i believe that anyone that believes they have no hope in life hasn't tried to consider every aspect of life. whether it's legal or not you can do what ever you want to become happy and content don't you agree?
Not everyone can be happy by themselves. What if no one is there to help that person?
Not everyone can be happy by themselves. What if no one is there to help that person?
If no one were to help that person that was depressed then most likely they would either a)Be miserable or most of their life, b)Commit suicide, or c)Both.
You're being a rather harsh sunnova bitch today aren't you? We're not just talking about the so-called 'emo kids' that kill themselves for reasons unknown - we're talking about the people that used to/could be functioning members of society who got off of the path and need help getting back on - help that isn't there most of the time.
suicide is a cowardly attempt to leave a place your to weak to survive in. So p[lease, do your self a favor and remove your defective self from my genepool. Make the world a better place, thank you.
Oh and those who contemplated it because life decided to fall apart on them?
suicide is a cowardly attempt to leave a place your to weak to survive in.
You can't realy on people. People are unreliable. You get out of life what you put into it. If you mess up, fix it. No one will do it for you. I stand by what I said, and will not change that.
Right then - so if I worked hard, had lots of money, a good job and good family and then something happened - say my family need in a housefire or an accident then that's my fault? I should be expected to shoulder such grief without help and without depression or dark thoughts?
You can't realy on people. People are unreliable. You get out of life what you put into it. If you mess up, fix it. No one will do it for you. I stand by what I said, and will not change that.
Yeah I can agree not to rely on people to a degree. But, there comes a time when you NEED to put your faith in SOMEONE. I've put a lot of work into the life I have and let me tell you it hasn't been paying me back with much. Christ five years ago I had to dig myself out of a hole a group of people threw me down. Did I make the hole deeper? Yeah, but who wouln't in the hope it led to somewhere away from feeling useless, alone, pathetic and betrayed?
If you think its an escape from the bad things in your life, then it is. If you think that its a waste of life and such, then it is. Since suicide is pretty much a personal decision, although influenced by outside factors, what you do with your life is up to you. Doesn't mean it's right, or that its the only way, but like I said, its up to you to decide.
So sorry to hear you got spat upon by some scum of the world, guess what, every one has.
the difference is how you handle it. I have had a rough life to this point, everyone has. I'm living in a trialer, pretty much at the bottom of the bottom, but guess what? I'm not gonna sit and grovel over it, that won't do anything. go fix the problem, killing your self just helps other people. And so there is an accident in your family, which someone said, killing your self helps your family? I'm sure it does.
So sorry to hear you got spat upon by some scum of the world, guess what, every one has. the difference is how you handle it. I have had a rough life to this point, everyone has. I'm living in a trialer, pretty much at the bottom of the bottom, but guess what? I'm not gonna sit and grovel over it, that won't do anything. go fix the problem, killing your self just helps other people. And so there is an accident in your family, which someone said, killing your self helps your family? I'm sure it does.
There's a big difference from living in a trailer and being told you're worthless everyday from the ages of 9-14 for almost every day. See to me you're basically saying I was weak for contemplating suicide. Don't try to justify my life with your narrow minded views on life. When you've been driven to the edge and looked at death and breathed a sigh of relief at the thought THEN you can justify my thoughts back then. If you haven't noticed I'm still bloody here.
I think taking your own life is one of the most selfish things you can do. The reason I say this is for multiple reasons. Your putting your feelings first before all your loved ones who will be left with your death. I call it an easy way out. I personally, do not have respect for people that take their life. Stand up and make a change!