I can't believe he really left. That sucks. Who could possibly replace him? He's my second-favorite drummer of all time (behind Neil Peart) and Dream heater is my favorite metal band.
so in this new decade well have to see if anyone is good enough to beat out mike. i mean thomas pridgen could do it,hes insane but idk if he will in the next 5 years
I was never really into Dream Theater, but Mike Portnoy is one of the best drummers. Yes, he's an amazing drummer, but I personally think Chad Smith is better <------ I'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for that.
um going to try to hold off every once of knowledge i have to yell at you in this situation but ill put it short. WTF>???????
i like avenged seven fold the fact that mike is with them doesnt make much of a deifference to me, it was jsut the fact that dream theater was mike portnoys thing and idk what they would do with out him
Honestly? Greatest drummer of all time? How do you gauge that, fanboyism? (yes). In that case, Portnoy is the best drummer ever. Technical skill is impossible to rank decisively above a certain level, and there're a lot of drummers above that level.
y dont u like dream theater there the only real rock band nowadays
Not only are they not a rock band, but they're not the only real band of their genre out there today.
Anyway, Avenged Sevenfold drives me crazy too. I'm not a fan of the entire crappy-metal orgy that Avenged Sevenfold seems to be leading. Dream Theater aren't bad, but they have fanboyitis almost as bad, if not worse, than Phish. Which sucks.
By the way, my friends and I are all going to gather together and burn a copy of Octavarium. There'll be snacks. And a copy of Octavarium burning.