ForumsWEPRThe dragon told the donkey to speak to the ghost: Absurdities in the Bible

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We all know the Bible is full of weird things. This thread is mainly to discuss the unbelievable portions of the Bible, and why you believe them.

For a side not, if you are going to state "They are just metaphors!" then could you pleas also put what parts are not metaphors as well, as that differs from person to person... Also, if you are going to answer "CONTEXT!" please either back it up or go in a dark room and hit your head against the wall repeatedly.

To start off, I will open with a list.

  • 115 Replies
22,207 posts

History of the universe:
Theist: God created everything.
Atheist: There was nothing and then nothing suddenly bursted and created everything from which mater mysteriously rearranged itself to form planets, dinosaurs and primates from which humans evolved

they call that the Big Bang Theory
22,207 posts

... What has science ever done? Religions have been damaging throughout time, science has done nothing...

bit off topic:
Science: Technology: nuclear weapons, weapons,vehicles, almost everything that can be used to kill each other. it isnt really directly science's fault.
Religion: differences: Crusades, massacres ( Holocaust for example), disputes, holy wars, death, persecution of differentiating faiths/ideas( anyting contradicting their own beliiefs)
4,689 posts

massacres ( Holocaust for example

just like an explantion as to why holocaust was religion's fault.
4,005 posts

just like an explantion as to why holocaust was religion's fault.

1. Hitler was a Christian.
2. Hitler believed that the Aryans are God's "Master Race"
3. All German troops swore a Christian Oath upon joining.

To summarize, Adolf Hitler believed that he was doing the work of God to restore Germany to the forefront of society and reestablish the Aryan race as the dominate race on Earth.

Shall I cite more information? Would you like to research it yourself?
9,462 posts

Shall I cite more information? Would you like to research it yourself?

There's also there motto.
1,101 posts

Haha, you do realize that it wasn't a holy war... I mean it wasn't christianity vs jewdaism. Hitler was angry at the Jews, because he felt that many of them were stingy, and kept money from government. He also generalized the whole population, and wanted to make them pay for what he felt as there fault for the economical downfall of Germany. So it had nothing to do with christianity vs jewdaism. Just one mans generalization. It would be like me saying that white man had african american slaves and felt the need to keep it that way, not because white men were racists, but because african americans were poor and white men were rich...

Anyways not only in the national anthem of the usa, but also on american bills does it involve God... On the bills it says "in god we trust". So does that mean all of america is bad too since the nazis had basically the same slogan??? Im going to say I hope not. ...

4,005 posts

Haha, you do realize that it wasn't a holy war... I mean it wasn't christianity vs jewdaism.

So what exactly is a 'Holy War'? And really? The systematic genocide of over 6 million followers of a religion you hate ISN'T a war? Really?

And it truly goes further than that just being their motto. Hitler frequently cited in his speeches that they were doing God's work and eliminating the enemies of God, and were God's chosen race. Seems like he was proclaiming divine authority for his actions. The logical conclusion there is that he felt he was acting for God. That makes his religious ideologies a driving point in his actions.

I'm not saying that religion is bad because Hitler used it, I'm simply citing yet another case where terrible atrocities have been committed in the name of God. Seems to be a recurring theme in history.
81 posts

So what exactly is a 'Holy War'? And really? The systematic genocide of over 6 million followers of a religion you hate ISN'T a war? Really?

jihad is a holy war.

systemic genocide is systemic genocide. not war.

So what exactly is a 'Holy War

good question.
lemme tell you.
there are quite a few different types of holy wars. Israel is fighting a holy war with palestine. these two people are fighting over "holy land" aka holy war.

crusades: war on people over holy land, also a holy war

jihad: a single person on a holy mission to convert non believers. (missionary in the lightest sense), however many arabic people have skewed their beliefs through indoctrination by "terrorist" organizations.

what is not a holy war?
hitler's genocide. he was just looking for a scapegoat, which just happened to be the jews

hotel Rwanda, blood diamond conflict: no religious incentive therefore not a holy war.
4,005 posts

Here's the definition of 'Holy War':

A war that is entirely, primarily, or ostensibly religious in motivation; a war over religion; A flame war that is considered to resemble a war over religion, in that the strength of emotion is not proportional to the magnitude of the disagreement

Hmmm... let's see. How many facts about Hitlers aggressions fit this model.

1. Hitler believed the Aryans were God's master race.
2. Hitler believed that the Jews were inferior and opposed to God's master race.
3. Hitler believed that the Aryans needed to purify Europe of the inferior races.
4. Hitler believed that God wanted him to make the Aryan race the masters of the world.

Seems like the main tenets of Hitlers ideology fit the term holy war. Doesn't matter what other terms you try to apply to his actions, he used religion as a justification for his actions. All of the crusades used religion as justification, as do the jihadists and the jews and the palestinians of today.

In fact most major world wide conflicts can cite religious belief as a motivating factor. Which I find to be a bit odd, since every religion has EXACTLY the same evidence for it's righteousness.
81 posts

1. Hitler believed the Aryans were God's master race.
2. Hitler believed that the Jews were inferior and opposed to God's master race.
3. Hitler believed that the Aryans needed to purify Europe of the inferior races.
4. Hitler believed that God wanted him to make the Aryan race the masters of the world.

hitler was also deemed "crazy" whereas hitler isn't the presiding grand wizard over a religion rather he was the dictator of a country. what he thought doesnt count towards a holy war rather religious fanaticism. there is a fine line between zealocy and making a religious based judgement.
109 posts

jihad is a holy war.

Jihad is only seen as a holy war by islam extremists. Some muslums don't even recognize Jihad as a tier, and most of the ones that do look at it more in a symbolic light, such as be open with your believes and do not allow other religions to convert you.

And Hitler killed many Christians as well. Not all of his victims were Jews. Plus he used religion as more of a way to get more people to follow him, rather then what he truly felt.
3,817 posts

hitler was also deemed "crazy" whereas hitler isn't the presiding grand wizard over a religion rather he was the dictator of a country. what he thought doesnt count towards a holy war rather religious fanaticism. there is a fine line between zealocy and making a religious based judgement.

He was doing it for religious reasons, it doesn't matter if he ruled the religion. Do you need to read the definition of "Holy War" again?

And Hitler killed many Christians as well. Not all of his victims were Jews. Plus he used religion as more of a way to get more people to follow him, rather then what he truly felt.

I am fairly certain he felt that way, many before him thought that way as well. Religion was one of the main factors, at least that is what I think. No way to really prove it...
109 posts

I am fairly certain he felt that way, many before him thought that way as well. Religion was one of the main factors, at least that is what I think. No way to really prove it...

True, no real way to prove it. People can just share opinions I guess.
81 posts

Jihad is only seen as a holy war by islam extremists. Some muslums don't even recognize Jihad as a tier, and most of the ones that do look at it more in a symbolic light, such as be open with your believes and do not allow other religions to convert you.

no the original jihad was written in the koran as a guideline to convert the non believers ( or infadels) it was mis interpreted by Islamic extremeists.

He was doing it for religious reasons, it doesn't matter if he ruled the religion. Do you need to read the definition of "Holy War" again?

it's not a holy war because they didnt fight back. the jews just sat there and got gassed. it is one way. not both ways like a war.

And Hitler killed many Christians as well. Not all of his victims were Jews.

probably because they were black or something. because hitler hated everyone that wasn't white (jews not included)
4,689 posts

actually hitler killed anyone who he hated did not matter to him if they were white or black. plenty of communists and homosexuals, who were white , got killed just like jews.

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