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I am not here to argue because that would imply that am doing anything less than stating facts. And I just wrote this all before and it all god deleted because I backed up the web page and AG is the only poorly enough coded site that it doesn't auto keep my text on so I am keeping this way shorter than the last.

The problem with mods these days is that they are poorly picked, because we have a shortage of mods and instead of waiting for the right people to show up the wrong people get picked. This doesn't work. You should have a quota of mods, that makes no sense on a site that has to wait for mod-worthy people to come, you can't do that. If at one point you have 5 qualified mods, then that sucks for them, lots of more work, but if there is 15 why then not take them all instead of saying sorry we full.

But the latter isn't the issue, it is the former. An issue is that the distinction between a great user and a moderator doesn't exist. It actually does, me. I am a quality user that is not a mod, but many other mods just like me who fit in same category shouldn't be there, and I won't mention names, but everyone knows who I am talking about clearly, even the mod themselves, because even they realize they shouldn't be mods. Yes you, you all know who you are. These people are great users with great content and you've turned them into mods which has not only made them worse, but you ruining the community as well.

Anyone who is awesome you've swept from the AG community and turned into a moderator who shouldn't be there because they are power tripping and think anyone who criticizes them should be banned, and instead of letting kids deal with their problems just instantly ban half the populous. Most of the best community from the past, all the old users, have left. When I talk to them on MSN about why they left, almost every single one left because of the poorly manages mods, who were either nonexistent when needed or took action where they should have stopped nosing around.

These mods, who instead of spending their time posting fun threads and letting users do what they want, they ruin users fun because it's not constructive to the site. Take a step back, who are these rules meant to be helping? Oh right the majority of users. What happens when the same majority of users want to do something like make a spam thread or do something fun? They get banned. That doesn't make sense, this isn't US congress, laws aren't irreversible or inflexible. But instead of being normal people and letting small things slide, they act uptight(even though they were the exact opposite when normal members) and power trip and ban all the good users. Almost no one from the past is here on AG anymore and for a good reason.

The mods are suppose to be here to facilitate fun and help the community progress and all they do nowadays is deter that. You seem to forget that just like police you are here to serve and protect us, not harp over us and ruin your own community.

Also, once a mod is chosen I have never seen a single one be fired(except maybe 1). You guys are way to passive. There is no way on earth that every single one of the mods ever chosen have all been perfect. The same thing in a company, people hire others, realize it was a mistake and fire them. Not let them go AFK and sit there being useless or being a bad mod ruining the community and wait until they resign. You need to grow a pair, grow up, and take lead and fire other mods, stop being so passive towards each other you are just ruining armorgames.

Now I know this thread will just be ignored or locked by the mods. Because the one thing I always realize with you guys, is that you have lots of criticism for everyone else, but when ever so clear problems with you guys come up, you ignore it or delete and/or ban users who were completely in their right. I have tried for countless years to have anything done and nothing ever does because everyone is too scared to speak out and stop being useless.

The mods list right now is in terrible shape, stop ignoring me, stop telling me I am wrong with no reason and just banning me. Instead, try doing something, stop being little whimps and actually do something for a change, maybe you will finally make a right decision and stop ruining the community you are suppose to be supporting. This forum is so tiny compared to others I am on, it is insanely surprising to me how you have so much trouble dealing with such a small group of mods. But then again, I am not so surprised because it is a circle. Hiring terrible staff who wont admit when wrong and rectify errors leads to the best community-lead users hating the staff, making them leave,and these good players who make the community thrive leave, the community dies more,less good mods to chose from, and staff has then to pick from more shitty people to become mods, then we have more shitty mods.

Someone needs to break the cycle or else this site will keep getting worse. And if you don't like how brash I am being then I suggest someone finally either brings me to somewhere I can deal with this myself with someone who can actually do something or do it yourself. Because I don't say this for nothing, I say it because I know better.

  • 206 Replies
9,434 posts

You could always message/email Carlie and say "hey, I'm going to be inactive" or "Hey, I don't want to be a mod anymore" and end with "so it might be a good idea to look for a replacement".
Sometimes, one just suddenly can't get online. It can happen.

Any planned absence is already supposed to be announced to the mod team and Carlie, but if something just suddenly happens in real life and someone just can't get to AG because of it, then, as I said, it's impossible to enforce. Can't make people come online if they don't have time.

