For those who don't know AI = artificial intelligence, basically a machine that reacts as the human brain does. This means that it has to be able to learn and adapt to change. What I want to know is what AG thinks of it? Anyone automatically thinking of the Terminator and The Matrix?
Seriously!? The year 6,000! Already we have technology (weapons grade admittedly) that's at-least semi-sentient, as it is capable of automatically distinguishing friendlies from bogeys, and targeting said objects.
But you couldnt subscript a AI. It would prolly be grown organicly in a test tube as well. I would quite like to grow me a megan fox whose genes were programmed to respond only to my... well I wont get in too deep, but you get the jest. It would be like trying to program a human...
If its organic then there are some serious moral implications, because you're talking about basically enslaving a creature that is very similar to humans.
But you couldnt subscript a AI. It would prolly be grown organicly in a test tube as well. I would quite like to grow me a megan fox whose genes were programmed to respond only to my... well I wont get in too deep, but you get the jest. It would be like trying to program a human...
Your thinking lab births, as the megan fox thing.(I whould like that myself...) But AI are robots that are scripted to be able to think...
Seriously!? The year 6,000! Already we have technology (weapons grade admittedly) that's at-least semi-sentient, as it is capable of automatically distinguishing friendlies from bogeys, and targeting said objects.
It can preform one function, Im thinking mote like androids, humanoid robots that think like we do and can do anything we do but will listen.... A less advanced AI could be made in a hundred years or so.
Your thinking lab births, as the megan fox thing.(I whould like that myself...) But AI are robots that are scripted to be able to think...
Im actually making a comparrison to growing babies and growing AI. They would not be much different. Once we can programme our genes to do what we want (and believe me, we are closer every day) then we can programme AI to grow the way we want, but there would still be freedom of choice for the AI just like there would be for the baby that was grown faster, stronger, happier etc... otherwise its just a dumb robot following a set course, which is not AI, its just something that SEEMS intelligent.
I see your point, however to grow them like that you would have to give them genetic material, thereby making them humans or very close to it, and then you would be engaging in essential slavery.
Im actually making a comparrison to growing babies and growing AI. They would not be much different. Once we can programme our genes to do what we want (and believe me, we are closer every day) then we can programme AI to grow the way we want, but there would still be freedom of choice for the AI just like there would be for the baby that was grown faster, stronger, happier etc... otherwise its just a dumb robot following a set course, which is not AI, its just something that SEEMS intelligent.
That is what AI is. It can gather information and do work without human interaction, or little human interaction. They are not made to be free thinkers, just robots that seem intelligant enough to do whatever we tell them.
I would quite like to grow me a megan fox whose genes were programmed to respond only to my... well I wont get in too deep, but you get the jest. It would be like trying to program a human...
What your talking about sounds more like cloning then robotics.
I would think if you had your own Megan Fox who only responded to you, you would be very deep into that. But I digress.
That doesn't stop it from being super hard to do. Even with the technology from 1-3k years from now
my theory starts with: make AI computers by using computers. Take all the data taken from programs of real life. The average human brain stores terabytes of information at one time. We are just now getting into single digit terabyte-sized memory storage machines now. It's not hard using computers to download information. Heck it takes me 20 minutes to download 2 gigs of various info (Oblivion, Crysis, Dragonage...). Imagine downloading TERABYTES of info in roughly the same speed. Downloading hundreds of terabytes in all forms of interaction and certain programs needed to perform tasks. It's not doable now, but certainly in the future, maybe even in the next century.
That is what AI is. It can gather information and do work without human interaction, or little human interaction. They are not made to be free thinkers, just robots that seem intelligant enough to do whatever we tell them.
I think real AI is a computer that can learn. But I guess its very fair to say AI covers any computer intelligence.
And I would learn to be very deep (philosophicly speaking, of course) into any form of megan fox, be it real, clone, robot, android or any other form.
I did some poking around (giggity) in the forums and found this: Probably the most recent released development in AI history. Moe posted this in '08 so that's two years ago. I'm sure there have been more-recent developments in this case but...where to find actual genuine footage?
Sorry for the double post, I just had to put this quote of robot military
As Gary Chapman puts it:
Autonomous weapons are a revolution in warfare in that they will be the first machines given the responsibility for killing human beings without human direction or supervision. To make this more accurate, these weapons will be the first killing machines that are actually predatory, that are designed to hunt human beings and destroy them.