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I am not here to argue because that would imply that am doing anything less than stating facts. And I just wrote this all before and it all god deleted because I backed up the web page and AG is the only poorly enough coded site that it doesn't auto keep my text on so I am keeping this way shorter than the last.

The problem with mods these days is that they are poorly picked, because we have a shortage of mods and instead of waiting for the right people to show up the wrong people get picked. This doesn't work. You should have a quota of mods, that makes no sense on a site that has to wait for mod-worthy people to come, you can't do that. If at one point you have 5 qualified mods, then that sucks for them, lots of more work, but if there is 15 why then not take them all instead of saying sorry we full.

But the latter isn't the issue, it is the former. An issue is that the distinction between a great user and a moderator doesn't exist. It actually does, me. I am a quality user that is not a mod, but many other mods just like me who fit in same category shouldn't be there, and I won't mention names, but everyone knows who I am talking about clearly, even the mod themselves, because even they realize they shouldn't be mods. Yes you, you all know who you are. These people are great users with great content and you've turned them into mods which has not only made them worse, but you ruining the community as well.

Anyone who is awesome you've swept from the AG community and turned into a moderator who shouldn't be there because they are power tripping and think anyone who criticizes them should be banned, and instead of letting kids deal with their problems just instantly ban half the populous. Most of the best community from the past, all the old users, have left. When I talk to them on MSN about why they left, almost every single one left because of the poorly manages mods, who were either nonexistent when needed or took action where they should have stopped nosing around.

These mods, who instead of spending their time posting fun threads and letting users do what they want, they ruin users fun because it's not constructive to the site. Take a step back, who are these rules meant to be helping? Oh right the majority of users. What happens when the same majority of users want to do something like make a spam thread or do something fun? They get banned. That doesn't make sense, this isn't US congress, laws aren't irreversible or inflexible. But instead of being normal people and letting small things slide, they act uptight(even though they were the exact opposite when normal members) and power trip and ban all the good users. Almost no one from the past is here on AG anymore and for a good reason.

The mods are suppose to be here to facilitate fun and help the community progress and all they do nowadays is deter that. You seem to forget that just like police you are here to serve and protect us, not harp over us and ruin your own community.

Also, once a mod is chosen I have never seen a single one be fired(except maybe 1). You guys are way to passive. There is no way on earth that every single one of the mods ever chosen have all been perfect. The same thing in a company, people hire others, realize it was a mistake and fire them. Not let them go AFK and sit there being useless or being a bad mod ruining the community and wait until they resign. You need to grow a pair, grow up, and take lead and fire other mods, stop being so passive towards each other you are just ruining armorgames.

Now I know this thread will just be ignored or locked by the mods. Because the one thing I always realize with you guys, is that you have lots of criticism for everyone else, but when ever so clear problems with you guys come up, you ignore it or delete and/or ban users who were completely in their right. I have tried for countless years to have anything done and nothing ever does because everyone is too scared to speak out and stop being useless.

The mods list right now is in terrible shape, stop ignoring me, stop telling me I am wrong with no reason and just banning me. Instead, try doing something, stop being little whimps and actually do something for a change, maybe you will finally make a right decision and stop ruining the community you are suppose to be supporting. This forum is so tiny compared to others I am on, it is insanely surprising to me how you have so much trouble dealing with such a small group of mods. But then again, I am not so surprised because it is a circle. Hiring terrible staff who wont admit when wrong and rectify errors leads to the best community-lead users hating the staff, making them leave,and these good players who make the community thrive leave, the community dies more,less good mods to chose from, and staff has then to pick from more shitty people to become mods, then we have more shitty mods.

Someone needs to break the cycle or else this site will keep getting worse. And if you don't like how brash I am being then I suggest someone finally either brings me to somewhere I can deal with this myself with someone who can actually do something or do it yourself. Because I don't say this for nothing, I say it because I know better.