Some of us really don't care whether or not we get points for the things we submit. My egotistical side out of the way, I have submitted about... ~20 reviews throughout my AG life, usually submitting them towards new games and games that strike my fancy, in order to make better use of my attention span and criticism. Now I didn't get merits for those I submitted, but I did get a message from a developer saying "thanks for the review! I'll consider what you have typed out for me!" or something along those lines. To me, that's a reward in itself, knowing that the developer of the game is taking time to look over what I criticized.
<3 for you.

The main thing that would help the Triangle of AG (TAG) would have the dang reviews separate from the quick comments. Gamefaqs organizes these reviews by having coded requirements that make up whether a review is a review or just a comment. The staff can determine what is required of the reviews, but some suggestions can be size, length, and width. Size will determine whether a review is submitted, or a comment that is blocked because it wasn't lengthy enough.
*nod* DeviantArt has sort of the same thing, although the user decides whether they're gonna be writing a full on Criticism or just a regular comment. It really would be nice to have them easily spotted...

I don't feel that this is a big issue. If those users aren't cut out for the job, they will just end up demoted any way. The worst they could do is ban someone for 7 days. It isn't like they could destroy the entire site just with the mod tools.
Delete spree, ban spree... You like having threads in the forum, right? Temp ban all the other mods and go amok, nothing to stop whoever till an admin eventually comes on with their more awesome tools...

Okay, I get your point. We need new mods, but before we appoint new mods, we need some better new mods.
Naw, we need some more fit users for the job. There's probably a handful of potentials, but nothing that's stood out as "we should totally get you into the team". Not yet, anyway.

I think AG can tell if someone is cut out to be a mod before they become a mod. They don't just pick names out of a hat (e-hat?); they have the power to say no if it doesn't look like a user is not qualified for the job.
But this is how it works currently. This is the way you apparently have a problem with.

15-20 active ones would be nice. At this point, 30 would be too many, but 10 wouldn't seem like enough.
10 is more than twice as many as we have active atm...

AP is nessasary for 90% of the users.
Please refrain from pulling statistics out of thin air.

Even if the veteran knows, the drill or whatever, how it goes. It would still depend on how active he or she is. Because he/she being inactive isn't helping us at all. So, AG would have to look into that in order for promoting. But yeah...
Then there's also the fact that veterans aren't necessarily mod material at all, they've just stuck around for a long time. That doesn't actually qualify one for the job.

I don't think AP is going to disappear either; it is AG's flagship feature that makes up the spine of this site.
I thought that was the games...

If you look at the about page, you will see we are tagged "community mods". Which would be translated to forum mods. Technically we have no reason to go look for merits, as it is not part of our field of work. We do it anyway, because who knows when the staff decides to look through it themselves/figure out to make "Comment mods" or something. That would be nice, btw.
Ooooooh, this!
10,816 posts

I'm pretty sure that Strop would cream himself if we got an edit button.

Well I would be pretty happy, because it sure would cut down on the amount of quintuple posting I do... this has been suggested by the moderators and vetoed by the administration. I'm not entirely sure why we can't have such a feature.

If AP was not a problem I wouldn't care have as much for that thread but because it is a problem, I do care about it.

Kirby, the problem of AP almost entirely manifests in its discussion as a problem.

Think about it.

Also I think you're barking up the wrong tree. The only other way I see it as being a problem is in people who end up posting for the sake of points. Which they don't in either of the threads you mentioned. They post in those threads because they enjoy doing so, and any posts that I see that are discernibly "for the sake of gaining points" are swiftly deleted, meaning... that's right... you don't see most of them.

I think the sadder state of affairs than ALL of the criticisms that have been mentioned thus far is that people, in their pedantry and self-righteousness, have lost sight of the bigger picture. They've forgotten how to have fun, and it's almost as if they are venting their adolescent frustrations in a litany of whining for the sake of whining. Do you guys even consider the nature of what you're talking about?

Finally, if you have read and understood the content of my previous posts on this thread, you will understand why I am spending the time to write this one.
4,375 posts

I got the answer. All of the mods just need to leave for a few weeks.

If the administration is to ignorent to notice a problem when all the mods say there going to be away for a month or more....then we have a real problem. If we had LITERRALY no moderators, more would have to be selected, though when the mods came back, it would suck fo rthem to clean up, but it may need to be done....

