is religion insanity" meant to me.
My whole thing was on religious belief even when it looks insane to outsiders there's still a good reason they have it once you understand it. But you made the mistake that I was trying to prove God. I wasn't. It was just about religious faith.
The sceince behind this is that all mammals secrete a scent of fear in them during life threatening episodse. The belief that the holy spirit will protect them gives the christian so much of courage that they don't secrete any scent of fear whenever there handling snakes.
The other part of the science is that snakes control there venom. They can bite you and if they smell fear they will think your prey and inject the venom. But if your another predator then they just bite you without losing there venom in case they find a mouse later on.
That's the science.
So it's just an interesting practice that shows the power of faith.
Why do religious snake charmers survive snake bites? There's a number of factors that could explain why less die. Types of snakes, calmer environment, more practice vs. new charmers on the street, and the fact that coincidences happen all the time.
As I said before, snake charmers have to use movement to "charm" a snake. It's not about sound or religion.
The sceince behind this is that all mammals secrete a scent of fear in them during life threatening episodse. The belief that the holy spirit will protect them gives the christian so much of courage that they don't secrete any scent of fear whenever there handling snakes.
Prayer grants this because people who pray may become less nervous. It's called self-fulfilling prophecy. A person who doesn't believe in God can also succeed at this by understanding that they can't be afraid.
There is no proof that God protects snake charmers. Maybe he does, but it isn't a fact because people who don't believe in God can also charm snakes.
A person who doesn't believe in God can also succeed at this by understanding that they can't be afraid.
Your not even serious and you know it.
There is no proof that God protects
Who said this was about proving God again? It's about Faith in God, that's what protects them from the snakes and besides, you make stuff up all the time, you pretend to be a believer, and then you say your not, and then you say you are, but that you said your not just to debate. I soooo don't respect that. Your just like to play games so much that I don't trust anything you say anymore.