what do you think about it like do you think if they do something bad they deserve a smack on the head or a "talking to" or something in between or even something different like timeout
even though I'm the OP I'm on a bit of a bias towards a smack because it teaches effectively IMO
In my community I just don't see that and know personaly that a child who has never been wooped doesn't respect athority at all. I don't see how are veiws can differ so much and how we can both claim the opposite position when we have both seen the results first hand.
I won't say that there wouldn't still be trouble makers if no one got smacked, but based on my own observations and studies conducted on the matter it would seem corporal punishment has very little long term effectiveness and can even have negative effects.
I won't say that there wouldn't still be trouble makers if no one got smacked, but based on my own observations and studies conducted on the matter it would seem corporal punishment has very little long term effectiveness and can even have negative effects.
I suppose if the parent didn't woop them correctly. You must tell the child what they did wrong why they are being punished and it must be done immediantly or the effect could be bad.
I suppose if the parent didn't woop them correctly. You must tell the child what they did wrong why they are being punished and it must be done immediantly or the effect could be bad.
So there's a specific technique to this child wooping? It would seem to me if you are going to bother telling the kid what he's doing wrong you can also bother to tell the kid why it's wrong and use disciplinary methods proven to have longer lasting effectiveness then corporal punishment.
The effectiveness of discipline is in taking control of a situation. Now the question is, is physically threatening a child and instilling fear really the best method to take control of a situation?
The effectiveness of discipline is in taking control of a situation. Now the question is, is physically threatening a child and instilling fear really the best method to take control of a situation?
Sometimes, sometimes not. It really depends on the child, the parent, the situation, the consistency and commands surrounding the discipline area as a whole, and the stages of discipline.
There are times when I resort to physical discipline with my children and I do have to weigh the options carefully, as well as consider whether or not the situation warrants such measures.
By and large discipline in my home involves a stern voice and time outs and/or loss of privileges, but there are times when a good hearty butt whooping is required. The issue isn't whether or not it is a useful tool in child rearing, but if it is being used effectively and to the greatest benefit to the child.
Far too many parents are not consistent in their rules, they have no set guidelines for discipline, and too quickly lose their tempers. This is not the situation in which a spanking is going to do any good.
A child will test your rules to ensure that they know where the boundaries are, and to see what will happen if they cross those boundaries. If you are not consistent with what is and is not allowed, as well as what punishments are going to be received, then you are only encouraging your child to continue to test the limits. If your child can't find for certain where the line is they will continue to search for it.
As for physical discipline, it is effective and it is, in some cases, the best possible option. However if consistency is not there, and if the parent is not in full control of their emotions and faculties, then you are going to end up further confusing your child, as well as possibly losing your temper/control and causing the child harm by not being able to control every aspect of the physical discipline.
Personally I reserve spankings for situations in which the child's failure to comply could result in physical harm, or in situations in which an obvious, blatant, and intentional disregard for established rules has occurred. Usually this is when a warning is issued then ignored, a time out issued but not complied with, and after privileges/toys/etc. have been taken away, and as a parent of 3 I can tell you it does work, and it has shown no negative effects on my children at all.
I have 7 brothers and sisters and us older kids who were spanked for being bad as well as having privileges taken away are all well behaved and respect our parents while my younger siblings who my parents have gone soft on and not spanked do not respect anyone and if you take things away from them like toys they still do not listen and will only be good until they get the toys back and then they will start being bad again.
what do you think about it like do you think if they do something bad they deserve a smack on the head or a "talking to" or something in between or even something different like timeout
Something like a smack on the head is too extreme. It will just cause the children to hate you, causing them to resent you, causing them to rebel, causing them to escalate the behavior that got them in trouble in the first place. Corporal punishment has no place in child rearing. I tend to lean towards the "harsh talking to" side. I believe if you explain what they've done wrong, why it's wrong, etc. and punish them like grounding afterwards, that's what I would do. Of course, the real determining factor is what exactly they did...
I've never been spanked, smacked or had anything taken away from me - and yet I've consistently been one of the best behaved pupils at any educational establishment I've been to - as well as at home.
@Avorne; It's a bit redundant, actually. How can we tell if someone's doing badly because they're being punished, or if they're being punished because they're doing badly? xP
Eh i think beating is the wrong way to go, I was never beaten and i'm one of the most well behaved in meh grade..Though one of my friends was beaten all the time and now he spends his day figuring out ways to mess with his parents lives as much as possible.He absolutly hates them >.>
Eh i think beating is the wrong way to go, I was never beaten and i'm one of the most well behaved in meh grade..Though one of my friends was beaten all the time and now he spends his day figuring out ways to mess with his parents lives as much as possible.He absolutly hates them >.>
I am happy you never got beat. Neither did I. We aren't talking about beating.