In my school everyone makes fun of jews i was wondering if that was just my school or if it is other places and also why do people make fun of jews so much?
it doesnt go on in my school but they probably do that because they are cold blodded bitches or they dont kno the horrors that are beyond words that they, and millions of others endured in the holocaust. for those who dont know about it, either read "Night" by Elie Weisel, or see " those both are phenomenal creationsSchindlers List"
Jews have gotten this reputation for being good with money, the fact that in the bible, it was the Jews who crucified Jesus did not help, and eventualy people made Jew into an offence as if they are greedy people. Therefore some lame joke has developed. Luckily that did not last logn were I live, it is stupid how people used the word.
People just do that to be cool. Of course I see nothing cool about making fun of religions just because they are different. @batista, I made a forum on the book "Night" It is probably on the 2nd or 3rd page if you want to check it out.
There are too many Jewish people in my classes to make fun of them. I'm actually technically Jewish, though the last practicing Jew was my great-great grandmother (but entirely up the female line). The only thing we poke fun at are Jewish mothers, and everyone loves a good Jewish mother joke, especially Jewish sons.
People do that at my school, I don't really care since I'm not a Jew but it's still offensive to some. But I just straight up don't like Jews. And yes I have reasons.
Well, kids will make fun of anything that is different to them. Once you get out of high school that kind of lame stuff will cease. I'm Jewish myself, and my girlfriend and I poke fun at each other because I'm a mixture. I'm a rare Spanish-Jew convert from a few hundred years ago. My father is a practicing Jew, but I'm not. I'm just not religious. My point is just blow it off.
It doesn't go for my school since e go to a Christian school, but i've heard this applies for many of the public schools. I don't really know why though....
It depends on what sort of 'Jew' you are referring to. There are many people who claim to be Jewish, but do not really hold to any religious beliefs.
On the subject of bullying, there will always be some fool who will persecute something that seems strange to them. I suppose it is just human nature. Oh well, what can one do?
I love Jews! Wait, orange jews or grapefruit jews? lol.
Seriously, if it's not Jews, it's Muslims, or Mormons, or fat kids, or slow kids.... if you buy into the insults and bullying, you'll only make it worse. So, I'm with Asherlee, just ignore it.
P.S. WTF Sephardic from SPAIN!!?!?!?! you ARE rare...