We all know the Bible is full of weird things. This thread is mainly to discuss the unbelievable portions of the Bible, and why you believe them.
For a side not, if you are going to state "They are just metaphors!" then could you pleas also put what parts are not metaphors as well, as that differs from person to person... Also, if you are going to answer "CONTEXT!" please either back it up or go in a dark room and hit your head against the wall repeatedly.
actually hitler killed anyone who he hated did not matter to him if they were white or black.
This is also correct. Which is why I cite several of Hitler's positions in my previous post defining a 'Holy War'. Everything said since then only continues to support that argument.
Anyways not only in the national anthem of the usa, but also on american bills does it involve God... On the bills it says "in god we trust". So does that mean all of america is bad too since the nazis had basically the same slogan??? Im going to say I hope not.
While there are elements of countries I like, I'm not particularly fond of any country.
"In God We Trust" wasn't made the motto until 1956, it was added to money as a response to communism. Which is funny (almost facepalm worthy) when you can compare it to Nazi Germany's motto. Interestingly enough "under God" was also added tot he pledge around the same time in 1954. Both being approved by Dwight Eisenhower.
probably because they were black or something. because hitler hated everyone that wasn't white (jews not included
actually, there at the time and really still isnt an African presence in Europe... most of these ' other' non-jews were homosexuals, gypies, political prisoners, and in some cases POW's. thread is very off topic..
That is because that is all it is, a false story. Just a primitive "explanation" made by iron age desert dwellers...
"I'm sure tired of being low on the social ladder." *gathers fellow dissenters* "Let's stick it to them by saying God doesn't exist!" "How do we do that there isn't any evidence." "Who needs evidence?" All the sudden the earth was there. End of story." "Great idea!"
The need for evidence is about DEMONSTRATE. Something with no evidence, is usually called "untrue" or "false". If I would now say that sometimes, object you slip from your hands don't fall downward but upward you would need proof of what I am saying. And I should show some. Not yelling: you don't have proof of it not happening. That is how "religious people" usualy behave. Irrationaly.
Okay, I know it really bugs ya'll that other people believe differently than you do but what exactly do you get out of trying to disprove other's beliefs? Also if you take notice there aren't any articles with Christians trying to crush Atheists beliefs or Atheists saying anything about other religions, for example Islam which is a religion that encourages violence and killing people that believe differently than them NO thats okay, but Christianity which promotes piece that's BAD. We can't have that can we? Believe what you will but don't try to cut someone else down for believing differently.
God was creating the universe. He doesn't have to follow rules and guidelines. He didn't say, "Oh shoot, I made light before I made light-emitting objects! Better rewind and fix that in case humans find out that in their own mortal world that doesn't make sense!" God was in nothingness. Just because the order in which he made things may not make sense now, doesn't mean it didn't make sense when there was nothing. When it comes to God and the Bible, "Scripture over Reason." We can't understand many things in the Bible. We can't even fathom how God doesn't have a start or a finish. It's too much for our minds. Since we can't understand things well, God can do it for us. That's what faith is all about, trusting God.
So what you are saying is "Yes, that does not make since, but he does not have to make since! He is god!"
I'll just say ditto to my answer for 1. The way God created things doesn't have to make sense. If you had ultimate power and wanted to build, say, a toy train track, would you build the track logically on the ground, or would you create ridiculous corkscrews, loops, and track jumps? That's a bad example, but w/e.
Once again "He is god, he does not have to make since!" is a poor argument...
A couple of mistakes here. Adam ate the tree, and he died the same day, but not his flesh. His soul fell into shambles. He died to God and fell into sin. He was no longer alive to God, in a sense. Also, the tree of life was kept from Adam to prevent him from becoming a god and rebelling, which he had already done. God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden, which is easy to understand.
Than why did god not say "And you will die in spirit!" instead? Why hadn't Adam eaten from the tree already? Why is god so down on rebellion, modern governments would get some bad press if they tried quelling a rebellion that far before it started...
Lol, this guy has little to no idea what he is talking about. What does he mean when he says God parades the animals in front of Adam?
Adam is looking for a bride here, god created all the other animals to see witch one Adam would marry. It doesn't make since, but then again nothing does in the Bible.
Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
The need for evidence is about DEMONSTRATE. Something with no evidence, is usually called "untrue" or "false". If I would now say that sometimes, object you slip from your hands don't fall downward but upward you would need proof of what I am saying. And I should show some. Not yelling: you don't have proof of it not happening. That is how "religious people" usualy behave. Irrationaly.
I'm saying there isn't any proof God doesn't exist, thus there isn't any rational reason for someone originally rebelling against it.