Think about it, what is religion? The belief in something that cannot be proven, that has many, many things that as of yet we have found impossible, and in many people, it is unshakeable. Now I am not saying that all religious people are going to go kill someone or end up in an assylum, but think, in every religion, the basis is something that cannot be know, but is only faith. Faith in something that could turn out to be wrong, faith in something that you have absolutely no way of knowing. Also, think how many of these religions started, some person got a message from a "god" that told them what to do. Don't go crazy on me, I just want people to think about it.
Believing in something(irrational like religion) is part of being insane.
It's more insane NOT to believe in religion. There is so much stuff science cannot explain. When you have no answer, you are angry at those who have one.
It's more insane NOT to believe in religion. There is so much stuff science cannot explain. When you have no answer, you are angry at those who have one.
I don't know how they add the cinnamon to my raisin bread. Well I will ask that little voice in my head... It says Powdered Toast Man farts on it. Well if the voice in my head say so then that must be the correct answer. Now I know how the cinnamon gets added to my raisin bread Powder Toast Man fart it in there.
OMG you are a retard. Being insane means to not be right in the head. So every child in America 6 or younger is insane for believing in Santa?
I'm not retarded in any way. 1. not sane; not of sound mind; mentally deranged. 2. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a person who is mentally deranged: insane actions; an insane asylum. 3. utterly senseless: an insane plan.
Its utterly senseless to blindly believe in a god.
It's more insane NOT to believe in religion. There is so much stuff science cannot explain. When you have no answer, you are angry at those who have one.
Its more insane to try to find out how something happens, rather then giving up and saying 'God did it'?
If some one has proven how something happens there is no reason to find new theories, but religion has proved nothing but the gullibility of the religious types.
no, its insane to try to find out how something happens, and fail, and then blame people who have
Just saying "Go did it" is in the same line of reasoning As saying Powdered Toast Man farts cinnamon into raisin bread. This doesn't leave you with an actual answer as to how something happens.
Islam is insanity!!! alot muslims blow them self up for their Prophet: Allah! EVERYONE KNOWS IT! It's ****ing insane! Killing themself and innocent people! They have to pray 10 times a day to Allah! How insane is that? Christianity is insanity!!! If there is a so called "God" who's allmighty, then why doesn't he stop all cruelity and immigration??!!(I see immigration as a ****ed up thing, unless you got respect for yourself and the other country) And if he's allmighty then hen can stop all environmentally hazardous substances to be created or not dangerous for the nature! And going to chirch every Sunday and pray? WTF?!
are you ok in there? im pretty sure using a hideous stereotype to prove your point is doesn't help your point a all. it only shows how much of an ignorant racist you are. im actually really offended, for them, about that comment. have you eever talk to a muslim? do you know what their life is like? you probably think that if someone doesn't live exactly like you, that means they are insane.
now on the christianty thing. if God does fix everythin people like you and everyone else in the world, he must not be exsist. why don't you get off your lazy ass and go fix yourself. God must not exsist cuz he doesn't clean up our mess and doesn't fix nature, forget about the fact that we fucked up nature. ignorance...
Just saying "Go did it" is in the same line of reasoning As saying Powdered Toast Man farts cinnamon into raisin bread. This doesn't leave you with an actual answer as to how something happens
and how often does science actually give you answers, it gives way more questions than answers. this whole agruement about how religon is just an imaginary friend is really getting old. can you please get something new to say, besides "religon is dumb, its just a big imaginary friend"
It is also senseless to believe in the big bang to which there is no evidence which pertains to it be correct.
Disproving the big bang does not prove creationism, also I do not believe in the big bang.
and how often does science actually give you answers, it gives way more questions than answers. this whole agruement about how religon is just an imaginary friend is really getting old. can you please get something new to say, besides "religon is dumb, its just a big imaginary friend"
It gives us answers all the time, we know how to make mechanical organs, satellite systems, deep sea/outer space exploration ect. All because of science, and its better to have empty questions then an implausible answer.
It gives us answers all the time, we know how to make mechanical organs, satellite systems, deep sea/outer space exploration ect. All because of science, and its better to have empty questions then an implausible answer.
Implausible? How is it implausible? This isn't mythbusters.