Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Suicide is an easy and final escape from a temporary problem you can't handle. Whether you can't handle it because it's too hard or because you're too lazy to handle it is another question.
Suicide is an easy and final escape from a temporary problem you can't handle.
Final? How is it final when there could be something else after you die. Not to get into religious things but what's after death? We don't really know what's after suicide.
Whether you can't handle it because it's too hard or because you're too lazy to handle it is another question.
So, suiciding when life is too hard or you're too lazy to live... I can get why people would suicide when life gets really, REALLY hard but suiciding because they're too lazy to live? What?
Final? How is it final when there could be something else after you die. Not to get into religious things but what's after death? We don't really know what's after suicide.
Agreed, we don't know. But it's final in the way that it ends your life here on earth (which IMO is a waste whatever your life is like and whatever is after death). It ends all your problem in this existence, but also everything else.
So, suiciding when life is too hard or you're too lazy to live... I can get why people would suicide when life gets really, REALLY hard but suiciding because they're too lazy to live? What?
I'm trying to make a difference between those who really tried everything to go on with life and simply have no perspective left, and those who are in a low stage in life and think it will go on like that and decide to end it without really trying to make it better themselves. In a nutshell: real misery vs. selfpitying emo.
Final? How is it final when there could be something else after you die. Not to get into religious things but what's after death? We don't really know what's after suicide.
. from what i've heard (stereotypes and such.) they seem pathetic (a bad pathetic, not an i pity them pathetic.)
Emo's aren't all suicidal. Emo is just a style of music and fashion too I suppose, just happens to be that many emo's are slightly suicidal xD Anybody can become suicidal, you don't need to be emo to do so.
Does anyone believe me when i say that when people bullied they end up as one of these sorts of people: 1. ending up stronger and tougher from the experience,2. become depressed and withdraw into themselves and causes suicide sometimes,3. become wimpy pathetic people that can't get over a long gone issue which leads into more bullying or 4. becomes a bully themselves.
Emo's aren't all suicidal. Emo is just a style of music and fashion too I suppose, just happens to be that many emo's are slightly suicidal xD Anybody can become suicidal, you don't need to be emo to do so.
True.. as far as I know, emos are not per definition wrist cutters and suicidal. They are, like you could have thought of, quite emotive, that's all. They dress in a particular way, listen to particular music, and regularly meet in groups. They are very affectionate to their friends and like to cuddle and hug and so on.
Now I have to correct myself; I said
Suicide is an easy and final escape from a temporary problem you can't handle.
but I realize the term escape is wrong. To correct me and answer to the OP, no, it is not an escape, because an escape is a way to fight off the trouble without facing it, it is a way to try and get another chance, hoping next time it will work/get better. Ending your life is more something like surrender, it's giving up on anything you've ever been. Even if there would be an afterlife, suicide is giving up your life for something you believe is awaiting you. I don't think it can be called selfish because you don't really get an advantage out of it...
Does anyone believe me when i say that when people bullied they end up as one of these sorts of people:
Yes, that seems probable, but you have to take into account that for example person 2 or 3 can get over it during their life, it's not always a life-time change.
Say whaaaat? Emo's are cool." alt="" />
Is that Hitler? O_O Why'd you have to bring him here. Oh great...
Emo's are cool.
I guess. I year ago maybe. I'm not sure! I don't know what you hip people do these days. *Talks in an old man voice* You kids and your music! /offtopic
I don't think it can be called selfish because you don't really get an advantage out of it...