  • 206 Replies
21 posts

Oh I understand now. I never knew the whole story, since I'm not the most active user on armor games if you know what I mean. But if you commented on his status all the time, wouldn't that sort of give him the wrong idea? Like, you were the one banning him? (by the way, how do you tell if someone's a moderator) Didn't you, earlier in this thread, say that you were a bad mod? And as he said to me, you were on the friend's list of the person who harassed him the most. Skater something. Wouldn't that also give him the idea that you were siding with the other person? I don't think he asked people to hate on you, because I found a comment on his friend's profile. Well, he showed me it. Snipershot325 said: "Who is Cenere" and he replied: "Only the best mod ever" but that was still after you claim that he thought you banned him. Does that give you proof that he didn't hate you? Also, his profile used to have a bunch of things on it, like "Name: age: favorite car:" all that stuff. And one said favorite moderator on this site: and he said Cenere. How could he have hated you???

21 posts

To be honest, none of these issues are any of your business.

there's no rule that says "you can't talk on a forum even though it's unlocked, just because some guy says you can't."
1,360 posts

A moderator shouldn't even have to explain themselves to any user other than the one(s) involved in the ban.
If this 201 guy wants to know why he's been banned, he can ask you, you can tell him.
End of conversation.

And I see here, that he's already been told:

I had a good long talk with 201, trying to get hi to understand why we mods were telling him what we did. This tricked about 5-10 users going "Why are you banning him"/"Why do you hate 201". Considering 201 also had said I hated him, wanted him gone, whatever, I was getting somewhat - annoyed with the entire case.

So really, case closed.
And all further comments about it can be ignored
It's really that simple.

Or am I missing something?

To make it easier to understand: Would you love people telling lies about you, accusing you of not only abusing your powers but also doing something you haven't, and be generally rude to you because they think you did something you didn't?

And to that, rise above it, you are the moderator, and users should learn not to argue against bans and whatever, as usually, it will only make things worse.
13,657 posts

/other post

I had a rather long conversation with him, trying to tell him why he was warned a lot and asked to take his chatting elsewhere. At some point I believe we got to the point where we both found the result to satisfactory, and departed. I have had no interaction with him since then. One of the topics was actually that he had told others that I hated him. I have also banned him twice before the comment deal, one time for disregarding a warn, another time for making a rather negative thread about another user.
I believe before the trouble that he was saying that I hated him, and also saying that he had been banned two times and for spam he hadn't done, which I also talked with him about. At least his replies should still be found in my comments, I don't know about my replies to him.
However, I did consider it solved, and have not thought he hated me since.

This does not rule out the people, like you, who still believe I have something against him, or quote old rumours about me hating him.

As for the Skaterkid-thing. Yes, Skaterkid is one of my friends, this does not mean I won't ban him for breaking the rules. 201 just never reported someone, and if he did, he had made the case worse for himself, by swearing at them, calling them names and generally be worse than they was.
I don't think he ever reported it to me, but if he had, I would have been as fair as I always am.

As for Nemo's "none of your business": Actually, that is what makes me rather annoyed at this case. People interfering and trying to defend, even if they don't know all the facts.
Just look at my profile for another case of that, and you will understand why I am getting rather tired of people commenting me about 201.

So, to sum up:
201 said himself that I hated him. I never hated him, because I don't do hate. We resolved the problem to satisfactory.
Some users that are friends with 201 are acting up a lot and interfering with issues they should keep out of, which makes the case worse. I don't like that.
He never hated me, as far as I know

And if you look at my rant, besides the point where I talk about the rumour, I never blamed 201 for annoyance or anything, rather people who should not meddle with them big boys.


A moderator shouldn't even have to explain themselves to any user other than the one(s) involved in the ban.
If this 201 guy wants to know why he's been banned, he can ask you, you can tell him.
End of conversation.

I love explaining, it makes me happy.
And 201 knows why he was banned. It is the other people asking that is the problem.

And to that, rise above it, you are the moderator, and users should learn not to argue against bans and whatever, as usually, it will only make things worse.

Again, no one was arguing against ban, people was just being angry, and because I had been the last one to talk to 201, I was the one to take the rage.
Which led to me raging at them, which is quite addicting.

