Most teens interviewed after making a suicide attempt say that they did it because they were trying to escape from a situation that seemed impossible to deal with or to get relief from really bad thoughts or feelings. Hence yes it can be considered an escape. Personally I think though that it should be avoided (or at least considered the final solution), because usually the reasons/issues why somebody wants to suicide are solvable using other means.
I have read several times sentences stating that "suicide is coward", so I have to ask why is it coward? Because God or You say so? Or is it some rational behind it?
I was just thinking. There are many different methods used to commit suicide. One of which is known as suicide by cop, it's where the person wishing to commit suicide provokes an official such as a police officer or military soldier into killing them. Sometimes a person doesn't kill themselves because of depression but to further a cause of some sort. So suicide can be done by intentionally provoking the authority to further a cause.
Now from the Christian perspective suicide is a sin, and apparently one big enough to get you a one way ticket to hell. But let's think about this what character in the Bible was known to provoke the local authorities with the intent to be killed to further a cause?
suicide is the weak way out it leaves ur family and friends hut
All I can think is jabba the hut. What if you have no family and friends? Also what if you read the previous posts (at least a few) and see that numerous ppl have already said that.
from the Christian perspective suicide is a sin, and apparently one big enough to get you a one way ticket to hell.
What if I'm accepting Jesus into my heart just before the poison hits it? Surely I will be granted virgins, chocolate, gods right hand and a Filipino maid to do my heavenly dishes!
What if I'm accepting Jesus into my heart just before the poison hits it? Surely I will be granted virgins, chocolate, gods right hand and a Filipino maid to do my heavenly dishes!
You get virgins in Muslim heaven not Christian heaven. Repenting seconds before the fact might work for some denominations but not all.
You get virgins in Muslim heaven not Christian heaven.
Oh my bad... I thought being one and the same they might get the same perks.
Repenting seconds before the fact might work for some denominations but not all.
I wish these religions would make their minds up. Do we get chocolate cake... I mean... that should be universal right? And some coffee would go down well. And maybe an xbox too.
Ana - hate to break it to you but Heaven is supposed to be PERFECT. You aren't getting an Xbox in Heaven.
Um... call me log, or munky or anything but ana... lol 1.its a ladeez name. 2. its one letter short of the reason xbox banned my profile name till I phoned em up and complained (yes, yes I did)
How about a startrek holodeck. That would be awsome.
"and god said, let there be light... in the form of a startrek holodeck with naked ladys and super cool graphics using a forcefield to simulate touch and stuff"
I have a friend who was recently about to commit suicide when nobody cared about her. Well, she says some police showed up at her house.
Strange statement. Im not doing anything but making assumptions based on your comment, but you call her your friend and then say "when nobody cared about her" as if that is true, saying she is your friend. Then the police showed up. Where were her friends?
I apologise if I mis-read you and your statement but you need to make this clearer. It seems... shallow somehow.
Wrong! There is always a way THROUGH your troubles.
Don't debate the semantics. There isn't always a way out except for death, this, of course, is all from the perspective of the individual in the situation, and coming from someone who was once suicidal.
Don't debate the semantics. There isn't always a way out except for death, this, of course, is all from the perspective of the individual in the situation, and coming from someone who was once suicidal.
Like I said, death and especially suicide is a taboo. Most ppl will, at first thought, think "no its not, Im not scared of death etc etc" but when we really delve into it and you ask someone "have you ever thought of suicide" most will shy away from the truth. Then again... most people wolf, have not thought about it seriously or at length. For a start to talk about it seriously either gives the alarmed and perhaps over-bearing I care approach or the how dare you, evil, yadda yadda yadda approach.
Sometimes I take a look around and really dont wanna be here anymore. I can cry at any time about the worlds pain and suffering, the people that are so starving their skin is tight to their bones, the child crying over their dead mother in a desolate rubble strewn city, the cruelty done in the name of justice and patriotism... and just think ...
"whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" (looks up at the sky screaming with tears in eyes and flames for pupils [not the student kind] and fury in his heart)
Of course in the next 5 mins I can look around at the beauty and think "why would I ever want to leave this place, I want to be eternal, immortal, invincible, to feel everything and to do everything"...
Then I usually sit down and play some Diablo 2 and kill some demons.