ForumsWEPRThe dragon told the donkey to speak to the ghost: Absurdities in the Bible

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We all know the Bible is full of weird things. This thread is mainly to discuss the unbelievable portions of the Bible, and why you believe them.

For a side not, if you are going to state "They are just metaphors!" then could you pleas also put what parts are not metaphors as well, as that differs from person to person... Also, if you are going to answer "CONTEXT!" please either back it up or go in a dark room and hit your head against the wall repeatedly.

To start off, I will open with a list.

  • 115 Replies
2,520 posts

Believe what you will but don't try to cut someone else down for believing differently.

Yeah atheists have that self-fulfillment drive. It's not really working.
1,573 posts

[/quote]Okay, I know it really bugs ya'll that other people believe differently than you do but what exactly do you get out of trying to disprove other's beliefs? Also if you take notice there aren't any articles with Christians trying to crush Atheists beliefs or Atheists saying anything about other religions, for example Islam which is a religion that encourages violence and killing people that believe differently than them NO thats okay, but Christianity which promotes piece that's BAD. We can't have that can we? Believe what you will but don't try to cut someone else down for believing differently.


Did you think before saying this. I mean, you could literally turn that all around and say islam instead of christian and vice versa!

Strangely enough most muslims promote Islam as a religion of peace... and the bible has plenty of hardcore "kill the unbelievers" stuff. And to top it all off, Christianity and Islam follow the same god!?!?!?!

[quote]Yeah atheists have that self-fulfillment drive. It's not really working.

Thats a bit of a generalisation isnt it! I find that very unfair and I in no way put anyone down for believing in something different.

However, when there are unspeakable atrocities happening in the name of a popular way of worshiping a deity, I would think its about time to put an end to whatever "cult" was doing the atrocities.

Believe what you want, I just dont understand why you would stick up for an organisation and cult that practically stands against everything you say your god asks of you in regards to morality and stuff like "dont worship idols" etc... I believe in the human spirit and the balance of all things and Im sure that if Im wrong and there IS a god or deity that it/they/he/we would want us to have good morals. I will continue to have good morals regardless.
1,903 posts

for example Islam which is a religion that encourages violence and killing people that believe differently than them NO thats okay

Islam literally means &quoteace", it's just that it's scripture can easily be interpreted to mean many different things, and is primarily used now to control others in this little "jihad" that's going on right now.

I say blame the carpenter, not the tool.
but Christianity which promotes piece that's BAD. We can't have that can we?

Many, if not most religions promote peace, Christianity, may be among the forefront if you don't count Buddhism as a religion, but it has had it's share of Holy Wars.

Believe what you will but don't try to cut someone else down for believing differently.

Human nature.
1,573 posts

bah, I messed up my quote. Was meant to be the other way round.


Also, the tree of life was kept from Adam to prevent him from becoming a god and rebelling, which he had already done. God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden, which is easy to understand.

So adam was able to become a god...??? this turns things on its head a little bit and no... its only easy to understand if you fill in the blanks with your own god delusion.
9,462 posts

"Who needs evidence?" All the sudden the earth was there. End of story."

Not even close to what science states, but it does sound a lot like what the Bible states.

Okay, I know[quote] it really bugs ya'll that other people believe differently than you do but what exactly do you get out of trying to disprove other's beliefs?

It's about finding the truth. These discussions allow me to put my own views to the test and strengthen my ability to discuss those views.

Also if you take notice there aren't any articles with Christians trying to crush Atheists beliefs or Atheists saying anything about other religions, for example Islam which is a religion that encourages violence and killing people that believe differently than them NO thats okay, but Christianity which promotes piece that's BAD.

We have had topics about Islam, Christianity is often talked about more because we have had more exposure to it because of it being more wide spread. If I lived a grew up in and around Islam I would likely talk more about that religion. I grew up in and around Christianity, so I talk about Christianity more.
Also not all Christianity is oh so peaceful.

Believe what you will but don't try to cut someone else down for believing differently.

It's not from believing something it's when it forced on others.
Religion X says you have to hop on one foot three times before entering any building, so the followers of religion X try and get everyone to hop on one foot before entering a building.

Lol! That's pretty much what it's like. Except, they added a timescale of 13 billion years to make it less ridiculous (which hardly helps).

Not even close, and do you know where that time scale came from?