4,005 posts


And what exactly is that?
13,344 posts

Carlie hasn't been very active. And we can get another Community Manager. But talking about the qualifications. AG can promote a really really really well trusted mod to admin, to work with Carlie.

The problem with that is there really isn't anybody who is both active enough and trusted enough for that job.

Yes, a review can be long but it would be just a scam to trick a mod into giving the merit.

Mods read the comment before they give it a merit. I've seen users write very long comments from just copying/pasting something over and over that has no relevance to the game whatsoever. Thankfully, the mods aren't gullible enough to award those comments merits.

The mods were picked for a reason, and good reason. And we just need more mods to help out with the forums.

Exactly, and maybe (this is a longshot) if the current less-active mods see the new mods doing a much better job than they are, they might feel threatened by the new mods' performance and do the best job they've ever done.
9,504 posts

The problem with that is there really isn't anybody who is both active enough and trusted enough for that job.

The only people I can see becoming a community manager are fellow AG employees.

<3 for you.

I wub you too *munch munch*

I think the sadder state of affairs than ALL of the criticisms that have been mentioned thus far is that people, in their pedantry and self-righteousness, have lost sight of the bigger picture. They've forgotten how to have fun, and it's almost as if they are venting their adolescent frustrations in a litany of whining for the sake of whining. Do you guys even consider the nature of what you're talking about?

That is sadly the truth around here. People here are so decked up on order and rules that they forget that this is a game site and it is to have fun here. I use my time to have fun by making silly xat drawings like that *hush hush* one I did that one week. That and making poems and stories...
2,128 posts

Appears is a key word.

We volunteer for this - if AG was actually paying us for our time, maybe the mind numbing effect of going through endless piles of spam in the game comments wouldn't feel as totally useless.

Oh, and taking care of what goes on in the forum is, in my opinion, more important than fighting the stale battle against endless forces of delete-worthy comments. It's not like anyone notice when a game has actually been cleared of spam and had merits rewarded.

I actually did care when games were spam cleaned... Back when I received a merit, I would actually go back to the game I received it from and look at whom else got merits, and see what they had to say about the game.

Plus, I wrote my game reviews for the dev's sake, like Freakenstein said. I wrote the reviews to give input, suggest ideas, etc. In my opinion, a merit is just a nice way of saying "thanks for helping me make my game better!"

And making huge posts are more fun than looking through tons of spam, thus mods make huge posts instead of giving out merits

That' awesome point. I forgot that mods need to have fun too

I think the sadder state of affairs than ALL of the criticisms that have been mentioned thus far is that people, in their pedantry and self-righteousness, have lost sight of the bigger picture. They've forgotten how to have fun, and it's almost as if they are venting their adolescent frustrations in a litany of whining for the sake of whining. Do you guys even consider the nature of what you're talking about?

Some of us have fun debating, whether it be pointless and stupid, or has some amount of value. In most of my debateish posts, such as my previous in this thread, I talked about stuff, sure, but I also added a few little extra, which could be found if anyone took the time to thoroughly lead my post. But that's the time. I Enjoy talking about things such as these, whether it be in a b****ey manner or not. I may seem 'angry' but I'm having fun here as I sit awkwardly in this chair.

If this "bigger picture" is fun, then why the rules enforced so strictly sometimes? I mean, when 201 when talking with his GF, i'm sure he was having fun. And while his comments were mainly spam, Most other profile comments are exactly the same.
The point hoarders probably have fun being #1 on the monthly leaderboards, even if they are abusing the site's mechanics.

So why cant we all just lay back and have fun, instead of being uptight?

side note: my comments for my second and third quotes my contradict, now that I think about it. I just don't care enough to change it.
9,434 posts

And what exactly is that?
Old joke, mostly surfaced in the AMW.

I actually did care when games were spam cleaned... Back when I received a merit, I would actually go back to the game I received it from and look at whom else got merits, and see what they had to say about the game.
I was basing my statement on the amount of complains about spam never being deleted. You might be an exception, or it's just that no one gives positive feedback. It's always complaints.

Plus, I wrote my game reviews for the dev's sake, like Freakenstein said. I wrote the reviews to give input, suggest ideas, etc. In my opinion, a merit is just a nice way of saying "thanks for helping me make my game better!"
... Except it's moderators who give out merits.
Sounds like you were doing it in a good way, though.

