ForumsWEPRThe dragon told the donkey to speak to the ghost: Absurdities in the Bible

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We all know the Bible is full of weird things. This thread is mainly to discuss the unbelievable portions of the Bible, and why you believe them.

For a side not, if you are going to state "They are just metaphors!" then could you pleas also put what parts are not metaphors as well, as that differs from person to person... Also, if you are going to answer "CONTEXT!" please either back it up or go in a dark room and hit your head against the wall repeatedly.

To start off, I will open with a list.

  • 115 Replies
676 posts

Considering how 100% of the religions have been proved false, I would think that they are even more unreliable then evidence and fact.

If you're lookig for a scienctific view point, but I guess bible never said energy can't me makebor destroyed, only change state. I guess because no sciencetific laws are in the bible, it has to be false because no other truths could possibley exist.

Can we please actually give a passage from the bible, and not a link to an atheist website.
676 posts

Keep in mind these things weren't always regarded as just metaphorical stories. As the history of the religion goes it's only been the past couple hundred year or so that these things were not regarded as really accounts but metaphorical stories.

keep in mind that science has become some what reasonable in the past 100-200 years. The world used to be flat and animals rats were born from rottening garabe. I believe people also had good blood and bad blood.
2,520 posts

Huh huh 100 percent of religions? Wow. *high five*

4,005 posts

keep in mind that science has become some what reasonable in the past 100-200 years. The world used to be flat and animals rats were born from rottening garabe. I believe people also had good blood and bad blood.

Yep. Thankfully science has managed to disprove these and other ridiculous ideas held by the church...
3,817 posts

Can we please actually give a passage from the bible, and not a link to an atheist website.

How about we give my favorite one, the one were it says the moon gives off its own light.

Genesis 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

The "Lesser light" is referring to the moon. The moon does not have any light of its own, it only reflects light from the sun.

keep in mind that science has become some what reasonable in the past 100-200 years. The world used to be flat and animals rats were born from rottening garabe. I believe people also had good blood and bad blood.

I think I already covered the "World was flat thing" was based of the creationist vision of the world... Some people smartened up and used real science instead of the MAINLY RELIGIOUS BASED ideas. For example, some peoples used herbs to heal. They still thought the herbs had magical properties, but they were scientific enough to know that the herbs heal. Now that science has improved, we no longer need saint's bones to get the job done.
4,005 posts

Oh and for all you who like to hang on to the 'flat earth' idea, this was actually DISPROVED back in 200 BCE by Erostathenes, and was first suggested by Pythagoras in 600 BCE. It is religions which refused to accept these ideas and even clung to the 'flat earth' idea up until Christopher Columbus returned to Europe with definitive proof that the earth must be round, and even then the Church refused to accept the idea for many years. So SCIENCE had it figured out 2000 years before religion finally admitted it was wrong.

3,085 posts

Let's see - we used to think the Sun revolved around the Earth, Why? because religious people got the idea that God put the Earth at the centre of everything. When someone tried to prove this idea wrong the damn catholic church locked him in his home. On the herbs thing, as 314 said we used to think herbs where magical, now - with science - we know that certain chemicals within certain herbs have effects that act favourably in the healing or dulling of pain - Aspirin is an example.

On absurd biblical passages:

The next day..., Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again." ... In the morning..., they saw the fig tree withered from the roots. Peter ... said to Jesus, "Rabbi, look! The fig tree ... has withered!"
-- Mark 11:12-14, 20-21 (NIV)

Why the hell did Jesus check for figs on an out of season fig tree? Was he dropped on the head at birth or something? And what the hell kinda response is killing a tree because it isn't bearing fruit out of season?
4,005 posts

Oh and for all you who like to hang on to the 'flat earth' idea, this was actually DISPROVED back in 200 BCE by Erostathenes, and was first suggested by Pythagoras in 600 BCE. It is religions which refused to accept these ideas and even clung to the 'flat earth' idea up until Christopher Columbus returned to Europe with definitive proof that the earth must be round, and even then the Church refused to accept the idea for many years. So SCIENCE had it figured out 2000 years before religion finally admitted it was wrong.

4,005 posts

wow, hello uberglitch lol sorry about that everyone.

Why the hell did Jesus check for figs on an out of season fig tree? Was he dropped on the head at birth or something? And what the hell kinda response is killing a tree because it isn't bearing fruit out of season?

It seems to me to be yet another example of the absurdities of the Judeo-Christian God and his typical m.o.

Much like the argument that God makes everything happen, but we all have free will, but God knows what we are going to do, but if we do something wrong He's going to punish us, but He loves us, but not enough to stop pain and suffering, but enough to send us to hell if we misbehave (oh and Hell was an idea invented in the 7th century AD for you Christians out there.)
3,085 posts

Technically, the first references to Hell or a hell-like place were back in ancient Egypt.

1,101 posts

How about we give my favorite one, the one were it says the moon gives off its own light.
Genesis 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
The "Lesser light" is referring to the moon. The moon does not have any light of its own, it only reflects light from the sun.

Errr actually no where in there does it say that the moon gives off its own light. If i remember correctly, there are different kinds of forms of light, including reflective. Which again the bibles generalization over some things can be open ended both ways.

