ForumsWEPRThe Abortion Argument - V2

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3,085 posts

Yes, I realize that this thread already exists - 13 pages and over a month back.

I'd like to remake it, I don't see why an issue such as this should fall from our eye.

This time around I'd like to focus more around the legality and the taboo side of abortion. That doesn't mean we shouldn't still include the aspects of the original thread though.

Should abortion be kept away from the public eye? Or should it be something that we openly discuss?

Should abortion be legal everywhere? Under what circumstances? How could those circumstances be judged to be the right ones? Do we follow the 'lesser of two evils' idea or do we take a separate path?

I personally feel that abortion is a women's choice, if abortion is the best option in a situation then it should be the one that is taken. As a man I really have no say in what a woman does with her body. But what if I was going to be the father of a child she didn't want to give birth to? I'm not sure about those situations - should the father have equal say to the mother?

  • 160 Replies
166 posts

Wet dreams? They aren't sins. It's an accident.

Well, it's killing potential lives, even better, killing millions.
That's what the root of the sin is right? Killing innocent beings.

But hey, the difference is, you can controll abortion, you can't controll your hormones... Anyway, if that's the thing, then i consider it as god picking on people.

The murder is the sin, i believe, not the will to, or...?
3,562 posts

abortion is a sin because you DID gave the order to KILL whatever was forming inside.
The ones who believe abortion is normal OR practice the abortion are ignorant people.
Why did you had sex without knowing the consequences? (Don't know how to spell that)
Why did YOU had sex without protection? (AKA a condom)

first of all condoms can break. and even if it is 99.99% effective there is still that .01% that it fails if you use an oil based lubricant. so calm down.

If you did one of those above that got pregnant, then it's YOUR PROBLEM. Now, thanks to YOUR ignorance, your parents have to pay high sums of money to help "kill" the little fetus inside your belly.

it costs about 400 dollars for the abortion pi;;/ which isnt THAT much if you do it within the first 9 weeks of pregnancy.

I think abortion should be up to the parents. obviously they love each other very much or may not give a crap but obviously the time wasnt right for them to have a child so instead of being complete miserable they actually saved a lot of trouble in the future
2,420 posts

Abortion should be legal. Why? Because one of our government's basic principle is the separation of the church and state. Abortion is a moral issue, if a woman needs to abort a child, it should be her choice, not the choice of other women. I think that deprives someone of a right not to ruin the rest of their lives because of one night of unprotected sex. It is a victimless crime, the only thing injured is an embryo that can't even process thoughts a dog can. Being forced to go through childbirth, in itself, is torture, but for a child you won't even want?

It is not murder. They remove the embryo. If it's a professional clinic, they will use it for stem cell research, saving the lives of thousands, if not millions, of people across the U.S. That seems stupid to just save one baby and miss the wondrous opportunity to examine a miracle.

Besides, I keep hearing &quototential baby." Think of this: Sperm contains DNA for &quototential babies," yet they have spermicide that kills those &quototential babies." I don't hear anybody attacking spermicide.

Lastly, those in favour of abortion, some of you are bad at debating. Sorry.

Teenagers having sex before marriage is morally wrong, and I don't mean to brag, but I didn't really like the girls I slept with. If I got one pregnant, I would feel the obligation to care for it, even though I didn't exactly love my girlfriend. The problem is, is that it would ruin some teenagers' lives. Sex before marriage sounds wrong, but so many people do it. I would even go as far as to say, the majority of single people do it. Giving them NO choice if they want to have children sounds even worse than sex before marriage.

I read that monkeys masturbate. Interesting fact.

Anyway, he is trying to say that it is natural in nature, and humans are part of nature. What makes it wrong for humans to do it?

5,043 posts

Because one of our government's basic principle is the separation of the church and state. Abortion is a moral issue

Not all moral issues are religious issues. It doesn't matter if you are a theist or an atheist, you will probably agree with me that killing is morally wrong and should remain illegal.

You have people who are against abortion because it's against their religion, you have people who are against abortion because they believe it is murder, and you have people who are against it because they see it as against their religion and as murder. The only people who's argument is moot are those who say it's wrong from a purely religious standpoint.

It is not murder. They remove the embryo. If it's a professional clinic, they will use it for stem cell research, saving the lives of thousands, if not millions, of people across the U.S. That seems stupid to just save one baby and miss the wondrous opportunity to examine a miracle.

Most people consider a baby as living as soon as it has a heart beat. If I'm not mistaken, this is anywhere between 4 to 6 weeks.

I believe that as soon as a baby's heart starts to beat, a woman should not abort the child. I believe abortion anytime after the heart beat should be illegal.

