ForumsWEPRAre kids brain washed into religion

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In all religions parents and other adults make kids prey, go to church, and follow many other religious things they do. They tell kids many scary and untrue things that the kids can not understand. Is this considered forcing and brain washing the kids into the religion. Here is a video of a "Jesus camp".

So do you think kids have a free will when it comes to religion, or are they being brain washed?

  • 195 Replies
3,437 posts

Whether it is pointless or not is objective. And I agree with Asherlee. Brainwashed is not too strong a term. Let's look at the rebels in African countries who take kids and train them as child soldiers. They tell these kids that they are the future, that their parents are weak and that they are better off now. Well relgion works in the same way. "Believe in god and you live forever" kids dig that.

1,207 posts

Eh. Is the conversion camp a common thing in the US? I think that's really bad.

To be rational and smart rather than just absorb concepts and knowledge and then believe it without contemplating the legitimacy of it or asking simple questions like 'is it logical?' you must question things and develop your beliefs based on what you believe after thinking carefully over what you agree with and what you don't agree with. That is something many younger children are incapable of doing - making intelligent decisions based on deduction and educated, logical and possibly proven facts. Targeting conversion at a group of people at a young age - when they're unable to pose questions towards various concepts is what I'd call brainwashing - you're subjecting them to conversion whilst they're unable to question anything they're told.

I also think it's incredibly bad that they'll probably grow up to go on, without questioning Christianity, faithfully abiding to the rules of the religion. Whilst I do not mind people being faithful to some religious figure or believing in a religion or denomination's views, I don't like it when they blindly follow: never bothering to ask themselves if they think that another religion is logical or correct.

Yes, I do think some families, people and organisations do try to make people religious. I don't mind religions, like I say, as long as people do dare question it and accept other people's beliefs.

5,001 posts

I also think it's incredibly bad that they'll probably grow up to go on, without questioning Christianity, faithfully abiding to the rules of the religion.

That to me seals the envelope that it IS brainwashing.
5,043 posts

I probably posted in here before. I really don't want to get back in after missing most of the debate. Oh well.

I believe that the video used here was a bit extreme. Most churches and bible schools are not like that. Most of them are fairly open minded and they don't scare children to death or abuse them till they cry.

The thing is, when we say it's brainwashing, are we also saying that it is wrong?

I have been taught that I should hold the door open for people who are close behind me. If I'm with a girl, I let her through the door first. I have been taught that I should never hit a woman. I grew up being told that rock n' roll is the best music in the world.

All these things have been washed into my brain. Technically, I think I was brainwashed. Yes, growing up to enjoy rock n' roll and learning to worship God are on vastly different levels and are incomparable alone.

The point I am making is that we are all brainwashed to do certain things and to live a certain way. You can not put down theism simply because people are brainwashed, because brainwashing happens whether we know of it or not. A priest at a church honestly does think there is a God, so he is merely doing what he believes.

Kids are brain washed into religion, but I don't think it should be anyone's concern but the parents as long as everyone is happy and they are being taught good morals. The example provided in this thread is a rather extreme example and does go too far.

5,001 posts

Good point NoName, but "brainwashing" is not that black and white. I would say there are degrees that are contingent on the content of what's being pushed into someone's head. It really is going to boil down to a simple morality debate.

2,662 posts

The thing is, when we say it's brainwashing, are we also saying that it is wrong?

I think so. The reason being, who decides what is 'good' and what is appropriate for kids to be taught. Things like good manners seem to be inherent parts of any functioning society. However when it comes down to religion, things should be as objective as possible for kids, so they can make their own decisions. I also think its kind of ironic these jesus camps are so intent on indoctrinating kids when the idea of free will and choosing to worship god, ie, true faith is such an important part of christian doctrine. This is probably exactly the kind of behaviour jesus wouldnt have wanted, pretty much the main reason he chose not to jump off the temple to prove his divinity.
417 posts

I believe that the video used here was a bit extreme. Most churches and bible schools are not like that.

I don't know if it shows it in this video, but in the movie, it shows that the evangelical church, which is the church that is being depicted, is one of the most powerful churches in america. George W. Bush is a follower of this church, and Alcoholics anonymous is run through the evangelical church. If you've ever heard about someone being "born again" they are most likely followers of the evangelical church. Basically not only does this church brainwash children, but it also brainwashes adults in their time of need so that in turn, they can brainwash their kids.
5,043 posts

Alcoholics anonymous is run through the evangelical church

God forbid we use religion to help alcoholics! Most religious people aren't extremists, so terminating their religion is overkill.

I went camping with this girl who's father was a part of an AA group. They were mainly bikers and blue collars workers who wear a T shirt as casual clothing. Trust me, religion can help people.
417 posts

Most religious people aren't extremists, so terminating their religion is overkill.

Did I say anything about terminating their religion? I believe i have said before that it's the parent's right to teach their kids whatever they want(as long as it doesn't cause them to murder or shit like that, because there's laws against that). This is a debate of whether or not this is happening. Also, I'm talking about the evangelical church. The evancgelical church is mostly filled with extremists, the movie is filled with statistics proving this. If you haven't seen it, I would strongly suggest that you do.
3,437 posts

Yeah but it's the extremists who breed. And then create MORE extremists.

2,399 posts

Anyone see the Movie Jesus Camp? Scary stuff.

Personally, it's depends on the Parents, if the parents don't want to take the kid to church, fine.

What I'm saying, I think it depends whether the parents want to take the kid to church. My parents never took me to church, but kids that parents do take to church are generally faithful until after they move out.

1,573 posts

THIS is skary. Children ARE brainwashed all over the world.

What else you gonna call it, sure we could philosophise on the MEANING of brainwashed, but I will be happy to use the words as a means to an end.

The girl in this vid looks bored and is parroting off the answers with little thought. This is a brainwashed child.

5,001 posts

That video, Munky was also a little disturbing as well. What's more, is reading the comments. It scares me to be in a world full of people that really are like this.

374 posts

It's even scarier when those people are in contr-*AHEM GEorge Bush* control.

909 posts

The Bible says that speaking in tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit. The Bible also says how to do it and to onlyspeak in tongues when there is an interpreter. I didn't hear anyone translating what this woman was saying to the children.
I have the gift of discernment which means I can tell if someones spirit is agreeing with the Holy Spirit. This woman wasn't genuine. This video is a 'brainwashing' video of a cult type of religion that you can place on the same page with Jim Jones, who made everyone drink the Kool-Ade that poisoned babies first and then the adults.

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