Just because the order in which he made things may not make sense now, doesn't mean it didn't make sense when there was nothing. When it comes to God and the Bible, "Scripture over Reason." We can't understand many things in the Bible.


We can't even fathom how God doesn't have a start or a finish. It's too much for our minds. Since we can't understand things well, God can do it for us.

Don't think for yourself just leave it at "God did it".

...Are we still allowed to facepalm?

Once sin came along, everything was changed in an evil way. Animals started eating each other, everything started to die, etc.

Oh right magic fruit so when it was bitten into evil waves (like Zordons good wave at the end of Power Rangers In Space) echoed through the world fundamentally altering the genetic structure of plants and animals everywhere.

Or it's just a complete load of $%&^.

I find it hilarious that this guy is saying we are nicer than God when God was the one that let us live in the first place, and if this guy is willing to create a universe more ingenious than God's, I'd really love to see it.

Well can't speak for everyone but I know I wouldn't go and drown my kids if the misbehaved, and I sure wouldn't do it on a genocidal scale. Just for one example.

A couple of mistakes here. Adam ate the tree, and he died the same day, but not his flesh. His soul fell into shambles.

Right that spiritual death part bit again. Glad they make such a clear distinction in that holy text.

"2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof."

Even this verse taken on it's own raises some serious credibility issues.

It seems your underline theme with some of these answers here is to just not think about it. I don't think that will go over very well.

I'm saying there isn't any proof God doesn't exist, thus there isn't any rational reason for someone originally rebelling against it.

There's no proof magic pixies don't exist, so believe in the magic pixies!

There was modern theistic belief before atheism. So that may be true, but theism was there first, thus my comment.

Umm no, your not born automatically believing in a deity. It's something you learn based on something that has built up over time through various influences.
But if you really want to keep on the "it's right because it came first" argument, then you really should abandon Christianity for Paganism.
4,005 posts

Islam which is a religion that encourages violence and killing people that believe differently than them NO thats okay, but Christianity which promotes piece that's BAD.

First of all you are mistaken. Islam is fundamentally as opposed to violence as Christianity. Not that it matters. Neither is truly peaceful. Wars, murders, oppression, and numerous other heinous acts have been carried out in the name of religion for thousands of years.

Believe what you will but don't try to cut someone else down for believing differently.

There is a big difference between a belief and knowledge. And the issue with this is that beliefs are forcing their way into law and holding back the advancement of knowledge. This is nothing but detrimental to society as a whole. No one cares what you believe, as long as your beliefs are not infringing upon everyone else' rights, which is what happens when religion is the basis for law.

When it comes to God and the Bible, "Scripture over Reason." We can't understand many things in the Bible.

That is because there is no logical, rational, or scientific explanation for it. However when "scripture over reason" begins to extend beyond the bible then you begin infringing upon and oppressing your fellow man. This is the problem, and why America was founded on the principles of separation of church and state.

Once sin came along, everything was changed in an evil way. Animals started eating each other, everything started to die, etc.

Again, there is no empirical evidence of that, however we have thousands of studies showing many things that contradict that idea to be true.

And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them:

First of all we have repeatedly proven that all life as it is now is not how it always has been, as suggested by this passage.

Also, if god brought ALL creatures before Adam (man) to be known and named, why do we continue to discover new and unknown species practically on a daily basis? Seems like that would have been important stuff for Adam and Eve to inform their descendants about.

Again, more passages from a book about things that not only did they know nothing about at the time it was written, but that contradict what we now can prove to be fact.

I'm saying there isn't any proof God doesn't exist, thus there isn't any rational reason for someone originally rebelling against it.

No one is rebelling against anything. We choose to not believe in the existence of the supernatural, specifically gods.

As atheism is a lack of belief, not a belief to the contrary, atheism is actually the default belief system for humanity. You cannot believe in something that you don't know about, therefore EVERYONE was an atheist until someone exposed them to a religion and they decided to believe in it.

There was modern theistic belief before atheism. So that may be true, but theism was there first, thus my comment.

Read my above comment.
3,085 posts

How can some people claim that Islam is a violent religion while ignoring the history of Christianity and the Church? Anyone ever learned about the crusades? Hmm?

3,437 posts

How can some people claim that Islam is a violent religion while ignoring the history of Christianity and the Church? Anyone ever learned about the crusades? Hmm?

Some people believe that their bast has no relevance.
3,085 posts

The past has no relevance? Ok then, let's discard the bible - after all, that is seriously old.

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