I do however agree. This case is closed. 200, if you have anymore questions about this, take it to my profile, and I will see if I can answer them.
For anything else:
Mods are horrible and don't do their job (see OP for further details)
21 posts

You're a moderator, isn't it your job to seek and destroy spam and stuff like that? Anyways, I don't have anything against you, I just came to this thread to get answers. And the fact that you didn't answer one of my questions, leaves me with the same answer. You're stubborn, and 201 has some pretty messed up friends on this site.

13,657 posts

Excuse me, what question? If I believe I am a bad mod? Yes, I do. Is it my job to destroy spam? Yes. Was people pissed at me for doing my job? Apparently so. Am I stubborn as hell? That also, otherwise the stupid would win.
As said, profile if you have questions, even the one I apparently didn't answer/see/kittencorn.

1,360 posts

You're a moderator, isn't it your job to seek and destroy spam and stuff like that?

Moderator.. It's in the name.
Moderators moderate the forums, in any way they can.
Including banning.

Again, no one was arguing against ban, people was just being angry, and because I had been the last one to talk to 201, I was the one to take the rage.
Which led to me raging at them, which is quite addicting.

Whatever it was for, mods shouldn't really be 'raging' at users, try to set the example.
Just tell them it's none of their business and leave it at that.
13,657 posts

Whatever it was for, mods shouldn't really be 'raging' at users, try to set the example.

Scolding them, then. I was mad, but I don't type if I can't keep my replies cool. If I tell them it is none of their business instead of telling them they should stop the behaviour, they are sure to come back with their friends for whatever reason.
But again, I admit I am a bad mod, so I will explain and solve problems, instead of banning them and telling them to ferk off.
5,043 posts

instead of banning them and telling them to ferk off.

This is my approach to solving problems.

Cenere is not the kind of moderator to hold hidden motives. I'll admit, I am not too fond of his approach to solving certain issues on this site. I find him too direct and he makes sure everyone is on the same page when someone is banned. Unlike Cenere, I don't mind if the members are kept in the dark.

I could care less if a member feels mistreated and singled out. Cenere, on the other hand, takes into consideration the feelings and motives behind the offender.

You should be thankful to have a moderator such as Cenere, most of us mods don't put fourth extra effort on behalf of the members.
9,504 posts

He keeps saying he's a bad mod, but he's really a one-of-a-kind mod
Now, if you learned to control how direct you were with others, then it would be less work for you

So uhh...what are we supposed to be talking about again?

4,375 posts

He keeps saying he's a bad mod, but he's really a one-of-a-kind mod
Now, if you learned to control how direct you were with others, then it would be less work for you

are you kiding? cenere totally blows.....

I miss 201. I messed wtih that kid and made the bad situation he was in worse by making him swear at me. He deleted everything Isaid to him so he had no evidence of my instigating to report me. So yes. I am pretty much an evil master mind. <----- I confess to all of this. mind
11 posts

Honestly, there is no such thing as a Bad Moderator, until they start abusing their powers, such as banning for reasons unknown and/or other matters I won't discuss.

Either way, your opinion of yourself is your own, and I'll leave you to it to figure out weither or not you truely are a good mod or not.

5,875 posts

I miss 201. I messed wtih that kid and made the bad situation he was in worse by making him swear at me. He deleted everything Isaid to him so he had no evidence of my instigating to report me. So yes. I am pretty much an evil master mind. <----- I confess to all of this.

You ARE an evil master mind. You make it look like harassing or messing with people is THAT easy. And doing it without swearing. Heh...
4,375 posts

You ARE an evil master mind. You make it look like harassing or messing with people is THAT easy. And doing it without swearing. Heh...

lots of practice......
13,344 posts

Honestly, there is no such thing as a Bad Moderator, until they start abusing their powers, such as banning for reasons unknown and/or other matters I won't discuss.

A bad moderator could also be a moderator who never does his job but still comes online every day as if he wasn't a mod in the first place.

There's always something for a mod to do. It's not like they just sit there bored all day waiting for something to "happen" on the forums. If they do, they would be doing the whole mod thing wrong.
Showing 151-165 of 206