In all religions parents and other adults make kids prey, go to church, and follow many other religious things they do. They tell kids many scary and untrue things that the kids can not understand. Is this considered forcing and brain washing the kids into the religion. Here is a video of a "Jesus camp". So do you think kids have a free will when it comes to religion, or are they being brain washed?
But how could you keep that impartial? anyone could be thinking god is not real maybe if I show kid atoms instead of jesus or God is real shows jesus saving people and making atoms.
Many of the things in the Bible contradict modern science. Same goes for the Torah and Qur'an. People still follow the religion. Who cares, anyway? Oh no! They're trying to force silly tales on our children and chain morals to our kids ankles! Sounds a lot like Disney more than the Bible.
I think many define brainwashing too loosely. While forcing people to believe one thing despite evidence and using scare tactics and deception can be considered brainwashing, being swayed by compelling evidence is not. If you are swayed either way by weak reasoning, then you are uneducated.
My mother was a christian and often she showed her faith in God when bad times came, yet she did not force her beliefs upon me. She did not dispute the science lessons I took, and yet she brought me to church on some days so I guess I came from a neutral background. I became an atheist because I didn't find any proof of God's existence. There was however, much evidence to be found to support all sciences.
I once went to a catholic school, where the teachers forced all the students to pray every day and also refuted certain information found in text books. This I find to be a form of brainwashing. I didn't like that school so I transfered very quickly. I think it's a good idea to educate children in critically analysing what they are told, and not force them to believe in a religion and teach them to automatically refute any evidence against it. I know of many people who are deeply religious and would deny or ignore any evidence against the existence of God. All I can say is that they most likely don't have any logical reasoning for believing in the existence of God because they refuse to accept logic to disprove God's existence. They must therefore have deep rooted, emotional reasons for believing in God not related to logic at all. I suspect most of them had their parents force religion on them and taught them to have absolute faith in the existence of God. I would consider them brainwashed by their parents because I cannot reason with them, thus their reason for believing is not through evidence. I myself would believe in the existence of God if I was shown evidence as for all I know God could exist. I cannot disprove something that has no proof to begin with. I dont think I am brainwashed into atheist, or that I am deluded and wont accept reasoning.
My mother was a christian and often she showed her faith in God when bad times came, yet she did not force her beliefs upon me. She did not dispute the science lessons I took, and yet she brought me to church on some days so I guess I came from a neutral background. I became an atheist because I didn't find any proof of God's existence. There was however, much evidence to be found to support all sciences.
What are you trying to say? Science and God aren't contradictory forces.
where the teachers forced all the students to pray every day
Kinda like how my school forces us to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Fight the power!
All I can say is that they most likely don't have any logical reasoning for believing in the existence of God because they refuse to accept logic to disprove God's existence.
Sorry I phrased it wrong. I didn't attempt to disprove God to them, but I asked them to tell me reasons for believing in God and told them why their evidence is wrong. So all I can prove is that you can't know that God really exists. Like I said later into my post, I cannot disprove something that has no real proof to begin with.
Oh and Science and religion does conflict because the bible states that the age of the world is much less than the age of the world calculated through science. The bible says that God created humans and animals in their current form, but evolution states that humans and animals are evolved forms of their ancestors. The bible says that light and dark were created before the stars, and yet science tells us that light has to come from a source of energy, like a star.