Even though I believe abortion should be illegal, I also believe that any laws prohibiting abortion should be local only. I believe abortion should NEVER be a national law.
3,085 posts

I can see and understand your viewpoint NoName but that time frame is too short after conception for it to be a good cut off point and a heart beat hardly means anything because at that point the foetus wouldn't be able to survive outside the womb, it is entirely dependant upon the womb.. Perhaps A better cut off point would be where the foetus could first survive outside of the womb with the aid of medical technology? So... 20 weeks?

2,420 posts

You do realize that MOST people who are against abortion are religious?


Plus, you're not a woman. Would you like it if I punched you in the face fifty times, and then kicked your crotch fifty times? No. If there was a gift that you really, really, really wanted, then you would probably say yes.

Women going through that for something they don't want, then I call that torture.

Cows have heartbeats. Does that make it a human baby? My definition of a baby is when it can perform basic motor functions. It can't perform those at nine weeks old. Also, it develops a heartbeat, not the full heart that pumps oxygen through the body.

196 posts

I'm religious, but I don't really care about that.

Abortion is way to big of an issue. All it does is let careless teenagers have a way out of a situation. Honestly, there are too many ways out of trouble for young people. They can torture adults without them legally being able to torture them back, and can take summer school if they spend too much time fucked up in an alley. And when the event comes down that someone accidentally gets pregnant, there is a way out.

Then there are rape victims. This is what mostly makes this case hard. There are groups that want it because they are too stupid to figure out their actions have consequence, and those who were forced to be pregnant. This may seem like a scummy point, but there only one person. Its not that big of a deal if one persons life is hell. It only matters to the person who is troubled, and maybe their family and friends. There are Seven Billion people on Earth, your life doesn't matter all that much.

2,420 posts

Shift, having a kid is a punishment for being a careless teenager? This is too funny to even answer properly.

You just implied, that having children is a punishment, and having a way out is wrong. So, this is exactly why there should be a national law stating you have the *choice* to have an abortion.

It doesn't matter if one person's life is hell. I think the Geneva Convention begs to differ. It states that under military occupation, they cannot torture POW and have to treat them fairly. If they thought, "Oh, one person doesn't matter. There are two billion other people in the world," then what would that say about us? If your life was hell, would you like that? Do do other what you would want done unto you. The Golden Rule.

3,085 posts

I can't believe Shift just insulted an entire age-group... Stop generalizing and then we'll talk.

173 posts

It is true women have a choice, because it's their body.
But once there is another life in their body, it would be unfair to impose your rights over another persons' life.

True there is a choice, as to what contraceptive you want to use before having sex.

5,043 posts

So, this is exactly why there should be a national law stating you have the *choice* to have an abortion.

I disagree with this statement. If the majority of a town or city does not support abortion and they wish to keep abortion out of their area, they should have every right to make it a local law for abortions to be illegal in that area.

What's awesome about the United States is that if you don't like the laws of the state you are living in, you can always move to a different state. National law makes it pointless to have individual states. Therefore, abortion laws should be anywhere between town and state, nothing more.
4,689 posts

Do do other what you would want done unto you. The Golden Rule.

So you use this rule to say people should be treated fairly but you exclude babies so they can be killed?
3,085 posts

Yes NoName but everyone should have the same basic rights - no matter where they live.

2,420 posts

I can't believe Shift just insulted an entire age-group... Stop generalizing and then we'll talk.

He insulted the dumber part of an entire generation. lol.

It is true women have a choice, because it's their body.
But once there is another life in their body, it would be unfair to impose your rights over another persons' life.

It is true women have a choice, because it's their body.
But once there is another life in their body, it would be unfair to impose your rights over another persons' life.

I disagree with this statement. If the majority of a town or city does not support abortion and they wish to keep abortion out of their area, they should have every right to make it a local law for abortions to be illegal in that area.

Hm. I see where you got the idea. Majority Rules, but think of the fact that EVERY person, should have the CHOICE to do it or not. If it doesn't affect you, personally, then why care for it? People die every day due to car accidents, are you saying we should have cars only in cities that want cars? No. You know people have died in your city because of car accidents, but do you still want them out? No.

Besides, would you kill one man, I'm talking about an actual person, not an embryo, to save one million other men? I sure as hell would.

What's awesome about the United States is that if you don't like the laws of the state you are living in, you can always move to a different state. National law makes it pointless to have individual states. Therefore, abortion laws should be anywhere between town and state, nothing more.

True there is a choice, as to what contraceptive you want to use before having sex.[/quote]

It's not a person. It is not capable of feelings, it is not capable of genuine though, and can't even comprehend what will happen to it. If it dies, it won't care because it didn't even exist as something that is capable of though.
1,903 posts

So you use this rule to say people should be treated fairly but you exclude babies so they can be killed?

Excuse me if I'm wrong, but don't stem-cells come from the blastula stage of an embryo? That's pretty much nothing but a fertilized ovum having undergone slight mitosis.
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