That' awesome point. I forgot that mods need to have fun too
No wuv :'(
Remembering we all arrived more or less randomly on a gaming site and stuck around, mm? :P

So why cant we all just lay back and have fun, instead of being uptight?
I don't think the mod team is generally uptight. Heck, a lot of users seem to have a much looser trigger finger on calling "troll" and "spam thread" than we do.
But the site has rules, and we will enforce them. If your having fun involves breaking the rules or exploiting the site, well, there will be consequences. That's just how it is.
9,504 posts

I wrote my game reviews for the dev's sake, like Freakenstein said.

Well, the developer's comment was the result of one of my reviews being looked over. I really truly wish I could say that my reviews would be for the developers' sakes, but...I don't know. I mean, yeah, it's for a good cause; they look at these reviews and generally base their sequels and new games on what we offer as suggestions, but...

But the site has rules, and we will enforce them. If your having fun involves breaking the rules or exploiting the site, well, there will be consequences. That's just how it is.

The site rules doesn't come without a bit of bias as well.
2,128 posts

No wuv :'(
Remembering we all arrived more or less randomly on a gaming site and stuck around, mm? :P

Pretty much. Remembered the race to the top 100 we had last year and such

Heck, a lot of users seem to have a much looser trigger finger on calling "troll" and "spam thread" than we do.

That is one thing that kind of urks sometimes. Everyone seems to think they're a mini-mod or something. I understand we're trying to keep the community clean, but seriously, are you trying to impress someone with your 10+ reports of insignificant stuff?
9,504 posts

@ at Owen: Reports are nice, but there is a fine line between reporting and snitching, am I rite?

13,657 posts

If this "bigger picture" is fun, then why the rules enforced so strictly sometimes? I mean, when 201 when talking with his GF, i'm sure he was having fun. And while his comments were mainly spam, Most other profile comments are exactly the same.

Do you remember how much drama there was about it? Sure he was having fun, sure he was doing like everyone else, but yet somehow trouble just happened around him. He had a horrible temper, no matter if it had a reason or not, he ignored warning on warning, and was a really easy target for &quoteople who hate spammers".
Just think of how many users that went "Are you banned/is he banned/WHY THE FLYING MONGOOSE DID YOU BAN HIM???!!!!!!!" because I asked him to chill a bit with the commenting?

And for that matter, think of the people who find it funny to make other people cry. Should they be having a funnyfun time, or should they be asked to stop?

We are really lenient on the comments, because many people apparently are unable to use a chat or messenger service that would keep them out of trouble as well as keep it private. When you start being intimate or repeat the same comment over and over on a public site, then we will have to deal with the complaints.

Exactly, and maybe (this is a longshot) if the current less-active mods see the new mods doing a much better job than they are, they might feel threatened by the new mods' performance and do the best job they've ever done.

Which reminds me. Gantic is my all time favourite mod. He is silent like a real ninja (not the rock star kind), he is a hurricane at work, and he basically makes the rest of us look like we do nothing (which is essentially true, especially if this thread is to be trusted). He's like a supermod, but more awesome.

Oh, and Strop (as a somewhat inactive mod) looks at our efforts and laughs while shaking his head, because he was young and enthusiastic once. The users beat it out of him.
13,657 posts

As for the definition of different things: I always love to find the "This is SPAM!" comments on threads. Because someone obviously needs to look at what they are doing themselves. Especially if no one has reported the thread.
"This thread needs to be locked!"/"Can someone lock this??!"/"Can someone change the title/move the thread/edit my post". It is just about worth a comment on the site.

9,504 posts

He's like a supermod, but more awesome.

He's got the trunk full of merits to prove it. (laff)

We are really lenient on the comments, because many people apparently are unable to use a chat or messenger service that would keep them out of trouble as well as keep it private. When you start being intimate or repeat the same comment over and over on a public site, then we will have to deal with the complaints.

Maybe we are looking at the chat room situation wrong and need to look at it from a different angle.....hmm.....
2,128 posts

Maybe we are looking at the chat room situation wrong and need to look at it from a different angle.....hmm.....

Easy way to integrate it:

List all users online
Offer chat to any user
Have other user accept chat offer
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