Yep. Thankfully science has managed to disprove these and other ridiculous ideas held by the church...

But again this was the time when religion and science were basically one with another. Everyone was catholic and if you weren't then you were out of the norm and banished while being considered a blasphemy to the whole town. I mean we've gone through our centuries and each era things have become a little different. So I cant really consider blaming a religion, or blaming science back in time, a reasonable debate when it was the people during that era that allowed things to happen the way they did.

3,817 posts

But again this was the time when religion and science were basically one with another. Everyone was catholic and if you weren't then you were out of the norm and banished while being considered a blasphemy to the whole town. I mean we've gone through our centuries and each era things have become a little different. So I cant really consider blaming a religion, or blaming science back in time, a reasonable debate when it was the people during that era that allowed things to happen the way they did.

... What has science ever done? Religions have been damaging throughout time, science has done nothing...

Errr actually no where in there does it say that the moon gives off its own light. If i remember correctly, there are different kinds of forms of light, including reflective. Which again the bibles generalization over some things can be open ended both ways.

I just gave the verse. "The little light" referred to the moon. It does not say "The lesser light reflects the greater light" It says there were two lights, thus suggesting they both are there own light. Notice I did not say give off, I said ARE, as that is what the verse said.
4,005 posts

Technically, the first references to Hell or a hell-like place were back in ancient Egypt.

Although Egyptian Mythology does make references to a place similar to the Judeo-Christian concept of Hell, it was neither a 'lake of fire' nor was it eternal. It was a place where you were tortured and then devoured, destroying your essence and wiping your existence from the universe.

The Judeo-Christian concept of Hell came about ~725 AD from the Anglo-Pagan term 'helle' or 'hallja'. The term used in the Bible, Gehenna, was not actually a 'hell' but in fact a real place where children were sacrificed by fire. This is not an eternal place, however this real place was used as a model for the idea of 'hell' that came out ~725 AD.

But again this was the time when religion and science were basically one with another.

Actually this is untrue. Science and Religion have never been, and will never be, one with each other.

The very nature of Religion precludes the basic foundations of everything that science is. Religion requires faith without proof, ideas that can neither be tested nor observed, and refuse to allow anything that they purport to be disproved.

Science on the other hand is about as opposite as you can be from religion. Science demands that everything that can be observed must be testable, observable, and every theory must be able to be disproved. This is why all of our major concepts in science are called theories. Science knows that it doesn't have all the answers, and it forces itself to be accountable and open to criticism.

This is why science and religion have never, and will never, be one and the same.
1,101 posts

... What has science ever done? Religions have been damaging throughout time, science has done nothing...

haha, yes of course science has done nothing. And yet again my religion has just been so damaging to you... Im sorry that my faith that there is a God has been a direct personal attack on your life... can you ever forgive me?

I just gave the verse. "The little light" referred to the moon. It does not say "The lesser light reflects the greater light" It says there were two lights, thus suggesting they both are there own light. Notice I did not say give off, I said ARE, as that is what the verse said.

Nor does anywhere in there does it truly state that each gives off its own light. It just says a greater light to rule in the day, and a lesser light to rule at night. Infact no where does it all state a moon or sun, just light in itself. Its the presumptions that people make that can change everything.

Actually this is untrue. Science and Religion have never been, and will never be, one with each other.
The very nature of Religion precludes the basic foundations of everything that science is. Religion requires faith without proof, ideas that can neither be tested nor observed, and refuse to allow anything that they purport to be disproved.
Science on the other hand is about as opposite as you can be from religion. Science demands that everything that can be observed must be testable, observable, and every theory must be able to be disproved. This is why all of our major concepts in science are called theories. Science knows that it doesn't have all the answers, and it forces itself to be accountable and open to criticism.
This is why science and religion have never, and will never, be one and the same.

Ok so my first point is, on the previous pages all i heard was defense saying that science was religious based... Ok then, anyways moving on.
My second point.. So considering you have just stated that science and religion aren't even close to the same thing, then why are you all trying to argue over a religion... again. Its gonna go nowhere because basically the generalized society of athiests are trapped in there own scientifical bubble. And christians are trapped in our bubble of faith. No matter what kind of facts you give, it doesn't matter because you can't disprove that God doesn't exist. You can say he doesn't, you can say passages in the bible are fake, and you can question the word of God. But really, when it all comes to the end of things, it is impossible for you to scientifically prove that God doesn't exist... Which is what I think mostly annoys athiests on this site. It is only because religion and science aren't even close to the same spectrum (as said above) that these arguements are extremely obsolete and will never ever have any effect on the two sides.

4,005 posts

Ah but I am not, nor will I ever try to disprove religion. One primary reason for that. You can't. You can disprove some claims made by religions to be sure, but you can't 'rove' that God doesn't exist. The reason for that is that science requires something to be observable and testable. God has never, and will never, be these things, because God is an idea. He exists in our thoughts, nothing more. If he were to exist he would be observable, testable, and measurable. The nature of my arguments is to shed light on the misconceptions, false evidence, and out right lies put forth as 'scientific fact' by many religions. It is in no way an attack on, or disbelief in, any religion, God, or ideal.

Showing 61-75 of 115