ForumsWEPRAll Things Marijuana

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3,562 posts

This is a discussion thread about Marijuana, Cannabis, Weed, Dank, 420, Pot. It is currently legal in a few states, though they are regulating the usage of it.

contrary to popular belief, weed doesnt cause cancer, it's like alcohol, impairs your motor skills. that's about it.

I figure you young kids will be eventually come into contact with it once you hit your college/high school years, and it would be good to dispel some wrong and wayward thinking brought on by the government.

so please have fun, ask questions, keep it lighthearted.

For others who partake in god's choice smokes please give me some of your favorite dank

Weed is legal in a couple of states, cali, colorado. up in Canada, Vancouver has legalized weed. Amsterdam too.

It's a great experience really, not advocating you should try it, since it is also quite the expensive plant (prices are artificially inflated in legalized areas also for government control purposes)


  • 356 Replies
6,672 posts

it's like alcohol, impairs your motor skills. that's about it.

why yes and without the fuked up liver too.


if youre 21 you can have like i think an ounce on you or something
3,562 posts

why yes and without the fuked up liver too.

quite true my friend

there are pretty much no ill affects, unless you plan to do something that involves coordination while high as balls.
6,672 posts

if youre sitting at youre house bored. nothing to do... why not hit up a bowl everyonce abnd a while to make things fun. no harm in that

3,562 posts

yea that's what I was thinking too, But being at college I wouldnt say "stops" me from doing that, it's more of a legal issue. Though whenever I visit my friends up in vancouver or in Cali, you can guess what we do all the time

2,636 posts

I figure you young kids will be eventually come into contact with it once you hit your college/high school years

9,821 posts

My next door neighbor was expelled from middle school for smoking pot in the bathroom, and now he's fat and hangs out at the skate park all the time. It kinda annoys me to hear a bunch of stoned skater kids laughing and playing basketball at 1 in the morning on a school night.

3,562 posts


come in contact meaning you'll see some people doing it/ or w/e or you'll see it online or something.

Eventually you'll come into some kind of contact with it. and I don't really understand why you say "no..."
My next door neighbor was expelled from middle school for smoking pot in the bathroom, and now he's fat and hangs out at the skate park all the time. It kinda annoys me to hear a bunch of stoned skater kids laughing and playing basketball at 1 in the morning on a school night.

obv don't smoke until you're 18 and in legalized areas. dur dur durr.
stoned skater kids

are disgusting.
85 posts


Not only Amsterdam, you can buy it everywhere in the Netherlands.
3,562 posts

obviously I'm not going to condone smoking weed, as it does make you quite loopy and find small things like a roll of toilet paper rolling around quite funny.

It makes you kinda hungry sometimes like you just want to eat a bunch of stuff, and also if you aren't a common/chain smoker like me, your lungs burn afterwards a little. but that usually heals up after a good night's sleep.

Marijuana for medicinal purposes, I can see happening quite well actually. like for those on chemo, they can ease the unbearable pain and it will increase their appetites.

of course doing anything in excess is bad. like playing video games. take this guy for example:online gamers anonymous basically he loses his wife, kids, house, parents because he had a game addiction

seriously, you arent going to turn stupid from like 1 time. You also arent going to get addicted from that one time you try. I rarely go out to smoke my self silly, partially because of the legality of the matter. secondly Im poor as balls, and the price of pot is generally inflated to around 20 dollars a gram.

of course there will be problems if you smoke everyday, because you would get nothing done. I know I've driven in like circles around a neighborhood for like 3 hours cause I had no idea what was going on, and the radio was playing kansas, wayward son. lol.

onto more serious matters, what part of the smoking weed aspect dissuades you from trying it at least once?

I mean, smoking cigarettes itself isnt very beautiful. quite disgusting in my opinion, plus the butt load of cancer youre getting from each puff sounds quite delicious /sarcasm. But spending time with your buddies and laughing about why any parents would name their child jerry tomato is quite a good time. Personally I think I will never discover the mystery behind it, plus I think I become a lot better at BC calc after a bowl or 2 if my friend felt so inclined


5,043 posts

Before I say anything, please be careful with what you say. Don't go into great detail on how to smoke or find marijuana. If you have any questions on what is or isn't appropriate, ask me on my profile.


I just want to clear one thing up. Marijuana (for conventional use) is not legal anywhere in the US. Medical marijuana, on the other hand, is legal in a few states.

it's like alcohol, impairs your motor skills

It's funny that you say that. It does impair your motor skills, but in a way completely different from alcohol. In fact, it's much safer to drive stoned than drunk. Despite it being safer, it's still stupid, so don't smoke and drive.
2,662 posts

But spending time with your buddies and laughing about why any parents would name their child jerry tomato is quite a good time.

Seriously, everyone whos ever tried it has enjoyed smoking dro. I cant understand why it isnt legal.

It makes you kinda hungry sometimes like you just want to eat a bunch of stuff,

Funny story, me and a mate of mine got high and then went out for some KFC. Thing is, it was right next to the police station. We were pretty blatantly stoned and were about to go in when we realised there were two bobbies in there. We for some reason think the best thing to do is to sit on the floor outside of the place until they leave. Naturally they ask what the hell we are doing. We reply we are just tired. Long story short we ended up getting tajen down to the nick and getting cautioned. So yea, dont smoke weed kids. It gives the police another excuse to waste your time.
5,001 posts

Don't do anything that impairs your motor skills and/or judgment while driving, really.

And I think you mean recreational use...

4,375 posts

I don't really care about it. My only complaint is if you have to do it, don't go out in public.

I hate when you just see a bunch of stoned people walking around a stroe/park/whereever. It just makes me so mad. Its like really? way to be stupid guys. Stay at home, and chill. Thats what its good for.

5,001 posts

skwp, then go mess with their high. The best buzz-kill: tell them a very nice police officer with a nightstick just asked you what their names were.

3,562 posts

In fact, it's much safer to drive stoned than drunk. Despite it being safer, it's still stupid, so don't smoke and drive.

Funny story, was extremely high one time, drove home, saw a homeless guy bolt into the street, I swerved and hit the curb jarringly. the next morning I see my car. it's missing the hubcap and the wheel is partially deflated. and when I drive the steering wheel shudders and shakes... lol cost 0 USD to fix because my wheels were still under warranty

Don't go into great detail on how to smoke or find marijuana.

of course, I figured it was a fine line. Thanks for pointing it out
I just want to clear one thing up. Marijuana (for conventional use) is not legal anywhere in the US. Medical marijuana, on the other hand, is legal in a few states.

Yea, I forgot to mention that.
that is what I mean by "legalized"
Seriously, everyone whos ever tried it has enjoyed smoking dro. I cant understand why it isnt legal.

I agree, I dont understand either. I think it's because the government doesnt think it can fully control it yet. like alchs.
skwp, then go mess with their high. The best buzz-kill: tell them a very nice police officer with a nightstick just asked you what their names were.

lol messing with high people is extremely fun, I can say I've done my fair share shining flashlights into their light sensitive eyes, and messed with their muddled conciousnesses. but I have to say, some people get extremely intelligent and become calm when they are under the influence of a high.

oh btw welcome back asherlee I recall you being able to type in blue print ? D:
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