K if you dont understand what grownups do during some nights, you probably should turn back now... Just a warning =P
Alright so ive found that with a couple of my friends there seems to be a little bit of an arguement. Its about whether to wait or not wait to have sex with that special someone. Im just wondering wat the armorgames community has to think about this one...
Now personally i believe sex is sex. Its something to pass the time by, have fun, and i guess find out what the opposite sex likes and doesn't like, and finally be good at it, so that when i do find that special someone, ill be good at it... Practice makes perfect right??? (make sure to use a condem =P and practice safe sex XD)
It isn't really worth arguing about in my opinion. To put it this way, it's their opinion how long they want to wait or for who they want to wait for. I don't think one person should tell another person how or when to "do it" unless the person telling them is the person the other person is doing it with.
The actual point of sex is to have children, but for other circumstances, it's regarded as "love" between the two partners. That being said, it is perfectly best to wait until you do have that special someone in a bonding relationship, aka marriage. I'm not saying that the only moral time is then, but that is the best time.
By this, I'm meaning that you could have a special someone now, have sex, then break up, and then have sex with another person. This is generally how STDs form. Would you want your REAL special someone have to live the rest of your life with an STD they got from YOU? I wouldn't. I'd be ashamed actually.
Sex may be good to you youngins now, but again, there are severe consequences to go with that that a condom cannot solve. People only dread teen sex because of pregnancies, but that is only one problem.
Ouch. English? Really? I'd understand if it was math or something but English? I haven't heard of anyone in my school who failed that.... But you never added that to the list so there! :P
You'd be surprised how many girls are like that. Especially the hot ones, which is unfortunate. Why can't their be a hot and smart girl?
There are.. they just don't show their smartness because of them being hot. You might find it impossible.. but it's actually pretty easy to find a really hot smart girl Lol
Also, two condoms isn't good.. your only supposed to use one, supposedly it makes the condom more prone to breaking and the man to have less sensitivity and delays the man organ.. not sure though.
You're probably twelve yourself, judging from your profiles age. Fourteen year olds having sex is fine, but twelve year olds really don't understand anything about relationships and sex. They just aren't mature enough and shouldn't be doing it. You'll understand when you're older.
No, no I'm not. I'm 13. 2's don't look like 3's, last I checked.
I lol'd. As for the actual abortion, I'm not sure their parents will be too happy.
You're probably twelve yourself, judging from your profiles age. Fourteen year olds having sex is fine, but twelve year olds really don't understand anything about relationships and sex. They just aren't mature enough and shouldn't be doing it. You'll understand when you're older.
Who said 12 year olds can't be mature? o.0 Maybe they know about sex already.. so it's not really your decision it's theirs..
For me I know about most of this stuff by THE TIME I was 12.. So Lol
And I'm guessing that you are twelve nonetheless, because your profile says 13, and the age requirement is 13, and you think its okay for twelve year olds to have sex.
I'm 13. End of story. And I said I don't care, not I think it's right or wrong. Which may be me saying it's right, but I don't care.
I'm not talking about knowing about sex. If you read my post, you would see that I was talking about maturity and not knowledge.
You'll find plenty of mature 12 year olds, I assure you. They're aren't the majority though.