ForumsWEPRAre kids brain washed into religion

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210 posts

In all religions parents and other adults make kids prey, go to church, and follow many other religious things they do. They tell kids many scary and untrue things that the kids can not understand. Is this considered forcing and brain washing the kids into the religion. Here is a video of a "Jesus camp".

So do you think kids have a free will when it comes to religion, or are they being brain washed?

  • 195 Replies
486 posts

The arguments for the existence of God that I can remember are;

-Humans are complex like a clock, so humans must have a creator like a clock has a clock-maker. A brief explanation of why this is false is that a clock does not reproduct and evolve. A clock is not subject to natural selection and is also not subject to survival of the fittest since it is made with an initial goal in mind.

-Evolution is just a theory, we can't observe evolution because it supposedly takes millions of years. A brief explanation gainst this argument is that, for one, the definition of a theory in science is not the same as the definition of a theory in common terms. Also evolution in smaller scales have been observed in breeding domesticated animals, and while the changes produced are small, these changes can add up to eventually produce a different set of species. Many tests have been carried out in altering the genetic make up of insects and plants, and their genetic makeup is not vastly different to humans.

-There is no evidence for the big bang theory, therefore god must have created the universe. For one, the big bang is mostly just an observation that all mass in the universe must have originated from a single point which expanded rapidly. While there is no conclusive reason for such an event to occur, it merely means that there it is a field of research yet to be fully realised. Saying that there is no evidence for the big bang theory, does not somehow become evidence that there is a God. It's not logical to cover an unknown with a supposed omnipotent being so that you can comfortably relax with a false sense of knowledge.

-Most other arguments involved picking at 'holes' in science which are merely yet to be fully researched fields. I don't really understand how people can justify religion by using God as a means of 'filling in the voids'. Mankind developed medicines by looking into what caused diseases, not by sticking to the belief that diseases were God's punishment to people for being sinners.

4 posts

I was forced into the same thing. Not by my parents, they do not go to church. But by my family. Everytime i go to church, its so i can hang out with my cousins. Not learn about God the Almighty, or something. If i told my family i was Athiest, i would probly be living on the streets by now. I think religion was just an excuse for things man could not understand.

1,573 posts

Mankind developed medicines by looking into what caused diseases, not by sticking to the belief that diseases were God's punishment to people for being sinners.

I think religion was just an excuse for things man could not understand.

Two nails... one head...

And regardless of if god exists... the OP is quite clear. Are kids brainwashed into religion. We cannot prove/disprove god... but we can say for a fact that religious brainwashing happens.

Perhaps the real questions is... is it wrong. We generally imprint our kids with our beliefs, even if we dont mean to.
1,078 posts

I think my cousins may have been brainwashed. They basically refused to even listen to my point of view half the time.

22,207 posts

very scary video... gives me chills that such a place the case of the video that is DEFINETLY brain-washing. but as far as being forced into a religion by parents, i dont think so. it isnt exactly forcing a child into a religin in that case. and 'brain washing' is too strong a word for it.

9,462 posts

or something. If i told my family i was Athiest,

I would leave this in your comments but you have that closed. Not sure if it was intentional in your name but you have atheist spelled wrong.
36 posts

That vid is quite messed up. I don't consider kids that are "trained" to believe in a certain way are brainwashed. I'll only believe it when they fail to acknowledge and respect other religions, (Not open-minded?) and say that theirs is the one and only truth.

4 posts

I reckon some of the religious songs are aimed to as you say to brain wash people. When i went to school i thought they did!

9,462 posts

I reckon some of the religious songs are aimed to as you say to brain wash people. When i went to school i thought they did!

I got the same impression from many of the songs I heard about religion when I was a kid.
1,903 posts

I would leave this in your comments but you have that closed. Not sure if it was intentional in your name but you have atheist spelled wrong.

'Atheist' was already taken two years ago.

I'll only believe it when they fail to acknowledge and respect other religions, (Not open-minded?) and say that theirs is the one and only truth.

Isn't that what every religion but the Cult of $cientology stresses?
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