ForumsWEPR[necro]Creator? Big Bang? Or God??

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87 posts

well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...

  • 1,107 Replies
374 posts

Not false Gods.

Many non-Christian followers of God would find that somewhat offensive. Just because it's the God that you believe in does not make it the "true" God. Your opinion is special to yourself, but it does not relate to reality, and does not affect events that have been previously set in stone.

The very first bible was created by God.

There really is no proof that the book we call the bible was created by any deity. From the evidence given, we cannot conclude any valid statements. For all we know, the self-proclaimed &quotrophets" who supposedly wrote the bible could have suffered from mental damage that resulted in severe hallucinations.
1,633 posts

I said the Bible, God's Bible. We were clearly talking about the Christian Bible. Not false Gods.

I was talking about the first religions. Polytheism was around for much longer than monotheism. Your God is the false god. Odin is clearly the real god.

Basicly the first that created the second thing must've been made from something maybe God? But what made God?

God made nothing. It is like an other cycle. Like the water cycle. Ice melts and water flows down a river. The river flows into the ocean. The water vaporizes and is condensed into clouds. The clouds then go to the mountains and snow, where the cycle repeats. You are asking me which came first: the cloud, or the snow?
389 posts

I was talking about the first religions. Polytheism was around for much longer than monotheism. Your God is the false god. Odin is clearly the real god.

Ok now your not making any sense. Your replied to this on pg. 97: (which was stating God (monotheism))

2. What made God? For something cannot have been here forver (it's just stupid to think that and naive at the least), and what made the thing that made god ect...

This was your reply:

Man did. Someone figured that it would be profitable to tell people made-up stuff as long as it sounded believable.
1,633 posts

Ok now your not making any sense. Your replied to this on pg. 97: (which was stating God (monotheism))

Did I say that monotheism was right/correct? No. I just pointed out that Polytheism was around longer than Monotheism.
389 posts

Did I say that monotheism was right/correct? No. I just pointed out that Polytheism was around longer than Monotheism.

According to you of course. To me it was monotheism. Referring to Adam and Eve... which I know I'm going to get killed after I post this lol.
1,633 posts

My Post:

Abraham is considered the founder of Judaism. He wrote Genesis and some of the earliest Torahs.

your post:
Ahh. So you think Abraham does have Islamic ancestry? I would love to read about that may I please have a link or something? That has been in a Christian vs. Islam debate for centuries.

I think there is something lost in translation. I never said ANYTHING about Islam. Are you thinking of Muhammad? The founder of Islam? The difference between Muslims and Christians Is that Muslims think that Jesus was a Prophet, not the Messiah.
389 posts

I think there is something lost in translation. I never said ANYTHING about Islam. Are you thinking of Muhammad? The founder of Islam? The difference between Muslims and Christians Is that Muslims think that Jesus was a Prophet, not the Messiah.

Lol I feel stupid now. I ALWAYS get mixed up with the Torah and Qur'an. Sorry. haha. But yea you are right about the Isamlic stuff. But Muhammad was the prophet I think they just believed Jesus was only a human and nothing else. Anyways gotta go to bed talk tommorow bye.
9,504 posts

Besides that, Judaism and Islam is what? A 7000 year difference? Ahaha...

And I would get out my Bible and give some historic facts

Oh man, I'm being terrible today....

I just pointed out that Polytheism was around longer than Monotheism.

True. It's too bad that we can't figure out the origins of Polytheism; since there are so many different points in locations that there really can't be enough proof to point out to a specific time and place where the first polytheists roamed the land.
1,633 posts

But Muhammad was the prophet I think they just believed Jesus was only a human and nothing else

correct. Islam is the the collection of Muhammad's teachings. Jesus to them was just a guy who preached about a loving God like Allah.
115 posts

correct. Islam is the the collection of Muhammad's teachings. Jesus to them was just a guy who preached about a loving God like Allah.

Incorrect, actually. Jesus, or Hazrat Isa (A.S) as we call him, was a Prophet of Allah, not just a guy. He is mentioned in the Quran, which tells us of his virgin birth and how he could speak as a newborn.

We also believe that, some time before doomsday, he will reappear on Earth (We do not believe in his death, but that he was lifted into Heaven by Allah) and fight alongside the Mahdi against Dajjal, or as you know him Anti-Christ.

Oh and Islam is a collection of Allah's teachings, not Muhammad's (P.B.U.H). He like all other Prophets merely delivered these teaching to humanity.
131 posts

big bang, god is impossible and nothing has the power to build the earth other than nature.

77 posts

Actually, both Islam and Judaism came from Abraham
He had 2 children, Ishmael and Issaic. Ishmael ended up being a direct ancestor of Muhammad, and Issaic being a direct ancestor of Issaic.

And btw, Moses wrote Genesis and the first 5 books of the bible, not Abraham.

9,462 posts

Yes you are right, I really do not no much about the topic of the Big Bang. So please tell me what was before it. I've heard different things that doesn't make sense. And I like to hear what other people believe.

There's technically no such thing as before the Big Bang. Since concepts of before and after are concepts of time and there was no time until the universe formed.

As for how the initial singularity got there, we don't know. There are a few theories out there but nothing firmly established. However based on observation when you have nothing you have to have something on a quantum level. The space between atoms makes up for most of it's mass. So nothing weights something. Looking at this "nothing" on a quantum level we find (I think it was electrons but don't quote me on that) just pop in and out of existence. This effect that we are observing may be how the initial singularity got there in the first place arising out of a quantum state.
131 posts

i recently had to write a paper about the law of conservation of mass lol i think the big bang just happened from all the dramatic tension lol

389 posts

As for how the initial singularity got there, we don't know. There are a few theories out there but nothing firmly established. However based on observation when you have nothing you have to have something on a quantum level. The space between atoms makes up for most of it's mass. So nothing weights something. Looking at this "nothing" on a quantum level we find (I think it was electrons but don't quote me on that) just pop in and out of existence. This effect that we are observing may be how the initial singularity got there in the first place arising out of a quantum state.

Ok then there is just as much evidence on the creation of the Big Bang as there is for the God creator.
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