ForumsWEPRThe Abortion Argument - V2

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3,085 posts

Yes, I realize that this thread already exists - 13 pages and over a month back.

I'd like to remake it, I don't see why an issue such as this should fall from our eye.

This time around I'd like to focus more around the legality and the taboo side of abortion. That doesn't mean we shouldn't still include the aspects of the original thread though.

Should abortion be kept away from the public eye? Or should it be something that we openly discuss?

Should abortion be legal everywhere? Under what circumstances? How could those circumstances be judged to be the right ones? Do we follow the 'lesser of two evils' idea or do we take a separate path?

I personally feel that abortion is a women's choice, if abortion is the best option in a situation then it should be the one that is taken. As a man I really have no say in what a woman does with her body. But what if I was going to be the father of a child she didn't want to give birth to? I'm not sure about those situations - should the father have equal say to the mother?

  • 160 Replies
5,061 posts

According to his argument we can 'abort' them too. What about those who're brain dead? Your argument has no standing.

4,871 posts

I do not get what you mean.

Tomorrow I walk outside and a stray bullet (I live in Ohio anything with guns is possible) hits my in the head. I don't die but I can't preform any operations to keep myself alive. Do you kill me?
3,817 posts

According to his argument we can 'abort' them too. What about those who're brain dead? Your argument has no standing.

They can think. They are just not as...good at it as other human. But the fetus's brain is both undeveloped and small. If they were able to think, they could only think as much as a rat could.
3,817 posts

Tomorrow I walk outside and a stray bullet (I live in Ohio anything with guns is possible) hits my in the head. I don't die but I can't preform any operations to keep myself alive. Do you kill me?

First, fetuses can not preform basic functions on their own. Second, you are still able to think. The bullet would be incapable of taking the entire part of your brain that allows you to think without killing you.
5,061 posts

Brain dead! It means your brain is clinically dead, there is no thought process, in fact no oxygen what so ever even reaches the brain.

3,817 posts

Brain dead! It means your brain is clinically dead, there is no thought process, in fact no oxygen what so ever even reaches the brain.

Witch would mean you couldn't move at all... I think that would actually kill you. Can you please leave a link to a site on it? I have very limited knowledge on this subject.

A fetus does not even have lungs that work. Its brain does absolutely nothing. It mine as well be dead.
5,061 posts


A fetus has working lungs by the 11th week of pregnancy, please know what you're talking about.

3,817 posts

As I said, for part of the time they are a fetus.

As I said, you are basically dead. The machines are keeping you at your half life. It is taken at that point as being legally dead, as stated many times in your own article. Please know what YOUR talking about.

5,061 posts

A fetus does not even have lungs that work

Those are your own words, care to explain?
3,817 posts

This little thing I like to call the brain. It is what makes us us. Without it, we mind as well be cabbages. In the fetus the brain is not fully developed nor functional, during the majority of the fetus's time as a fetus anyway. That is what is different from an eight year old child and a fetus.

So are these, and since the brain doesn't work for the majority of the time the lungs don't work, for the majority of the time.
5,061 posts

Was that part of your statement, no Either say everything you have to say or don't repeat your self.

3,817 posts

Was that part of your statement, no Either say everything you have to say or don't repeat your self.

With a little logic you could come to the idea that you can not work your lungs until your brain works...
819 posts

I would think that this is not a sin, but then again I'm an Atheist so I just think some things are wrong and some things are right. Others I couldn't care less about.

Well time to get back on track. Abortion isn't really evil since the fetus can't really think "Oh hey I don't want to die mom. Please don't get an Abortion. Do it for me Please?". Although it would be cool I think that even when the fetus matures into a baby before it is born and evev after it only has primal instincts. Yet your not killing it at these stages I just wanted to give you a better idea as to what my thoughts were on the subject.

So it should be legal with restrictions and a good reason. It shouldn't just be the womans choice. That would be giving one person the ability to say whether or not a baby will be born. So it should also become the father's choiec to keep it or get an Abortion.

Abortion is given a bad reputation but it really shouldn't. It's not horrible to kill a cow, or monkey right? I mean they're just animals correct? People do this all the time. (Sarcasim) So why should we kill thousands of animals for no reason other than we want a cheeseburger or a nice fat steak for lunch.
Before you even say oh well we need to eat meat it's what we do. No you don't. Honestly you can become a vegetarian, but not all people want to and thats ok.
Basically getting an Abortion in the early stages really isn't that much different than killing a cow or pir of another commonly eaten animal, right?

8,051 posts

Kinda just poking holes in a watermelon, coming up with secondary conditions.

314d1, from what I've read the last two pages, you say fetuses are unable to think because their brain is too small.

There is no difference in wondering whether a fetus or a two year old can think, because your brain has the inability to hold memories at that time.

At what point does a brain become developed enough to be 'human'?

I don't like to think in terms of 'if you can think you're human, if not, you're not human.' because you cannot know if thoughts stop at neural impulses.

I judge by the potential for human life. When is it potential? If you're really uptight you'd say your period or killing semen is destroying human lives, but you don't judge a pencil as a murder weapon because of the potential it has.

I say, once you have sex, and then a 'otential 'human' is inside the woman, it is as human as it's going to get. Once the two halves join and form those 48 chromosomes (sometimes less/more) in a women, once that semen hits the egg inside a woman, it is a human.

'What if the woman doesn't want it'
There's these things I like to call..., consequences.
'What if a murderer doesn't want to go to jail'
Then ya shouldn't have donnnit.

'What about r.ape?!'
What about vehicular manslaughter?
Wrong place at the wrong time. The one thing you can control in a criminal act is Opportunity.

I think it should be a federal issue. States should not decide whether or not (ooh there's that word again) murder would be legal just as states shouldn't decide whether stealing is legal or not.

Now all this relys on is getting caught in the act. People will always have abortions, it's just cutting down on the killing.

'They'll just give it up to foster homes and it'll have a horrible life'
The point is they have the opportunity for living by their own choices.

3,817 posts

There is no difference in wondering whether a fetus or a two year old can think, because your brain has the inability to hold memories at that time.

True, but a two year old can preform basic functions by itself meaning it has a working brain.

At what point does a brain become developed enough to be 'human'?

That is debatable.

I don't like to think in terms of 'if you can think you're human, if not, you're not human.' because you cannot know if thoughts stop at neural impulses.

Yet thoughts do end at neural processes, mainly religious people think other wise, and religious based laws are, in my opinion, the worst ones.

I judge by the potential for human life. When is it potential? If you're really uptight you'd say your period or killing semen is destroying human lives, but you don't judge a pencil as a murder weapon because of the potential it has.

Think of it as a time bomb. When the sperm come out, the bomb starts. Wearing a condom just stops the bomb before it starts. Having an abortion lets you diffuse the bomb before it goes off.

I say, once you have sex, and then a 'otential 'human' is inside the woman, it is as human as it's going to get. Once the two halves join and form those 48 chromosomes (sometimes less/more) in a women, once that semen hits the egg inside a woman, it is a human.

That is your opinion. Lets say two people are going on a date to the movie. Wearing a condom is like them being stopped at the door. Having an abortion is like kicking them out. The end effect is the same: They did not get to see the movie.

'What if the woman doesn't want it'
There's these things I like to call..., consequences.
'What if a murderer doesn't want to go to jail'
Then ya shouldn't have donnnit.

Condoms break. Some times they have a few bears and forget. Sometimes they just plane forget. Having a child is a huge financial and emotional responsibility, why give them someone they do not want?

'What about r.ape?!'
What about vehicular manslaughter?
Wrong place at the wrong time. The one thing you can control in a criminal act is Opportunity.

"If you get waped, to bad. It is your fault". As I said, having a child is a huge responsibility. Especially for a solo mom or a couple who's child is not theirs and is involuntary.
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